62 research outputs found

    Myelin-associated glycoprotein and myelin galactolipids stabilize developing axo-glial interactions

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    We have analyzed mice that lack both the myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG) and the myelin galactolipids, two glial components implicated in mediating axo-glial interactions during the myelination process. The single-mutant mice produce abnormal myelin containing similar ultrastructural abnormalities, suggesting that these molecules may play an overlapping role in myelin formation. Furthermore, the absence of the galactolipids results in a disruption in paranodal axo-glial interactions, and we show here that similar, albeit less severe, abnormalities exist in the developing MAG mutant. In the double-mutant mice, maintenance of axo-glial adhesion is significantly more affected than in the single mutants, supporting the overlapping function hypothesis. We also show that independently of MAG, galactolipids, and paranodal junctional components, immature nodes of Ranvier form normally, but rapidly destabilize in their absence. These data indicate that distinct molecular mechanisms are responsible for the formation and maintenance of axo-glial interactions

    Endoplasmic reticulum stress modulates the response of myelinating oligodendrocytes to the immune cytokine interferon-Ξ³

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    I*nterferon-Ξ³ (IFN-Ξ³) is believed to contribute to immune-mediated demyelinating disorders by targeting the myelin-producing oligodendrocyte, a cell known to be highly sensitive to the disruption of protein synthesis and to the perturbation of the secretory pathway. We found that apoptosis induced by IFN-Ξ³ in cultured rat oligodendrocytes was associated with endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. ER stress also accompanied oligodendrocyte apoptosis and hypomyelination in transgenic mice that inappropriately expressed IFN-Ξ³ in the central nervous system (CNS). Compared with a wild-type genetic background, the enforced expression of IFN-Ξ³ in mice that were heterozygous for a loss of function mutation in pancreatic ER kinase (PERK) dramatically reduced animal survival, promoted CNS hypomyelination, and enhanced oligodendrocyte loss. PERK encodes an ER stress–inducible kinase that phosphorylates eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2Ξ± and specifically maintains client protein homeostasis in the stressed ER. Therefore, the hypersensitivity of PERK+/βˆ’ mice to IFN-Ξ³ implicates ER stress in demyelinating disorders that are induced by CNS inflammation

    Axo-Glial Interactions Regulate the Localization of Axonal Paranodal Proteins

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    Mice incapable of synthesizing the abundant galactolipids of myelin exhibit disrupted paranodal axo-glial interactions in the central and peripheral nervous systems. Using these mutants, we have analyzed the role that axo-glial interactions play in the establishment of axonal protein distribution in the region of the node of Ranvier. Whereas the clustering of the nodal proteins, sodium channels, ankyrinG, and neurofascin was only slightly affected, the distribution of potassium channels and paranodin, proteins that are normally concentrated in the regions juxtaposed to the node, was dramatically altered. The potassium channels, which are normally concentrated in the paranode/juxtaparanode, were not restricted to this region but were detected throughout the internode in the galactolipid-defi- cient mice. Paranodin/contactin-associated protein (Caspr), a paranodal protein that is a potential neuronal mediator of axon-myelin binding, was not concentrated in the paranodal regions but was diffusely distributed along the internodal regions. Collectively, these findings suggest that the myelin galactolipids are essential for the proper formation of axo-glial interactions and demonstrate that a disruption in these interactions results in profound abnormalities in the molecular organization of the paranodal axolemma

    Impaired peripheral nerve regeneration in a mutant strain of mice (Enr) with a Schwann cell defect

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    Schwann cell-axon interactions in the development, maintenance, and regeneration of the normal peripheral nervous system are complex. A previously described transgene-induced insertional mutation (BPFD#36), now referred to as Enervated (Enr), results in disrupted Schwann cell- axon interactions. In this report, after a crush or transection injury to Enr peripheral nerves, we demonstrate impaired nerve regeneration. There are fewer myelinated fibers per mm2 and thinner myelin sheaths surrounding regenerating axons in the nerves of homozygous mutant mice compared to wild type mice at 28 d after crush injury to the sciatic nerve. Abnormal Schwann cell-axon interactions remain in Enr/Enr animals as evidenced by the relatively frequent ultrastructural finding of unmyelinated large diameter axons in the regenerating nerves. Additionally, nerve graft experiments indicate that the impairment in regeneration is due to a Schwann cell defect. Morphologic and morphometric findings in conjunction with molecular analysis of regenerating nerves suggest that the Enr defect causes a disruption in the ability of β€œearly ” Schwann cells to differentiate to a more mature phenotype. In mutant homozygous and wild type nerves at 7 d after crush injury there are similar levels of mRNA for the low-affinity nerve growth factor receptor, but in the mutant homozygous regenerating nerves there is 11-fold less mRNA for glial fibrillary acidic protein, a more mature phenotypic marker of Schwann cells. This Schwann cell differentiation defect likely accounts for both the peripheral neuropathy and impaired nerve regeneration observed in Enr mice

    Suppressor of Cytokine Signaling 1 Expression Protects Oligodendrocytes from the Deleterious Effects of Interferon-

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    Interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) is a pleiotropic cytokine produced by T cells and natural killer cells that has been implicated as a deleterious factor in the immune-mediated demyelinating disorder multiple sclerosis. In vitro, purified developing and mature oligodendrocytes have been shown to die in the presence of IFN-gamma by apoptosis and necrosis, respectively. Moreover, transgenic expression of IFN-gamma in the CNS of mice during development results in tremor, hypomyelination, and oligodendrocyte cell loss, and IFN-gamma expression in adult animals after demyelinating insults inhibits remyelination. To examine the molecular mechanisms of IFN-gamma-induced oligodendrocyte injury, we generated a transgenic mouse line [PLP/SOCS1 (proteolipid protein/suppressor of cytokine signaling 1)] that exhibits diminished oligodendrocyte responsiveness to IFN-gamma attributable to the targeted expression of SOCS1 in these cells. We demonstrate that oligodendrocytes in the PLP/SOCS1 transgenic mice are protected against the injurious effect of IFN-gamma. Our data indicate that IFN-gamma exerts a direct deleterious effect on developing oligodendrocytes. The capacity of SOCS1 to inhibit the effects of IFN-gamma suggests a therapeutic approach toward protection of myelinating oligodendrocytes against the harmful effects of inflammation

    Adenomatous polyposis coli regulates radial axonal sorting and myelination in the PNS

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    The tumor suppressor protein adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) is multifunctional – it participates in the canonical Wnt/Ξ²-catenin signal transduction pathway as well as modulating cytoskeleton function. Although APC is expressed by Schwann cells, the role that it plays in these cells and in the myelination of the peripheral nervous system (PNS) is unknown. Therefore, we used the Cre-lox approach to generate a mouse model in which APC expression is specifically eliminated from Schwann cells. These mice display hindlimb weakness and impaired axonal conduction in sciatic nerves. Detailed morphological analyses revealed that APC loss delays radial axonal sorting and PNS myelination. Furthermore, APC loss delays Schwann cell differentiation in vivo, which correlates with persistent activation of the Wnt signaling pathway and results in perturbed extension of Schwann cell processes and disrupted lamellipodia formation. In addition, APC-deficient Schwann cells display a transient diminution of proliferative capacity. Our data indicate that APC is required by Schwann cells for their timely differentiation to mature, myelinating cells and plays a crucial role in radial axonal sorting and PNS myelination

    Autosomal recessive neuromuscular disorder in a transgenic line of mice

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    We have generated a line of transgenic mice that when homozygous for the transgene develop a severe, adult-onset neuromuscular disorder. This mutation is likely the result of the insertional inactivation of an endogenous gene by the transgene integration. The mutant mice have a gait abnormality with stiffened and/or splayed hind legs, and adopt a hunched posture with some exhibiting kyphosis of the thoracic spine. These symptoms progress gradually to severe motor dysfunction. Pathologic changes were found in skeletal muscle and peripheral nerve of the mutant animals. In young mice the muscles from both upper and lower extremities show necrosis and phagocytosis. In older mice, regeneration with muscle fiber splitting, internally located nuclei, and variable fiber size are conspicuous features. Interactions between Schwann cells and axons also appear disrupted in these animals. Although many peripheral axons are well myelinated, the nerve and nerve roots contain very large bundles of juxtaposed, bare axons, reminiscent of Schwann cell-axon interactions in early development. Within these bundles there are axons large enough to be myelinated. The relationship between the pathologic changes in the muscles and nerves is not clear. The phenotypic abnormalities of these animals resemble those that occur in the spontaneous mouse mutants dystrophia muscularis and myodystrophy. Nevertheless, the chromosomal position of the transgene integration site, which was mapped by fluorescent in situ hybridization to chromosome 11, indicates that this disorder represents a new neuromuscular mutation

    Insights into the mechanism of oligodendrocyte protection and remyelination enhancement by the integrated stress response.

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    central nervous system (CNS) inflammation triggers activation of the integrated stress response (ISR). We previously reported that prolonging the ISR protects remyelinating oligodendrocytes and promotes remyelination in the presence of inflammation. However, the exact mechanisms through which this occurs remain unknown. Here, we investigated whether the ISR modulator Sephin1 in combination with the oligodendrocyte differentiation enhancing reagent bazedoxifene (BZA) is able to accelerate remyelination under inflammation, and the underlying mechanisms mediating this pathway. We find that the combined treatment of Sephin1 and BZA is sufficient to accelerate early-stage remyelination in mice with ectopic IFN-Ξ³ expression in the CNS. IFN-Ξ³, which is a critical inflammatory cytokine in multiple sclerosis (MS), inhibits oligodendrocyte precursor cell (OPC) differentiation in culture and triggers a mild ISR. Mechanistically, we further show that BZA promotes OPC differentiation in the presence of IFN-Ξ³, while Sephin1 enhances the IFN-Ξ³-induced ISR by reducing protein synthesis and increasing RNA stress granule formation in differentiating oligodendrocytes. Finally, pharmacological suppression of the ISR blocks stress granule formation in vitro and partially lessens the beneficial effect of Sephin1 on disease progression in a mouse model of MS, experimental autoimmune encephalitis (EAE). Overall, our findings uncover distinct mechanisms of action of BZA and Sephin1 on oligodendrocyte lineage cells under inflammatory stress, suggesting that a combination therapy may effectively promote restoring neuronal function in MS patients

    Interferon-Β -Oligodendrocyte Interactions in the Regulation of Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis

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    Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) is an animal model of the human demyelinating disorder multiple sclerosis (MS). The immune cytokine interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) is believed to participate in disease pathogenesis in both EAE and MS. In the present study, we examined the significance of IFN-gamma-oligodendrocyte interactions in the course of EAE. For the purpose of our study, we used the previously described [proteolipid protein/suppressor of cytokine signaling 1 (PLP/SOCS1)] transgenic mouse line that displays suppressed oligodendrocyte responsiveness to IFN-gamma. PLP/SOCS1 mice developed EAE with an accelerated onset associated with enhanced early inflammation and markedly increased oligodendrocyte apoptosis. Moreover, we found that IFN-gamma pretreatment of mature oligodendrocytes in vitro had a protective effect against oxidative stress and the inhibition of proteasome activity and resulted in upregulation in expression of a number of chemokines, including CXCL10 (IP10), CCL2 (MCP-1), CCL3 (MCP-1alpha), and CCL5 (RANTES). These results suggest that IFN-gamma-oligodendrocyte interactions are of significance to the clinical and pathological aspects of EAE. In addition, the present study suggests that oligodendrocytes are not simply targets of inflammatory injury but active participants of the neuroimmune network operating during the course of EAE

    Pharmaceutical integrated stress response enhancement protects oligodendrocytes and provides a potential multiple sclerosis therapeutic.

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    Oligodendrocyte death contributes to the pathogenesis of the inflammatory demyelinating disease multiple sclerosis (MS). Nevertheless, current MS therapies are mainly immunomodulatory and have demonstrated limited ability to inhibit MS progression. Protection of oligodendrocytes is therefore a desirable strategy for alleviating disease. Here we demonstrate that enhancement of the integrated stress response using the FDA-approved drug guanabenz increases oligodendrocyte survival in culture and prevents hypomyelination in cerebellar explants in the presence of interferon-Ξ³, a pro-inflammatory cytokine implicated in MS pathogenesis. In vivo, guanabenz treatment protects against oligodendrocyte loss caused by CNS-specific expression of interferon-Ξ³. In a mouse model of MS, experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, guanabenz alleviates clinical symptoms, which correlates with increased oligodendrocyte survival and diminished CNS CD4+ T cell accumulation. Moreover, guanabenz ameliorates relapse in relapsing-remitting experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Our results provide support for a MS therapy that enhances the integrated stress response to protect oligodendrocytes against the inflammatory CNS environment
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