1,463 research outputs found

    Body temperature and activity patterns of free-living laughing kookaburras: the largest kingfisher is heterothermic.

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    We show that free-ranging Laughing Kookaburras (Dacelo novaeguineae), the largest kingfishers, are heterothermic. Their minimum recorded body temperature (Tb) was 28.6°C, and the maximum daily Tb range was 9.1°C, which makes kookaburras only the second coraciiform species and the only member of the Alcedinidae known to be heterothermic. The amplitude of nocturnal body temperature variation for wild, free-living kookaburras during winter was substantially greater than the mean of 2.6°C measured previously for captive kookaburras. Calculated metabolic savings from nocturnal heterothermia were up to 5.6 ± 0.9 kJ per night. There was little effect of ambient temperature on any of the calculated Tb-dependent variables for the kookaburras, although ambient temperature did influence the time that activity commenced for these diurnal birds. Kookaburras used endogenous metabolic heat production to rewarm from low Tb, rather than relying on passive rewarming. Rewarming rates (0.05 ± 0.01°C min−1) were consistent with those of other avian species. Captivity can have major effects on thermoregulation for birds, and therefore the importance of field studies of wild, free-living individuals is paramount for understanding the biology of avian temperature regulation

    Dasar-dasar Manajemen Keuangan Buku 1 -11/E.

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    DASAR – DASAR MANAJEMEN KEUANGAN- BUKU 1 EDISI 11 Buku ini dimaksudkan untuk digunakan dalam mata kuliah pengantar ilmu keuangan. Bab - bab uatama dapat dibahas dalam mata kuliah satu semester. Namun, jika ditambahkan dengan kasus dan mungkin beberapa materi bacaan pendukung lainya, buku ini juga dapat digunakan untuk mata kuliah dua semester. Jika dibahas dalam satu semester, pengajar biasanya memilih beberapa bab tertentu, dan membiarkan mahasiswa untuk membaca sendiri bab – bab lainyan atau menggunakanya sebagai bahan referensi mata kuliah berikutnya dan setelah kelulusan. Buku ini ditulis dalam format yang fleksibel dan modular sehingga membantu pengajar membahas materi sesuai dengan urutan yang mereka inginkan. Materi yang dibahas dalam buku ini mencakup: Bagian 1 Pengenalan Manajemen Keuangan Bab 1 Tinjauan atas manajemen Keuangan Bagian 2 Konsep – konsep Dasar dalam Mamajemen Keuangan Bab 2 nilai waktu dari uang Bab 3 Laporan keuangan, Arus Kas, dan perpajakan Bab 4 Analisis laporan keuangan Bab 5 Pasar dan Institusi Keuangan Bagian 3 Aset - aset Keuangan Bab 6 Tingkat bunga Bab 7 Obligasi dan Valuasinya Bab 8 Risiko dan tingkat pengembalian Bab 9 Saham dan Evaluasiny

    Universal and Non-Universal First-Passage Properties of Planar Multipole Flows

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    The dynamics of passive Brownian tracer particles in steady two-dimensional potential flows between sources and sinks is investigated. The first-passage probability, p(t)p(t), exhibits power-law decay with a velocity-dependent exponent in radial flow and an order-dependent exponent in multipolar flows. For the latter, there also occur diffusive ``echo'' shoulders and exponential decays associated with stagnation points in the flow. For spatially extended dipole sinks, the spatial distribution of the collected tracer is independent of the overall magnitude of the flow field.Comment: 7 pages, LaTe

    Dasar-dasar Manajemen Keuangan Buku 2 -11/E.

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    DASAR – DASAR MANAJEMEN KEUANGAN - BUKU 2 EDISI 11 Buku ini dimaksudkan untuk digunakan dalam mata kuliah pengantar ilmu keuangan. Bab - bab uatama dapat dibahas dalam mata kuliah satu semester. Namun, jika ditambahkan dengan kasus dan mungkin beberapa materi bacaan pendukung lainya, buku ini juga dapat digunakan untuk mata kuliah dua semester. Jika dibahas dalam satu semester, pengajar biasanya memilih beberapa bab tertentu, dan membiarkan mahasiswa untuk membaca sendiri bab – bab lainyan atau menggunakanya sebagai bahan referensi mata kuliah berikutnya dan setelah kelulusan. Buku ini ditulis dalam format yang fleksibel dan modular sehingga membantu pengajar membahas materi sesuai dengan urutan yang mereka inginkan. Materi yang dibahas dalam buku ini mencakup: Bagian 4 penganggaran Modal Bab 10 Biaya Modal Bab 11 dasar – dasar Penganggaran Modal Bab 12 Estimasi Arus Kas dan Analisis Risiko Bab 13 Opsi Riil dan Topik Lainya dalam Penganggaran Modal Bagian 5 Struktur Modal dan Kebijakan Dividen Bab 14 Struktural Modal dan Leverage Bab 15 Distribusi kepada pemengang saham Bagian 6 Modal Kerja dan Perencanaan keuangan Bab 16 Manajemen Modal Kerja Bab 17 Perencanaan dan Peramalan Keuangan Bagian 7 Topik - topik khusus dalam manajemen Keuangan Bab 18 Derivatif dan Manajemen Risik

    A Roundtable on Robert K. Brigham, \u3cem\u3eReckless: Henry Kissinger’s Responsibility for the Tragedy in Vietnam\u3c/em\u3e

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    A set of reviews of Robert K. Brigham\u27s Reckless: Henry Kissinger and the Tragedy of Vietnam, with a response from the author

    Mapping research activity on mental health disorders in Europe: study protocol for the Mapping_NCD project

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    Background: Mental health disorders (MHDs) constitute a large and growing disease burden in Europe, although they typically receive less attention and research funding than other non-communicable diseases (NCDs). This study protocol describes a methodology for the mapping of MHD research in Europe as part of Mapping_NCD, a 2-year project funded by the European Commission which seeks to map European research funding and impact for five NCDs in order to identify potential gaps, overlaps, synergies and opportunities, and to develop evidence-based policies for future research. Methods: The project aims to develop a multi-focal view of the MHD research landscape across the 28 European Union Member States, plus Iceland, Norway and Switzerland, through a survey of European funding entities, analysis of research initiatives undertaken in the public, voluntary/not-for-profit and commercial sectors, and expert interviews to contextualize the gathered data. The impact of MHD research will be explored using bibliometric analyses of scientific publications, clinical guidelines and newspaper stories reporting on research initiatives. Finally, these research inputs and outputs will be considered in light of various metrics that have been proposed to inform priorities for the allocation of research funds, including burden of disease, treatment gaps and cost of illness. Discussion: Given the growing burden of MHDs, a clear and broad view of the current state of MHD research is needed to ensure that limited resources are directed to evidence-based priority areas. MHDs pose a particular challenge in mapping the research landscape due to their complex nature, high co-morbidity and varying diagnostic criteria. Undertaking such an effort across 31 countries is further challenged by differences in data collection, healthcare systems, reimbursement rates and clinical practices, as well as cultural and socioeconomic diversity. Using multiple methods to explore the spectrum of MHD research funding activity across Europe, this project aims to develop a broad, high-level perspective to inform priority setting for future research

    Elucidation of Beta-Oxidation Pathways in Ralstonia Eutropha H16 by Examination of Global Gene Expression

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    Ralstonia eutropha H16 is capable of growth and polyhydroxyalkanoate production on plant oils and fatty acids. However, little is known about the triacylglycerol and fatty acid degradation pathways of this bacterium. We compare whole-cell gene expression levels of R. eutropha H16 during growth and polyhydroxyalkanoate production on trioleate and fructose. Trioleate is a triacylglycerol that serves as a model for plant oils. Among the genes of note, two potential fatty acid β-oxidation operons and two putative lipase genes were shown to be upregulated in trioleate cultures. The genes of the glyoxylate bypass also exhibit increased expression during growth on trioleate. We observed that single β-oxidation operon deletion mutants of R. eutropha could grow using palm oil or crude palm kernel oil as the sole carbon source, regardless of which operon was present in the genome, but a double mutant was unable to grow under these conditions. A lipase deletion mutant did not exhibit a growth defect in emulsified oil cultures but did exhibit a phenotype in cultures containing nonemulsified oil. Mutants of the glyoxylate shunt gene for isocitrate lyase were able to grow in the presence of oils, while a malate synthase (aceB) deletion mutant grew more slowly than wild type. Gene expression under polyhydroxyalkanoate storage conditions was also examined. Many findings of this analysis confirm results from previous studies by our group and others. This work represents the first examination of global gene expression involving triacylglycerol and fatty acid catabolism genes in R. eutropha.Malaysia-MIT Biotechnology Partnership Programm

    Torpor in marsupials: Recent advances

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    We report new findings about torpor in marsupials with regard to three energy demanding processes: (i) development and growth, (ii) reproduction, and (iii) rewarming. Young marsupials use torpor extensively after they develop endothermy, and torpor is generally deeper and longer than in the same individuals when they reach adult size. Adult marsupials also employ torpor during pregnancy and/or lactation to reduce energy expenditure and perhaps to store fat for later use. Moreover, to enhance the energy-conserving potential of torpor, desert marsupials bask during arousal to minimize energy costs of rewarming. We show that the functions of torpor extend beyond merely reducing energy expenditure during food shortages and that torpor can save substantial amounts of energy even during the rewarming process

    Optimized energy calculation in lattice systems with long-range interactions

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    We discuss an efficient approach to the calculation of the internal energy in numerical simulations of spin systems with long-range interactions. Although, since the introduction of the Luijten-Bl\"ote algorithm, Monte Carlo simulations of these systems no longer pose a fundamental problem, the energy calculation is still an O(N^2) problem for systems of size N. We show how this can be reduced to an O(N logN) problem, with a break-even point that is already reached for very small systems. This allows the study of a variety of, until now hardly accessible, physical aspects of these systems. In particular, we combine the optimized energy calculation with histogram interpolation methods to investigate the specific heat of the Ising model and the first-order regime of the three-state Potts model with long-range interactions.Comment: 10 pages, including 8 EPS figures. To appear in Phys. Rev. E. Also available as PDF file at http://www.cond-mat.physik.uni-mainz.de/~luijten/erikpubs.htm

    Enabling Next Generation Dark Energy and Epoch of Reionization Radio Observatories with the MOFF Correlator

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    Proposed 21 cm cosmology observatories for studying the epoch of reionization (z ~6-15) and dark energy (z ~0-6) envision compact arrays with tens of thousands of antenna elements. Fully correlating this many elements is computationally expensive using traditional XF or FX correlators, and has led some groups to reconsider direct imaging/FFT correlators. In this paper we develop a variation of the direct imaging correlator we call the MOFF correlator. The MOFF correlator shares the computational advantages of a direct imaging correlator, while avoiding a number of its shortcomings. In particular the MOFF correlator makes no constraints on the antenna arrangement or type, provides a fully calibrated output image including widefield polarimetry and non-coplanar baseline effects, and can be orders-of-magnitude more efficient than XF or FX correlators for compact radio cosmology arrays.Comment: Version accepted for publication in PASP (delay due to author's distraction). Includes a number of advancements and refinements, including the feedback calibration technique and a clearer development. If you downloaded previous version please upgrade to this on
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