271 research outputs found

    ProDoc Health@Work

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    ProDoc is a joint initiative between three universities in Switzerland to provide education and research opportunities for PhD students across the country. Importantly, the scheme is set to produce a new generation who will help strengthen switzerland's research into occupational health and, better still, contribute on an international platform

    Work and health : remodelling perspectives of working life research, as proposed by Järvholm et al. (2009)

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    Järvholm and Co-workers (2009) proposed a conceptual model for research on working life. Models are powerful communication and decision tools. This model is strongly unidirectional and does not cover the mentioned interactions in the arguments.With help of a genealogy of work and of health it is shown that work and health are interactive and have to be analysed on the background of society.Key words: research model, work, health, occupational health, society, interaction, discussion paperRemodellierung der von Järvholm et al. (2009) vorgeschlagenen Forschungsperspektiven in Arbeit und GesundheitJärvholm und Kollegen stellten 2009 ein konzeptionelles Modell für die Forschung im Bereich Arbeit und Gesundheit vor. Modelle stellen kraftvolle Kommunikations- und Entscheidungsinstrumente dar. Die Einflussfaktoren im Modell verlaufen jedoch nur in einer Richtung und bilden die interaktiven Argumente im Text nicht ab. Mit Hilfe einer Genealogie der Begriffe Arbeit und Gesundheit wird aufgezeigt, dass Arbeit und Gesundheit sich gegenseitig beeinflussen und nur vor dem Hintergrund der jeweiligen gesellschaftlichen Kontextfaktoren zu analysieren sind.Introduction : After an interesting introduction about the objectives of research on working life, Järvholm and Co-workers (2009) manage to define a conceptual model for working life research out of a small survey of Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) definitions. The strong point of their model is the entity 'working life' including personal development, as well as career paths and aging. Yet, the model Järvholm et al. (2009) propose is strangely unidirectional; the arrows point from the population to working life, from there to health and to disease, as well as to productivity and economic resources. The diagram only shows one feed-back loop: between economic resources and health. We all know that having a chronic disease condition influences work and working capacity. Economic resources have a strong influence on work, too. Having personal economic resources will influence the kind of work someone accepts and facilitate access to continuous professional education. A third observation is that society is not present in the model, although this is less the case in the arguments. In fact, there is an incomprehensible gap between the arguments brought forth by Järvholm and co-workers and their reductionist model.Switzerland has a very low coverage of occupational health specialists. Switzerland is a long way from fulfilling the WHO's recommendations on workers' access to OSH services as described in its Global plan of action. The Institute for Work and Health (IST) in Lausanne is the only organisation which covers the major domains of OSH research that are occupational medicine, occupational hygiene, ergonomic and psychosocial research. As the country's sole occupational health institution we are forced to reflect the objectives of working life research so as not to waste the scare resources available.I will set out below a much shortened genealogy of work and of health, with the aim of extending Järvholm et al's (2009) analyses on the perspectives of working life research in two directions. Firstly towards the interactive nature of work and health and the integration of society, and secondly towards the question of what working life means or where working life could be situated.Work, as we know it today - paid work regulated by a contract as the basis for sustaining life and as a base for social rights - was born in modern era. Therefore I will start my genealogy in the pre-modern era, focus on the important changes that occurred during industrial revolution and the modern era and end in 2010 taking into account the enormous transformations of the past 20-30 years. I will put aside some 810 years of advances in science and technology that have expanded the world's limits and human understanding, and restrict my genealogy to work and to health/body implicating also the societal realm. [Author]]]> Work ; Health ; Occupational Health eng oai:serval.unil.ch:BIB_29B2ACDD094A 2022-02-19T02:17:19Z <oai_dc:dc xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:oai_dc="http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc/" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc/ http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc.xsd"> https://serval.unil.ch/notice/serval:BIB_29B2ACDD094A Dispute mémorielle autour du mont Sinaï dans le livre des Jubilés Hamidovic, David info:eu-repo/semantics/article article 2016-01-01 Etudes theologiques et religieuses, no. 91, pp. 629-638 fre oai:serval.unil.ch:BIB_29B313D0B990 2022-02-19T02:17:19Z openaire documents urnserval <oai_dc:dc xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:oai_dc="http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc/" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc/ http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc.xsd"> https://serval.unil.ch/notice/serval:BIB_29B313D0B990 La recherche au sein des hautes écoles spécialisées 2012: descriptions, analyses, conclusions Kiener, U. Benninghoff, M. Müller, C. Felli, R. À l'intention de l'Office fédéral de la formation professionnelle et de la technologie (OFFT) et de la Commission fédérale des hautes écoles spécialisées (CFHES) info:eu-repo/semantics/report techreport 2012-02 <![CDATA[Résumé Contexte et objectifs Les activités de recherche appliquée et développement (Ra&amp;D) font partie du mandat de prestations des hautes écoles spécialisées (HES) prescrit par la loi. Néanmoins la tradition, le type et l'importance de la recherche varient fortement en fonction des domaines d'études. Il en va de même pour les liens avec les autres domaines de prestations que sont l'enseignement, la formation continue et les prestations de services. Les activités de Ra&amp;D dans chaque HES s'inscrivent dans la tension entre l'orientation pratique (qui signifie le plus souvent une orientation vers le marché économique) et l'orientation vers la science (signe de leur rattachement au système scientifique). Il en découle des conflits d'intérêts entre les critères de qualité du « succès sur le marché » et de la « réputation scientifique ». En 2005, sur mandat de la Commission pour la technologie et l'innovation (CTI), B. Lepori et L. Attar (2006) ont mené une étude visant à examiner plus particulièrement les stratégies de recherche et l'organisation de la recherche au sein des hautes écoles spécialisées. Aujourd'hui, six ans plus tard, la phase de mise sur pied est en grande partie terminée. En lançant une nouvelle étude, l'Office fédéral de la formation professionnelle et de la technologie (OFFT) et la Commission fédérale des hautes écoles spécialisées (CFHES) souhaitaient faire le point sur les activités de recherche des HES, c'està- dire examiner les résultats des stratégies et de l'organisation de cette phase. Cette étude s'articule principalement autour de l'état actuel de la recherche, de ses problèmes et de ses perspectives. Structure de l'étude La recherche dans les HES se caractérise par différents facteurs d'influence (cultures disciplinaires, traditions, ancrage dans les régions linguistiques, structures organisationnelles, gouvernance, stratégies de positionnement, personnel, etc.). Dans la présente étude, ces facteurs sont systématiquement examinés selon deux dimensions: le « domaine d'études » et la « haute école spécialisée». L'analyse repose notamment sur l'exploitation de documents et de données. Mais cette étude se fonde principalement sur les entretiens menés avec les représentants des HES à différents niveaux de responsabilités. Les hautes écoles spécialisées (HES) Les entretiens avec les directions des HES ainsi que l'exploitation des données et des documents mettent en évidence la grande diversité des sept HES suisses de droit public dans leur structure, leurs combinaisons de domaines d'études et leurs orientations. Les modes de financement de la recherche varient fortement entre les HES. Concrètement, les sources de financement ne sont pas les mêmes d'une HES à l'autre (contributions des organes responsables, fonds de tiers, etc.). Les degrés et formes du pilotage concernant les contenus de la recherche diffèrent également dans une large mesure (définition de pôles de recherche, soutien cumulatif à l'acquisition de fonds de tiers), de même que les stratégies en matière de recrutement et d'encouragement du personnel. La politique de chaque HES implique des tensions et des problèmes spécifiques. Les domaines d'études Sur les dix domaines d'études, quatre ont été choisis à titre d'exemples pour des études approfondies : Technique et technologies de l'information (TI), Economie et services, Travail social, Musique, arts de la scène et autres arts. Chaque domaine d'études a été examiné à chaque fois dans deux HES. Cette méthode permet de relever les différences et les similitudes. Les résultats confirment qu'il existe des différences importantes à bien des égards entre les domaines d'études évalués. Ces différences concernent la position dans le système des hautes écoles, le volume des activités de recherche, l'importance de la recherche au sein des HES, la tradition, l'identité et l'orientation. Elles se retrouvent par ailleurs dans les buts et la place de la Ra&amp;D dans les domaines d'études concernés. Il ressort toutefois qu'il n'y a pas lieu de parler d'une dichotomie entre les « anciens » et les « nouveaux » domaines d'études : Technique, économie et design (TED) d'une part et Santé, social et arts (SSA) d'autre part. Il semble plus pertinent de désigner le domaine d'études 4/144 Technique et TI comme le domaine dominant auquel se référent le pilotage et le financement des HES, que ce soit implicitement ou explicitement. Cadre homogène et espaces hétérogènes Le pilotage et le financement de la Ra&amp;D au sein des hautes écoles spécialisées s'inscrivent dans un modèle-cadre fixé à l'échelle fédérale et principalement axé sur le domaine d'études Technique. Ce modèle-cadre se caractérise par un apport élevé de fonds de tiers (notamment les subventions de la CTI et les fonds privés) et des incitations en faveur de ce mode de financement, par une orientation vers le marché et par un haut degré d'autonomie des établissements partenaires/départements et instituts. Par comparaison avec les hautes écoles universitaires, les HES affichent notamment un faible niveau de financement de base dans le secteur Ra&amp;D. Cet état de fait est certes compatible avec la forme actuelle du financement par la CTI, mais pas avec les règles de financement du Fonds national suisse (FNS). Un financement principalement basé sur les fonds de tiers signifie par ailleurs que l'orientation du contenu de la recherche et la définition de critères de qualité sont confiées à des instances externes, notamment aux mandants et aux institutions d'encouragement de la recherche. Il apparaît en dernier lieu qu'un tel modèle-cadre ne favorise pas les politiques visant à la constitution de pôles de recherche, l'obtention d'une taille critique, et la mise en place d'une coordination. Ces résultats concernent tous les domaines d'études sans avoir pour autant les mêmes conséquences : les domaines d'études se prêtant dans une faible mesure à l'acquisition de fonds de tiers sur des marchés économiques (dans cette étude, il s'agit essentiellement de la Musique, arts de la scène et autres arts, mais également du Travail social dans certains cas) ont plus de difficultés à répondre aux attentes énoncées en termes de succès et de profit. Les HES modifient plus ou moins le modèle-cadre en élaborant elles-mêmes des modèles d'organisation qui prennent en compte leur combinaison de domaines d'études et soutiennent leurs propres orientations et positionnements stratégiques. La combinaison de domaines d'études hétérogènes et de politiques différentes au sein des HES se traduit par une complexité du système des HES, beaucoup plus importante que ce que généralement supposée. De plus, au regard des connaissances lacunaires sur les structures « réelles » de gouvernance des HES, il n'est quasiment pas possible de comparer directement les hautes écoles spécialisées entre elles. Conclusions et recommandations Le principal constat qui ressort d'un ensemble de conclusions et de recommandations des auteurs est que le secteur Ra&amp;D dans les HES doit être plus explicitement évalué en fonction des spécificités des domaines d'études, à savoir du rôle de la recherche pour l'économie et la société, des différences entre les marchés (économiques) correspondants et de l'importance de la Ra&amp;D pour les objectifs visés. L'étude montre clairement qu'il n'y a pas à proprement parler une seule et unique recherche au sein des hautes écoles spécialisées et que la notion de « recherche appliquée » ne suffit ni comme description ni, par conséquence, comme critère d'identité commun. Partant de ce constat, nous recommandons de revoir le mode de financement de la recherche dans les HES et d'approfondir le débat sur les structures de gouvernance sur l'orientation de la Ra&amp;D (et notamment sur les critères de qualité appliqués), de même que sur l'autonomie et la coordination. Les recommandations constituent des points de discussion et n'engagent aucunement l'OFFT ou la CFHES

    The down-regulation of disgust by implementation intentions: experiential and physiological concomitants

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    Emotion regulation plays a key role in mental health and psychopathology. Therefore, it seems important to develop effective forms of emotion regulation. Implementation intentions are if-then plans that help people attain their self-regulatory goals. Perspective-taking and response-focused implementation intentions have been shown to reduce feelings of unpleasantness and arousal, respectively, in response to briefly presented disgusting pictures. The present study addressed the open research questions whether forming these types of implementation intentions is effective in regulating affect during prolonged presentation of disgusting pictures, and whether it is associated with changes in physiological arousal. Eighty-one participants viewed disgusting, neutral, and pleasant pictures of 6 s duration under four instructions: the goal intention to not get disgusted, this goal intention furnished with a perspective-taking or a response-focused implementation intention, and no emotion regulation instructions. The dependent variables were ratings of disgust, valence, arousal, and electrodermal activity. Only perspective-taking implementation intention participants significantly reduced their disgust and unpleasantness as compared to goal-intention and control participants. Arousal and skin conductance did not significantly differ between conditions. The effectiveness of response-focused but not perspective-taking implementation intentions seems to be substantially reduced during sustained exposure duration

    Toxicokinetics of captan and folpet biomarkers in orally exposed volunteers

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    The time courses of key biomarkers of exposure to captan and folpet was assessed in accessible biological matrices of orally exposed volunteers. Ten volunteers ingested 1 mg kg(-1) body weight of captan or folpet. Blood samples were withdrawn at fixed time periods over the 72 h following ingestion and complete urine voids were collected over 96 h post-dosing. The tetrahydrophthalimide (THPI) metabolite of captan along with the phthalimide (PI) and phthalic acid metabolites of folpet were then quantified in these samples. Plasma levels of THPI and PI increased progressively after ingestion, reaching peak values ~10 and 6 h post-dosing, respectively; subsequent elimination phase appeared monophasic with a mean elimination half-life (t(½) ) of 15.7 and 31.5 h, respectively. In urine, elimination rate time courses of PI and phthalic acid evolved in parallel, with respective t(½) of 27.3 and 27.6 h; relatively faster elimination was found for THPI, with mean t(½) of 11.7 h. However, phthalic acid was present in urine in 1000-fold higher amounts than PI. In the 96 h period post-treatment, on average 25% of folpet dose was excreted in urine as phthalic acid as compared with only 0.02% as PI. The corresponding value for THPI was 3.5%. Overall, THPI and PI appear as interesting biomarkers of recent exposure, with relatively short half-lives; their sensitivity to assess exposure in field studies should be further verified. Although not a metabolite specific to folpet, the concomitant use of phthalic acid as a major biomarker of exposure to folpet should also be considered. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley &amp; Sons, Ltd

    Physicians' psychophysiological stress reaction in medical communication of bad news: A critical literature review.

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    Stress is a common phenomenon in medical professions. Breaking bad news (BBN) is reported to be a particularly distressing activity for physicians. Traditionally, the stress experienced by physicians when BBN was assessed exclusively using self-reporting. Only recently, the field of difficult physician-patient communication has used physiological assessments to better understand physicians' stress reactions. This paper's goals are to (a) review current knowledge about the physicians' psychophysiological stress reactions in BBN situations, (b) discuss methodological aspects of these studies and (c) suggest directions for future research. The seven studies identified all used scenarios with simulated patients but were heterogeneous with regard to other methodological aspects, such as the psychophysiological parameters, time points and durations assessed, comparative settings, and operationalisation of the communication scenarios. Despite this heterogeneity, all the papers reported increases in psychological and/or physiological activation when breaking bad news in comparison to control conditions, such as history taking or breaking good news. Taken together, the studies reviewed support the hypothesis that BBN is a psychophysiologically arousing and stressful task for medical professionals. However, much remains to be done. We suggest several future directions to advance the field. These include (a) expanding and refining the conceptual framework, (b) extending assessments to include more diverse physiological parameters, (c) exploring the modulatory effects of physicians' personal characteristics (e.g. level of experience), (d) comparing simulated and real-life physician-patient encounters and (e) combining physiological assessment with a discourse analysis of physician-patient communication

    Autonomic nervous system reactivity within the valence-arousal affective space: modulation by sex and age

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    In the present study, we examined how sex and age shape cardiovascular, electrodermal, and pupillary reactivity to picture series within the valence-arousal affective space in a sample of 176 healthy younger, middle-aged, and older men and women. Across participants, heart rate (HR) decelerated with increasing self-reported unpleasantness, whereas skin conductance level (SCL) and pupil size (PS) increased with increasing self-rated arousal. Systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) blood pressure increased with increasing self-rated arousal when valence was pleasant but much less when valence was unpleasant. Compared to women, men exhibited a stronger correlation between valence and HR and an SBP response characterized by larger increases for pleasant high-arousal states and lower change scores for unpleasant low- and high-arousal and pleasant low-arousal states. Men's largest SCL change scores were for pleasant high-arousal states, whereas women's largest SCL change scores were for unpleasant high-arousal states. The arousal-PS relationship was stronger among women, in particular for unpleasant series. From younger to older age, there were decreases in the strength of the valence-HR, arousal-SCL, and arousal-PS relationships. Older adults had larger overall increases in SBP and DBP than younger adults, but the relationships with self-reported valence and arousal were not age dependent. We discuss how the observed sex and age effects may reflect sex and age differences in emotional processing and in basic autonomic nervous system functioning

    Content-specific gender differences in emotion ratings from early to late adulthood

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    The investigation of gender differences in emotion has attracted much attention given the potential ramifications on our understanding of sexual differences in disorders involving emotion dysregulation. Yet, research on content-specific gender differences across adulthood in emotional responding is lacking. The aims of the present study were twofold. First, we sought to investigate to what extent gender differences in the self-reported emotional experience are content specific. Second, we sought to determine whether gender differences are stable across the adult lifespan. We assessed valence and arousal ratings of 14 picture series, each of a different content, in 94 men and 118 women aged 20 to 81. Compared to women, men reacted more positively to erotic images, whereas women rated low-arousing pleasant family scenes and landscapes as particularly positive. Women displayed a disposition to respond with greater defensive activation (i.e., more negative valence and higher arousal), in particular to the most arousing unpleasant contents. Importantly, significant interactions between gender and age were not found for any single content. This study makes a novel contribution by showing that gender differences in the affective experiences in response to different contents persist across the adult lifespan. These findings support the "stability hypothesis" of gender differences across age

    Association of work related chronic stressors and psychiatric symptoms in a Swiss sample of police officers; a cross sectional questionnaire study

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    Purpose: (1) To identify work related stressors that are associated with psychiatric symptoms in a Swiss sample of policemen and (2) to develop a model for identifying officers at risk for developing mental health problems. Method: The study design is cross sectional. A total of 354 male police officers answered a questionnaire assessing a wide spectrum of work related stressors. Psychiatric symptoms were assessed using the "TST questionnaire” (Langner in J Health Hum Behav 4, 269-276, 1962). Logistic regression with backward procedure was used to identify a set of variables collectively associated with high scores for psychiatric symptoms. Results: A total of 42 (11.9%) officers had a high score for psychiatric symptoms. Nearly all potential stressors considered were significantly associated (at P<0.05) with a high score for psychiatric symptoms. A significant model including 6 independent variables was identified: lack of support from superior and organization OR=3.58 (1.58-8.13), self perception of bad quality work OR=2.99 (1.35-6.59), inadequate work schedule OR=2.84 (1.22-6.62), high mental/intellectual demand OR=2.56 (1.12-5.86), age (in decades) OR=1.82 (1.21-2.73), and score for physical environment complaints OR=1.30 (1.03-1.64). Conclusions: Most of work stressors considered are associated with psychiatric symptoms. Prevention should target the most frequent stressors with high association to symptoms. Complaints of police officers about stressors should receive proper consideration by the management of public administration. Such complaints might be the expression of psychiatric caseness requiring medical assistance. Particular attention should be given to police officers complaining about many stressors identified in this study's multiple mode

    Relationships between musical structure and psychophysiological measures of emotion

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    Psychophysiological studies with music have not examined what exactly in the music might be responsible for the observed physiological phenomena. The authors explored the relationships between 11 structural features of 16 musical excerpts and both self-reports of felt pleasantness and arousal and different physiological measures (respiration, skin conductance, heart rate). Overall, the relationships between musical features and experienced emotions corresponded well with those known between musical structure and perceived emotions. This suggests that the internal structure of the music played a primary role in the induction of the emotions in comparison to extramusical factors. Mode, harmonic complexity, and rhythmic articulation best differentiated between negative and positive valence, whereas tempo, accentuation, and rhythmic articulation best discriminated high arousal from low arousal. Tempo, accentuation, and rhythmic articulation were the features that most strongly correlated with physiological measures. Music that induced faster breathing and higher minute ventilation, skin conductance, and heart rate was fast, accentuated, and staccato. This finding corroborates the contention that rhythmic aspects are the major determinants of physiological responses to music. [Authors]]]> Music ; Emotions ; Respiration ; Heart Rate ; Galvanic Skin Response ; Arousal oai:serval.unil.ch:BIB_23675 2022-05-07T01:12:45Z <oai_dc:dc xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:oai_dc="http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc/" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc/ http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc.xsd"> https://serval.unil.ch/notice/serval:BIB_23675 Absence of fibroblast growth factor 2 does not prevent tumor formation originating from the RPE. Foletti, A Ackermann, J Schmidt, A Hummler, E Beermann, F info:eu-repo/semantics/article article 2002 Oncogene, vol. 21, pp. 1841-1847 oai:serval.unil.ch:BIB_23678 2022-05-07T01:12:45Z <oai_dc:dc xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:oai_dc="http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc/" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc/ http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc.xsd"> https://serval.unil.ch/notice/serval:BIB_23678 Expression of cre recombinase in pigment cells. Guyonneau, L Rossier, A Richard, C Hummler, E Beermann, F info:eu-repo/semantics/article article 2002 Pigment Cell Res, vol. 15, pp. 305-309. oai:serval.unil.ch:BIB_234775162D25 2022-05-07T01:12:44Z <oai_dc:dc xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:oai_dc="http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc/" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc/ http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc.xsd"> https://serval.unil.ch/notice/serval:BIB_234775162D25 L'image ou le son? Tendances à l'aphonie dans les avant-gardes poétiques http://www.metispresses.ch/vol_tep.html Kunz Westerhoff, D. info:eu-repo/semantics/conferenceObject inproceedings 2007 Textes en performance : Actes du colloque CeRNET, novembre 2003, pp. 61-87 Barras, A (ed.) Eigenmann, E (ed.) info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/isbn/2-940357-02-1 fre oai:serval.unil.ch:BIB_23478 2022-05-07T01:12:44Z <oai_dc:dc xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:oai_dc="http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc/" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc/ http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc.xsd"> https://serval.unil.ch/notice/serval:BIB_23478 Circulatory support for OPCAB procedures. Mueller, X von Segesser, LK info:eu-repo/semantics/article article 2002 Perfusion, vol. 17, pp. 305-312 oai:serval.unil.ch:BIB_2348AB0A4A98 2022-05-07T01:12:44Z <oai_dc:dc xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:oai_dc="http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc/" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc/ http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc.xsd"> https://serval.unil.ch/notice/serval:BIB_2348AB0A4A98 Natural Arabidopsis brx loss-of-function alleles confer root adaptation to acidic soil. info:doi:10.1016/j.cub.2012.08.026 info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/doi/10.1016/j.cub.2012.08.026 info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/pmid/23041192 Gujas, B. Alonso-Blanco, C. Hardtke, C.S. info:eu-repo/semantics/article article 2012 Current Biology, vol. 22, no. 20, pp. 1962-1968 info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/eissn/1879-0445 urn:issn:0960-9822 <![CDATA[Soil acidification is a major agricultural problem that negatively affects crop yield. Root systems counteract detrimental passive proton influx from acidic soil through increased proton pumping into the apoplast, which is presumably also required for cell elongation and stimulated by auxin. Here, we found an unexpected impact of extracellular pH on auxin activity and cell proliferation rate in the root meristem of two Arabidopsis mutants with impaired auxin perception, axr3 and brx. Surprisingly, neutral to slightly alkaline media rescued their severely reduced root (meristem) growth by stimulating auxin signaling, independent of auxin uptake. The finding that proton pumps are hyperactive in brx roots could explain this phenomenon and is consistent with more robust growth and increased fitness of brx mutants on overly acidic media or soil. Interestingly, the original brx allele was isolated from a natural stock center accession collected from acidic soil. Our discovery of a novel brx allele in accessions recently collected from another acidic sampling site demonstrates the existence of independently maintained brx loss-of-function alleles in nature and supports the notion that they are advantageous in acidic soil pH conditions, a finding that might be exploited for crop breeding