1,378 research outputs found

    Addressing Hxstorical Amnesia: Proactively Combating Hxstorical Amnesia as a Means of Healing in Higher Education

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    In a political context characterized by the desire to “Make America Great Again,” the romanticization of the past and the erasure of narratives of marginalized communities affect how students experience and navigate higher education. Institutions of higher education were built on systems of colonization and imperialism and continue to benefit from the legacy of domination and subordination; this hxstory shapes student learning. The authors introduce hxstorical amnesia, its effects on student development, and methods of actively combating hxstorical amnesia in higher education. The authors explore ways to heal from hxstorical amnesia through community-care, cogenerative dialogues, and Sentipensante Pedagogy. By discussing the contemporary impacts of hxstorical amnesia on higher education and student learning, the authors hope to (re)write the narrative of higher education to underline the importance of the hxstories of marginalized communities

    The Interreligious Dialogue in the Context of the New Europe: The European Ecumenical Movement

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    The new Europe will bring together a plurality of religions, traditions and cultures. The process of European integration has not only political implications, but also economic, political, social and religious implications. In this context, the building of a New Europe requires a coherent interreligious dialogue. The perspectives of the world and European ecumenical movement concern the realization of the unity among churches, in the spirit of the prayer „that Jesus addressed to His Heavenly Father for his disciples and for those who trusted in him to be one” (The Bible, John, 17, 22) There is a visible tendency towards the realization of a unity in diversity, at the same time seeing the obstacles that exist in front of this vision. A big step forward in Europe was made by the cooperation between CEC and CCEE to organize the European Ecumenical Assemblies and to elaborate the document entitled Charta Oecumenica. The ecumenical dialogue is practically based on the phenomenon of the concentric circles. What is important is in fact how much the parts have in common or how far a Christian denomination has gone from the doctrinal, administrative and juridical point of view. The dialogue is the ideal means in putting face to face the different points of view, in examining the divergences that separate Christians. In the ecumenical dialogue, the seriousness of the engagement and the depth of the problems that require a solution are obvious. The force to end this long an difficult pilgrimage is in „this submission to the will of the Father, repentance and absolute trust in the power of the truth, which is Christ, to reconciliate”

    Hyperspectral Super-Resolution with Coupled Tucker Approximation: Recoverability and SVD-based algorithms

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    We propose a novel approach for hyperspectral super-resolution, that is based on low-rank tensor approximation for a coupled low-rank multilinear (Tucker) model. We show that the correct recovery holds for a wide range of multilinear ranks. For coupled tensor approximation, we propose two SVD-based algorithms that are simple and fast, but with a performance comparable to the state-of-the-art methods. The approach is applicable to the case of unknown spatial degradation and to the pansharpening problem.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, in Pres

    Ethnicity and politics in the Romanian space: the case of northwestern Transylvania

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    The ethnic structure of this region has been heavily influenced by the evolution of the various historico-geographical factors and policies. Most of this structure, however, is linked to the evolution of the denominational structure. Ethnicity in this case is closely related to religion. The political reality, the events with political overtones that occurred during these centurieshad a direct influence regarding the conduct of processes and phenomena related to the ethno-confessional evolution of the area subject to our research. In this period the region is part of the Austrian state (before 1867), Austro-Hungarian Empire (1867 to 1918), Hungary (1940-1944) and Romania (1918-1940, 1944 - present). This space is located in the western area and it is mainly inhabited by Romanians. The continuous presence of Romanians here is documented ever since its formation. The ethnic group of Romanians has been facing a considerable demographic pressure that came from the Hungarians (the neighbouring ethnic group) or from groups or immigrants settled in this space (we refer in this case mainly to the Germans, Slovaks, Gypsies and Jews). Major geopolitical changes of the twentieth century and political decisions, especially extremist dictatorial regimes (Horthyst-Hungarian and communist-Romanian) led to significant changes in the ethnic structure of the region northwest Transylvania. Policy decisions, especially those taken during the dictatorial political and extremist regimes during the twentieth centurywere able to seriously affect ethno-religious realities of the Romanian space, especially in Transylvania. Be it the Hungarian or Romanian authorities during the two world wars or the communist dictatorship, decisions were taken that changed the ethnic map of the Romanian space. Suffice it to recall the drama of the Jewish community of the Second World War or the „sale” of the Germans and the Jews by the Communists in the postwar period

    Der Wind dreht sich : Montagsdemonstrationen gegen die herrschenden Klassen

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    Positionen vor dem Hintergrund empirischer Studien, die durch die RLS gefördert wurden, insb. die Langzeitstudie von Prof. Förster, die in der zweiten Hälfte der 80er Jahre begonnen wurde und mit den gleichen Personen bis heute durchgeführt wird (Jugendliche jetzt 31 Jahre) sowie das Projekt des Hallenser Forschungsinstituts Fokus: »Gesellschaftliche Konfliktlinien und Werteorientierungen«. Schon lange mehren sich die Zeichen für eine politische Krise. Jene, die den Verfallsprozess der Legitimation der Herrschaft der SED in der DDR erlebt haben, kennen sie: Es beginnt mit dem Umkippen von Zukunftshoffnungen in Zukunftsängste und der sinkenden Bindung an vorhandene politische Projekte und dem Rückzug aus der Politik in das Private (heute auch ablesbar an sinkender Wahlbeteiligung, heftiger Wählerwanderung und schwindender Mitgliedschaft in Parteien und anderen Großorganisationen). Dann kommt es zur Bildung von zunächst kleinen alternativen Organisationen mit hohem Anspruch und symbolischer Ausstrahlung (in der DDR unter dem Dach der Kirche; heute waren die Bildung von ATTAC und die Beteiligung an den Prozessen des Sozialforums entscheidend). Es werden Ventile gesucht (in der DDR die Unterstützung für die sowjetische Perestroika, in der Bundesrepublik die Großdemonstration gegen den Irak-Krieg). Schließlich aber gehen Menschen auf die Straße: gegen die Politik und gegen die Herrschenden – im August und September 2004 waren es Hunderttausende. Das Volk will sich selbst vertreten. Was ist passiert

    Contemporary ecumenism between theologians’ discourse and the reality of inter-confessional dialogue - case study: Bihor

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    Religious freedom in Romania after 1989 has contributed decisively to changes in the religious structure in the country. From a religious point of view, the fall of the communist regime meant the end of abuse or interdictions for many people and communities. Discussing about ecumenism and inter-religious or inter-confessional dialogue in Bihor is, according to the current demographic realities, a need entailed by the ethno-confessional diversity and multiculturalism specific to the area. The religious diversity has led not only to inter-community tensions but also to better mutual knowledge, a phenomenon that has finally led to dialogue and the establishment of relationships. There is a visible tendency towards the realization of a unity in diversity in full awareness of the obstacles ahead. Beyond the energetic discourse of high Christian clericals, contemporary ecumenism has been met with several impediments imposed by the reality of some “minor” local issues that have remained unsolved over the years. At times, underlying theological issues have been a hindrance to a genuine ecumenical dialogue
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