169 research outputs found

    Antigen-Independent Selection of T15 Idiotype During B-Cell Ontogeny In Mice

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    Precursors of B cells capable of responding to a T-independent form of phosphorylcholine (PC) in splenic focus assays were detected in the spleens of neonatal mice as early as 4 days after birth. The earliest anti-PC B cells were T15-. T15+ foci-forming B cells were first detected 6 days after birth and expanded rapidly to constitute greater than 80% of the total PC-specific foci by day 10. Injection of heat-killed S. pneumoniae (R36A) into neonatal mice resulted in priming of the antibody response to PC, with an idiotype profile reflecting that of precursors of foci-forming B cells at the time of antigen administration. Priming of 2-dayold mice with 2 X106 and 2 X107 R36A induced a five- and ten-fold increase in the antibody response to phosphorylcholine 6 to 8 weeks later. However, only 10 to 15% of the serum antibodies expressed the normally dominant T15 idiotype. Doses below 2 x105 R36A showed no detectable priming activity. PC-specific hybridomas derived from mice injected with 2 X107 R36A 2 days after birth lacked the idiotypic and molecular characteristics typical of T15+ antibodies. Antibodies to phosphorylcholine, raised by immunization of 6-week-old mice are normally protective against pneumococcal infection. However, serum antibodies from mice treated with R36A 2 days after birth and responding to phosphorylcholine following challenge with R36A at 6 weeks of age failed to protect against deliberate infection with virulent S. pneumoniae. These observations imply that the antigen phosphorylcholine does not play a role in the selective expansion and dominant expression of the T15 idiotype

    DNA adjuvants for potent mucosal immunity

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    In order to develop safe vaccines for effective mucosal immunity to major pulmonary bacterial infections, one must consider appropriate vaccine antigens (Ags), delivery systems and nontoxic molecular adjuvants. Such vaccine constructs can induce Ag-specific immune responses which provide effective protection from mucosal infections. In particular, it has been shown that adjuvant-based mucosal vaccine preparations are relatively easy to construct by simply mixing the adjuvant with the bacterial Ag, and the resulting vaccine can elicit protective immunity. We have studied DNA-based nasal adjuvants targeting mucosal dendritic cells (DCs) in order to induce Ag-specific mucosal and systemic immune responses that provide essential protection against microbial pathogens which invade our mucosal surfaces. In this review, we initially introduce a plasmid encoding the cDNA of Flt3 ligand (pFL), a molecule which is a growth factor for DCs as an effective adjuvant for mucosal immunity to pneumococcal infections. Next, we discuss the potential of adding unmethylated CpG oligodeoxynucleotide together with pFL together with a pneumococcal Ag for protection from pneumococcal infections. To do this, we have used pneumococcal surface protein A as vaccine for the restoration of mucosal immunity in aging. Further, we have also used our nasal pFL adjuvant system with phosphorylcholine-keyhole limpet hemocyanin (PC-KLH) in pneumococcal vaccine development, to successfully induce complete protection from nasal carriage by Streptococcus pneumoniae. Finally, we discuss the possibility that anti-PC antibodies induced by nasal delivery of pFL plus PC-KLH may play a protective role for prevention of atherogenesis and thus block the subsequent development of cardiovascular disease

    Tailoring microcombs with inverse-designed, meta-dispersion microresonators

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    Nonlinear-wave mixing in optical microresonators offers new perspectives to generate compact optical-frequency microcombs, which enable an ever-growing number of applications. Microcombs exhibit a spectral profile that is primarily determined by their microresonator's dispersion; an example is the sech⁑2 \operatorname{sech}^2 spectrum of dissipative Kerr solitons under anomalous group-velocity dispersion. Here, we introduce an inverse-design approach to spectrally shape microcombs, by optimizing an arbitrary meta-dispersion in a resonator. By incorporating the system's governing equation into a genetic algorithm, we are able to efficiently identify a dispersion profile that produces a microcomb closely matching a user-defined target spectrum, such as spectrally-flat combs or near-Gaussian pulses. We show a concrete implementation of these intricate optimized dispersion profiles, using selective bidirectional-mode hybridization in photonic-crystal resonators. Moreover, we fabricate and explore several microcomb generators with such flexible `meta' dispersion control. Their dispersion is not only controlled by the waveguide composing the resonator, but also by a corrugation inside the resonator, which geometrically controls the spectral distribution of the bidirectional coupling in the resonator. This approach provides programmable mode-by-mode frequency splitting and thus greatly increases the design space for controlling the nonlinear dynamics of optical states such as Kerr solitons.Comment: 16 pages, includes S

    A Kerr-microresonator optical clockwork

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    Kerr microresonators generate interesting and useful fundamental states of electromagnetic radiation through nonlinear interactions of continuous-wave (CW) laser light. Using photonic-integration techniques, functional devices with low noise, small size, low-power consumption, scalable fabrication, and heterogeneous combinations of photonics and electronics can be realized. Kerr solitons, which stably circulate in a Kerr microresonator, have emerged as a source of coherent, ultrafast pulse trains and ultra-broadband optical-frequency combs. Using the f-2f technique, Kerr combs support carrier-envelope-offset phase stabilization for optical synthesis and metrology. In this paper, we introduce a Kerr-microresonator optical clockwork based on optical-frequency division (OFD), which is a powerful technique to transfer the fractional-frequency stability of an optical clock to a lower frequency electronic clock signal. The clockwork presented here is based on a silicon-nitride (Si3_3N4_4) microresonator that supports an optical-frequency comb composed of soliton pulses at 1 THz repetition rate. By electro-optic phase modulation of the entire Si3_3N4_4 comb, we arbitrarily generate additional CW modes between the Si3_3N4_4 comb modes; operationally, this reduces the pulse train repetition frequency and can be used to implement OFD to the microwave domain. Our experiments characterize the residual frequency noise of this Kerr-microresonator clockwork to one part in 101710^{17}, which opens the possibility of using Kerr combs with high performance optical clocks. In addition, the photonic integration and 1 THz resolution of the Si3_3N4_4 frequency comb makes it appealing for broadband, low-resolution liquid-phase absorption spectroscopy, which we demonstrate with near infrared measurements of water, lipids, and organic solvents

    Relative Fitness of Fluoroquinolone-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae

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    Fluoroquinolone resistance in Streptococcus pneumoniae is primarily mediated by point mutations in the quinolone resistance–determining regions of gyrA and parC. Antimicrobial resistance mutations in housekeeping genes often decrease fitness of microorganisms. To investigate the fitness of quinolone-resistant S. pneumoniae (QRSP), the relative growth efficiencies of 2 isogenic QRSP double mutants were compared with that of their fluoroquinolone-susceptible parent, EF3030, by using murine nasopharyngeal colonization and pneumonia models. Strains containing the GyrA: Ser81Phe, ParC: Ser79Phe double mutations, which are frequently seen in clinical QRSP, competed poorly with EF3030 in competitive colonization or competitive lung infections. However, they efficiently produced lung infection even in the absence of EF3030. The strain containing the GyrA: Ser81Phe, ParC: Ser79Tyr double mutations, which is seen more frequently in laboratory-derived QRSP than in clinical QRSP, demonstrated reduced nasal colonization in competitive or noncompetitive lung infections. However, the strain was equally able to cause competitive or noncompetitive lung infections as well as EF3030

    Retention of structure, antigenicity, and biological function of pneumococcal surface protein A (PspA) released from polyanhydride nanoparticles

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    Pneumococcal surface protein A (PspA) is a choline-binding protein which is a virulence factor found on the surface of all Streptococcus pneumoniae strains. Vaccination with PspA has been shown to be protective against a lethal challenge with S. pneumoniae, making it a promising immunogen for use in vaccines. Herein, the design of a PspA-based subunit vaccine using polyanhydride nanoparticles as a delivery platform is described. Nanoparticles based on sebacic acid (SA), 1,6-bis-(p-carboxyphenoxy)hexane (CPH) and 1,8-bis-(p-carboxyphenoxy)-3,6- dioxaoctane (CPTEG), specifically 50:50 CPTEG:CPH and 20:80 CPH:SA, were used to encapsulate and release PspA. The protein released from the nanoparticle formulations retained its primary and secondary structure as well as its antigenicity. The released PspA was also biologically functional based on its ability to bind to apolactoferrin and prevent its bactericidal activity towards Escherichia coli. When the PspA nanoparticle formulations were administered subcutaneously to mice, the animals elicited a high titer and high avidity anti-PspA antibody response. Together, these studies provide a framework for the rational design of a vaccine against S. pneumoniae based on polyanhydride nanoparticles

    Maternal Immunization with Pneumococcal Surface Protein A Protects against Pneumococcal Infections among Derived Offspring

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    Pathogen-specific antibody plays an important role in protection against pneumococcal carriage and infections. However, neonates and infants exhibit impaired innate and adaptive immune responses, which result in their high susceptibility to pneumococci. To protect neonates and infants against pneumococcal infection it is important to elicit specific protective immune responses at very young ages. In this study, we investigated the protective immunity against pneumococcal carriage, pneumonia, and sepsis induced by maternal immunization with pneumococcal surface protein A (PspA). Mother mice were intranasally immunized with recombinant PspA (rPspA) and cholera toxin B subunit (CTB) prior to being mated. Anti-PspA specific IgG, predominantly IgG1, was present at a high level in the serum and milk of immunized mothers and in the sera of their pups. The pneumococcal densities in washed nasal tissues and in lung homogenate were significantly reduced in pups delivered from and/or breast-fed by PspA-immunized mothers. Survival after fatal systemic infections with various types of pneumococci was significantly extended in the pups, which had received anti-PspA antibody via the placenta or through their milk. The current findings strongly suggest that maternal immunization with PspA is an attractive strategy against pneumococcal infections during early childhood. (191 words
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