48 research outputs found

    Two-photon absorption spectra of a near-IR polymethine molecule with a broken ground-state symmetry

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    NIR polymethines are studied in two solvents of dissimilar polarity to investigate predictions of 2PA enhancements from ground-state symmetry-breaking (SB). However, electronvibrational coupling appears to predominate SB. © 2011 OSA

    Two-photon absorption spectra of a near-infrared 2-azaazulene polymethine dye: solvation and ground-state symmetry breaking

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    Polymethine dyes (PDs) with absorption bands in the near-infrared region undergo symmetry breaking in polar solvents. To investigate how symmetry breaking affects nonlinear optical responses of PDs, an extensive and challenging experimental characterization of a cationic 2-azaazulene polymethine dye, including linear absorption, fluorescence, two-photon absorption and excited-state absorption, has been performed in two solvents with different polarity. Based on this extensive set of experimental data, a three-electronic-state model, accounting for the coupling of electronic degrees of freedom to molecular vibrations and polar solvation, has been reliably parameterized and validated for this dye, fully rationalizing optical spectra in terms of spectral position, intensities and bandshapes. In low-polarity solvents where the dye is mainly in its symmetric form, a nominally forbidden two-photon absorption band is observed, due to a vibronic activation mechanism. Inhomogeneous broadening plays a major role in polar solvents: absorption spectra represent the weighted sum of contributions from states with a variable amount of symmetry breaking, leading to a complex evolution of linear and nonlinear optical spectra with solvent polarity. In more polar solvents, the dominant role of the asymmetric form leads to the activation of two-photon absorption as a result of the symmetry lowering. The subtle interplay between the two mechanisms for two-photon absorption activation, vibronic coupling and polar solvation, can be fully accounted for within the proposed microscopic model allowing a detailed interpretation of the optical spectra of PDs

    Vacina contra poliomielite: um novo paradigma Polio vaccines: a new paradigma

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    OBJETIVO: Analisar as estratégias propostas pela Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) para controle da poliomielite. FONTES DE DADOS: Levantamento das publicações sobre poliomielite indexadas no Medline, Lilacs e sites da OMS e Ministério da Saúde de janeiro de 2000 a dezembro de 2006. SÍNTESEDOS DADOS: O reconhecimento da paralisia associada aos vírus vacinais e por vírus circulantes derivados da vacina oral não deixa dúvidas de que, em breve, será necessário interromper o uso da vacina oral para poliomielite. Após os vírus selvagens serem erradicados, a vacina oral para poliomielite deverá ser interrompida, de preferência de forma sincronizada em todos os países. Após a interrupção da vacinação, as populações voltarão a ser suscetíveis à poliomielite, podendo ocorrer surtos da doença por vírus selvagens (escape dos laboratórios de forma acidental ou por bioterrorismo). Nos países que já utilizam a vacina para poliomielite com vírus inativado é pouco provável que haja interrupção da vacinação. Países que atualmente utilizam exclusivamente a vacina oral ficarão na dependência da vigilância epidemiológica e dos estoques de vacina oral para controlar eventuais surtos de pólio. Se a vacina oral para poliomielite for reintroduzida nessas populações, haverá novamente o risco de paralisia associada aos vírus vacinais e por vírus circulantes derivados da vacina oral, que podem se disseminar rapidamente para outras regiões e países vizinhos. CONCLUSÕES: É necessário planejar a introdução da vacina para poliomielite com vírus inativado no calendário de rotina brasileiro, assim como adquirir tecnologia para sua produção, que atualmente é insuficiente para as necessidades globais.<br>OBJECTIVE: Review the World Health Organization (WHO) strategies for poliomyelitis control. DATA SOURCES: Retrieval of publications on poliomyelitis indexed in Medline, Lilacs and in the WHO and Health Ministry sites, from January 2000 to December 2006. DATA SYNTHESIS: Acknowledgement of vaccine-associated paralysis and oral vaccine-derived circulating viruses’ paralysis shall certainly require discontinuation of oral vaccination for poliomyelitis use in a short time. After eradication of the wild viruses, oral vaccination for poliomyelitis should be discontinued, preferably in a synchronized manner in all the countries. After termination of vaccination programs, people will become susceptible again to poliomyelitis virus and disease outbreaks caused by wild viruses may occur (accidental escape from laboratories or bioterrorism). In countries already using inactivated poliovirus vaccine, it is unlikely that vaccination will be interrupted. Countries that currently use exclusively oral poliovirus vaccine will have to rely on epidemiological surveillance and on oral vaccine inventories to control potential polio outbreaks. If the oral poliovirus vaccine is reintroduced in those populations, there will be again a risk for vaccine-associated paralysis and oral vaccine-derived circulating viruses’ that may spread rapidly to other regions and to nearby countries. CONCLUSIONS: Inactivated poliovirus vaccine introduction in the routine Brazilian vaccination calendar should be programmed as well as acquisition of technology for inactivated poliovirus vaccine production since the latter is currently insufficient to cover global demand