31 research outputs found
Sex differences in body composition and bone mineral density in phenylketonuria: A cross-sectional study
Background: Low bone mineral density (BMD) and subsequent skeletal fragility have emerged as a long-term complication of phenylketonuria (PKU). Objective: To determine if there are differences in BMD and body composition between male and female participants with PKU. Methods: From our randomized, crossover trial [1] of participants with early-treated PKU who consumed a low-phenylalanine (Phe) diet combined with amino acid medical foods (AA-MF) or glycomacropeptide medical foods (GMP-MF), a subset of 15 participants (6 males, 9 females, aged 15–50 y, 8 classical and 7 variant PKU) completed one dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) scan and 3-day food records after each dietary treatment. Participants reported lifelong compliance with AA-MF. In a crossover design, 8 participants (4 males, 4 females, aged 16–35y) provided a 24-h urine collection after consuming AA-MF or GMP-MF for 1–3weeks each. Results: Male participants had significantly lower mean total body BMD Z-scores (means±SE, males=−0.9±0.4; females, 0.2±0.3; p=0.01) and tended to have lower mean L1–4 spine and total femur BMD Z-scores compared to female participants. Only 50% percent of male participants had total body BMD Z-scores above −1.0 compared to 100% of females (p=0.06). Total femur Z-scores were negatively correlated with intake of AA-MF (r=−0.58; p=0.048). Males tended to consume more grams of protein equivalents per day from AA-MF (means±SE, males: 67±6g, females: 52±4g; p=0.057). Males and females demonstrated similar urinary excretion of renal net acid, magnesium and sulfate; males showed a trend for higher urinary calcium excretion compared to females (means ± SE, males: 339±75mg/d, females: 228±69mg/d; p=0.13). Females had a greater percentage of total fat mass compared to males (means±SE, males: 24.5±4.8%, females: 36.5±2.5%; p=0.047). Mean appendicular lean mass index was similar between males and females. Male participants had low-normal lean mass based on the appendicular lean mass index. Conclusions: Males with PKU have lower BMD compared with females with PKU that may be related to higher intake of AA-MF and greater calcium excretion. The trial was registered at www.clinicaltrials.gov as NCT01428258. Keywords: Amino acid, Appendicular lean mass index, Glycomacropeptide, Medical food, Osteoporosis, Renal net acid, Trabecular bone score, Urinary calcium excretio
Amino Acid Medical Foods Provide a High Dietary Acid Load and Increase Urinary Excretion of Renal Net Acid, Calcium, and Magnesium Compared with Glycomacropeptide Medical Foods in Phenylketonuria
Background. Skeletal fragility is a complication of phenylketonuria (PKU). A diet containing amino acids compared with glycomacropeptide reduces bone size and strength in mice. Objective. We tested the hypothesis that amino acid medical foods (AA-MF) provide a high dietary acid load, subsequently increasing urinary excretion of renal net acid, calcium, and magnesium, compared to glycomacropeptide medical foods (GMP-MF). Design. In a crossover design, 8 participants with PKU (16–35 y) provided food records and 24-hr urine samples after consuming a low-Phe diet in combination with AA-MF and GMP-MF for 1–3 wks. We calculated potential renal acid load (PRAL) of AA-MF and GMP-MF and determined bone mineral density (BMD) measurements using dual X-ray absorptiometry. Results. AA-MF provided 1.5–2.5-fold higher PRAL and resulted in 3-fold greater renal net acid excretion compared to GMP-MF (p=0.002). Dietary protein, calcium, and magnesium intake were similar. GMP-MF significantly reduced urinary excretion of calcium by 40% (p=0.012) and magnesium by 30% (p=0.029). Two participants had low BMD-for-age and trabecular bone scores, indicating microarchitectural degradation. Urinary calcium with AA-MF negatively correlated with L1–L4 BMD. Conclusion. Compared to GMP-MF, AA-MF increase dietary acid load, subsequently increasing urinary calcium and magnesium excretion, and likely contributing to skeletal fragility in PKU. The trial was registered at clinicaltrials.gov as NCT01428258
Clinical relevance of the discrepancy in phenylalanine concentrations analyzed using tandem mass spectrometry compared with ion-exchange chromatography in phenylketonuria
Introduction: Metabolic control of phenylketonuria (PKU) and compliance with the low-phenylalanine (phe) diet are frequently assessed by measuring blood phe concentrations in dried blood spots (DBS) collected by patients instead of plasma phe concentrations.
Objective: Our objective was to investigate the difference in blood phe concentrations in DBS collected by subjects and analyzed using either a validated newborn screening tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) protocol or ion-exchange chromatography (IEC) compared to plasma phe concentrations obtained simultaneously and analyzed using IEC.
Design: Three to four fasting blood samples were obtained from 29 subjects with PKU, ages 15–49 years. Capillary blood was spotted on filter paper by each subject and the DBS analyzed using both MS/MS and IEC. Plasma was isolated from venous blood and analyzed using IEC.
Results: Blood phe concentrations in DBS analyzed using MS/MS are 28% ± 1% (n = 110, p 600 μmol/L. Due to the large variability across subjects of 13.2%, a calibration factor to adjust blood phe concentrations is not recommended. Analysis of DBS using IEC reduced the discrepancy to 15 ± 2% lower phe concentrations compared to plasma analyzed using IEC (n = 38, p = 0.0001). This suggests that a major contributor to the discrepancy in phe concentrations is the analytical method.
Conclusion: Use of DBS analyzed using MS/MS to monitor blood phe concentrations in individuals with PKU yields significantly lower phe levels compared to plasma phe levels analyzed using IEC. Optimization of current testing methodologies for measuring phe in DBS, along with patient education regarding the appropriate technique for spotting blood on filter paper is needed to improve the accuracy of using DBS to measure phe concentrations in PKU management
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Dietary amino acid intakes associated with a low-phenylalanine diet combined with amino acid medical foods and glycomacropeptide medical foods and neuropsychological outcomes in subjects with phenylketonuria
This article provides original data on median dietary intake of 18 amino acids from amino acid medical foods, glycomacropeptide medical foods, and natural foods based on 3-day food records obtained from subjects with phenylketonuria who consumed low-phenylalanine diets in combination with amino acid medical foods and glycomacropeptide medical foods for 3 weeks each in a crossover design. The sample size of 30 subjects included 20 subjects with classical phenylketonuria and 10 with a milder or variant form of phenylketonuria. Results are presented for the Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System and the Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery; the tests were administered at the end of each 3-week dietary treatment with amino acid medical foods and glycomacropeptide medical foods. The data are supplemental to our clinical trial, entitled “Glycomacropetide for nutritional management of phenylketonuria: a randomized, controlled, crossover trial, 2016 (1) and “Metabolomic changes demonstrate reduced bioavailability of tyrosine and altered metabolism of tryptophan via the kynurenine pathway with ingestion of medical foods in phenylketonuria, 2017 (2). This data has been made public and has utility to clinicians and researchers due to the following: 1) This provides the first comprehensive report of typical intakes of 18 amino acids from natural foods, as well as amino acid and glycomacropeptide medical foods in adolescents and adults with phenylketonuria; and 2) This is the first evidence of similar standardized neuropsychological testing data in adolescents and adults with early-treated phenylketonuria who consumed amino acid and glycomacropeptide medical foods
Metabolomic Insights into the Nutritional Status of Adults and Adolescents with Phenylketonuria Consuming a Low-Phenylalanine Diet in Combination with Amino Acid and Glycomacropeptide Medical Foods
Background: Nutrient status in phenylketonuria (PKU) requires surveillance due to the restrictive low-Phe diet in combination with amino acid medical foods (AA-MF) or glycomacropeptide medical foods (GMP-MF). Micronutrient profiles of medical foods are diverse, and optimal micronutrient supplementation in PKU has not been established. Methods: In a crossover design, 30 participants with PKU were randomized to consume AA-MF and Glytactinâ„¢ GMP-MF in combination with a low-Phe diet for 3 weeks each. Fasting venipunctures, medical food logs, and 3-day food records were obtained. Metabolomic analyses were completed in plasma and urine by Metabolon, Inc. Results: The low-Phe diets in combination with AA-MF and GMP-MF were generally adequate based on Dietary Reference Intakes, clinical measures, and metabolomics. Without micronutrient supplementation of medical foods, >70% of participants would have inadequate intakes for 11 micronutrients. Despite micronutrient supplementation of medical foods, inadequate intakes of potassium in 93% of participants and choline in >40% and excessive intakes of sodium in >63% of participants and folic acid in >27% were observed. Sugar intake was excessive and provided 27% of energy. Conclusions: Nutrient status was similar with AA-MF and Glytactin GMP-MF. More research related to micronutrient supplementation of medical foods for the management of PKU is needed
Differential Effects of Dietary Fat Content and Protein Source on Bone Phenotype and Fatty Acid Oxidation in Female C57Bl/6 Mice
<div><p>Background</p><p>Glycomacropeptide (GMP) is a 64-amino acid glycophosphopeptide released from κ-casein during cheesemaking that promotes satiety, reduces body fat, increases bone mass and infers prebiotic and anti-inflammatory effects. The impact of adiposity and gender on bone health is unclear.</p><p>Objective</p><p>To determine how feeding female mice diets providing 60% Fat Kcal (high-fat) or 13% Fat Kcal (control) with either GMP or casein as the protein source impacts: body composition, ex vivo fatty acid oxidation, bone (femoral) biomechanical performance, and the relationship between body composition and bone.</p><p>Methods</p><p>Weanling female C57Bl/6 mice were fed high-fat (60% Fat Kcal) or control diets (13% Fat Kcal) with GMP or casein from 3 to 32 weeks of age with assessment of body weight and food intake. Body composition was assessed by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). Fatty acid oxidation was measured in liver, muscle, and fat tissues using <sup>14</sup>C-palmitate. Plasma concentrations of hormones and cytokines were determined. Bone biomechanical performance was assessed by the 3-point bending test.</p><p>Results</p><p>Female mice fed high-fat diets showed increased fatty acid oxidation capacity in both gastrocnemius muscle and brown adipose tissue compared to mice fed the control diets with a lower fat content. Despite increased fat mass in mice fed the high-fat diets, there was little evidence of glucose impairment or inflammation. Mice fed the high-fat diets had significantly greater total body bone mineral density (BMD), femoral BMD, and femoral cross-sectional area than mice fed the control diets. Femora of mice fed the high-fat diets had increased yield load and maximum load before fracture, consistent with greater bone strength, but reduced post-yield displacement or ductility, consistent with bone brittleness. Female mice fed a high-fat GMP diet displayed increased fat oxidation capacity in subcutaneous fat relative to mice fed the high-fat casein diet. Regardless of dietary fat content, GMP increased total body bone mineral content and femur length. The prebiotic properties of GMP may mediate the beneficial effects of GMP on bone.</p><p>Conclusions</p><p>Female mice adapt to high-fat feeding by increasing oxidative capacity in muscle tissue and to a lesser extent brown adipose tissue. High-fat feeding in female mice leads to development of a bone phenotype where femora show increased BMD and are stronger, yet more brittle. The increased brittleness of bone was associated with increased body fat content due to high-fat feeding. In summary, high-fat feeding in female mice increases mineralization of bone, but negatively impacts bone quality resulting in brittle bones.</p></div
Complete amino acid analysis of the diets.
<p>Complete amino acid analysis of the diets.</p
Body weight and food intake.
<p>Change in body weight (A) and cumulative food intake over time (B) of female mice fed 60%-fat casein, 60%-fat GMP, 13%-fat casein, and 13%-fat GMP diets from weaning (3week) through 32 weeks of age. Repeated measures analysis showed a significant protein x fat x time interaction for body weight (A). The inset histogram displays final body weight of the female mice. Mice fed the high-fat diets weighed significantly more at the end of the study (p<0.0001) compared to mice fed the control diets. Mice fed the high-fat GMP diet weighed significantly less at the end of the study compared to mice fed the high-fat casein diet (p = 0.01). Repeated measures analysis indicated a significant protein x fat x time interaction for cumulative food intake (B). The inset histogram shows total caloric intake throughout the study. Mice fed the high-fat diets consumed significantly more kcals throughout the study than mice fed the control diets (p<0.0001). Mice fed the 13%-fat GMP diet had a greater caloric intake compared to mice fed the 13%-fat casein diet.</p