14 research outputs found

    Profiles of patients with vitreoretinal lymphoma (Cases 1–10).

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    <p><i>CLL Chronic lymphocytic lymphoma, CNS</i> Central nervous system, <i>CR</i> Complete remission, <i>MTX</i> Methotrexate, <i>N/A</i> Not applicable, <i>NI</i> No improvement, <i>OD</i> Oculus dexter, <i>OS</i> Oculus sinister, <i>OU</i> oculus uterque, <i>PH</i> Pinhole, <i>PR</i> Partial remission, <i>PPV</i> Pars plana vitrectomy, <i>RTX</i> Rituximab <i>SCT</i> Stem cell transplant, <i>WBRT</i> Whole brain radiotherapy <i>VA</i> Visual acuity.</p>a<p>R-CHOP: Rituximab, Cyclophosphamide, Hydroxydaunorubicin, Oncovin, Prednisone.</p>b<p>BEAM: Bendamustine, Cytarabine, Etoposide and Melphalan.</p>c<p>CHOP: Cyclophosphamide, Hydroxydaunorubicin, Oncovin, Prednisone.</p

    Distribution of IL values in patients with vitreoretinal lymphoma.

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    <p>a) IL-10, b) IL-6, c) IL-10/IL-6. The vertical axis represents IL concentration or, in the case of IL-10/IL-6, the IL-10/IL-6 ratio. Black dots represent data points from individual dates of paracentesis. Red dots represent those IL values during the month of diagnosis of ocular disease whereas blue dots represent those IL values at the time of disease relapse. The dashed line represents the assay’s threshold of sensitivity, which for IL-10 is 1.0 pg/mL and for IL-6 is 4.88 pg/mL.</p

    Distribution of IL values in patients with uveitis.

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    <p>a) IL-10, b) IL-6, c) IL-10/IL-6. The vertical axis represents IL concentration or, in the case of IL-10/IL-6, the IL-10/IL-6 ratio. Black dots represent data points from individual dates of paracentesis. The dashed line represents the assay’s threshold of sensitivity, which for IL-10 is 1.0 pg/ml and for IL-6 is 4.88 pg/mL.</p

    IL concentrations and timing of intraocular treatment in a patient with bilateral lymphoma (Case 9).

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    <p>a) IL-10, b) IL-6, c) IL-10/IL-6. The vertical axis represents IL levels. Red arrows indicate intraocular treatment in the right eye, and blue diamonds indicate intraocular treatment in the left eye.</p

    IL concentrations and timing of intraocular treatment in a patient with unilateral lymphoma (Case 8).

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    <p>a) IL-10, b) IL-6, c) IL-10/IL-6. The vertical axis represents IL levels. Red arrows indicate intraocular treatment in the right eye, and blue diamonds indicate intraocular treatment in the left eye.</p

    Empirical ROC curve using IL threshold values.

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    <p>a) IL-10 ROC curve, b) IL-6 ROC curve, c) IL-10/IL-6 ROC curve. The vertical axis represents the true positive rate (sensitivity), and the horizontal axis represents the false positive rate (1-specificity). The curve was generated by dichotomizing IL values into one of two groups (i.e., lymphoma vs. no lymphoma) to determine statistical indices associated with discrete threshold values.</p

    IL concentrations and timing of intraocular treatment in a patient with bilateral lymphoma (Case 10).

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    <p>a) IL-10, b) IL-6, c) IL-10/IL-6. The vertical axis represents IL levels. Red arrows indicate intraocular treatment in the right eye, and blue diamonds indicate intraocular treatment in the left eye.</p