6 research outputs found
Climate Change Beyond Environmentalism Part I: Intersectional Threats and the Case for Collective Action
- Author
- Aaron Sidder
- Alister Doyle
- Alyson Flournoy
- Andrey Kolokolnikov
- Boris A Revich &
- Brian Handwerk
- Carolyn Beeler
- Coral Davenport
- Dale Jamieson
- Dale See
- Deborah Gough
- Devin Henry
- E G See
- E G See
- Eugene Hargrove
- Ian Stirling
- J See
- J Street
- Javier E Baez &
- Jonathan Lovvorn
- Josef Settele
- Juan Carlos Rodriguez
- L Denniston
- L Heinzerling
- Morgan Eisenlord
- Nick Id
- Oleg A See
- Robert Porter
- Robinson Meyer
- Ryan Schuessler
- Sandrine Maljean-Dubois
- See Brent
- See Brian Mottaz
- See Charles
- See Howard Kenison &
- See Michael Astor
- See Michael Bean
- See Sondre B�tstrand
- See Visser
- Tom Regan
- Tom Zeller
- U N Children&apos
- U S Epa
- U S Fish &
- U S See
- Wake &
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2017
- Field of study
Putting a Price on Mobility: Cars and Contradictions in Planning
- Author
- Anderson D.
- Beshers E. W.
- Blumenberg E.
- Boarnet M. G.
- Brian D. Taylor
- Chatman D.
- Delucchi M.
- Forkenbrock D. J.
- Goldman T.
- Greene D. L.
- Handwerk B.
- Hansen M.
- Leinbach T. R.
- Mackenzie J. J.
- Meyer M.
- Mohring H.
- Moore T.
- Perry I. W. H.
- Pickrell D.
- Santos G.
- Schade J.
- Shoup D.
- Small K.
- Small K. A.
- Small K. A.
- Sorensen P. A.
- Sorensen P. A.
- Taylor B. D.
- Wachs M.
- Whittles M. J.
- Whitty J. M.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Out-of-Home Placement Decision-Making and Outcomes in Child Welfare: A Longitudinal Study
- Author
- AJ Schwab
- BG Tabachnick
- D Lindsey
- DA Weiner
- Dana A. Weiner
- DJ Baumann
- DM Rubin
- EH Snyder
- G Griffin
- Gary M. McClelland
- J Goldhaber-Fiebert
- J Helgerson
- JD Singer
- JG Barber
- JM Blakey
- John S. Lyons
- JS Lyons
- JS Lyons
- JS Lyons
- JS Lyons
- Ka Ho Brian Chor
- KHB Chor
- KHB Chor
- KHB Chor
- LM Berger
- LM Martin
- ML Handwerk
- Neil Jordan
- PA Fisher
- PA Fisher
- RL Anderson
- S James
- S James
- S Magura
- SJ Leathers
- T Fallon
- TM Crea
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The Political Economy of Natural Disaster Damage
- Author
- A C Cameron
- A J Healy
- A K Schwab
- Albania Afghanistan
- Albania Afghanistan
- Angelika Wirtz
- Antigua
- Appendix
- B Barthel
- Bimal Paul
- Brian Handwerk
- C Camerer
- C Kenny
- C Willmott
- Daily Mail
- E Neumayer
- Eric Neumayer
- Eric Neumayer
- Fabian Barthel
- G A Akerlof
- H Kunreuther
- I Schumacher
- J T Gasper
- K Emanuel
- Kim M Carsell
- L Bouwer
- L Bouwer
- M E Kahn
- M Escaleras
- Mark L Burton
- Mark Pelling
- Min
- Munich Re
- N Anbarci
- P A Raschky
- P Keefer
- Pardeep Pall
- R Koenker
- R Mendelsohn
- Richard D Knabb
- Roger A Pielke
- Roy Brouwer
- S Hallegatte
- S Hallegatte
- S Hallegatte
- S Hough
- S Schmidt
- S V Lall
- T Pl�mper
- Thomas Plümper
- William D Nordhaus
- Wolfgang Kron
- World Bank
- World Bank
- World Bank
- Xinhua
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2012
- Field of study
African Futures 2050 - The Next Forty Years
- Author
- Adam See
- Aft Er
- Augustin Fosu
- Augustin Fosu
- Augustin Fosu
- B Barry
- Bad Chang
- Barry Hughes
- Boko Literally
- Brian Handwerk
- Brice�o-Garmendia Foster
- Brice�o-Garmendia Foster
- Brice�o-Garmendia Foster
- Brice�o-Garmendia Foster
- Cilliers
- Cilliers
- Climate Acces
- Climate Acces
- Climate Ruben De Koning
- Cocaine David O&apos
- Daniel Kaufmann
- Dorina Bekoe
- Ekaterina Stepanova
- Eric Firnhaber
- Fareed Zakaria
- Freemantle Stevens
- Freemantle Stevens
- Freemantle Stevens
- G Monty
- Grosskurth
- Grosskurth
- Grosskurth
- Grosskurth
- Grosskurth According To
- Ha-Joon Chang
- Haider Mohammod T Irfan
- Harry Dugmore
- Human Unpd
- Ibid
- Ibid
- Ibid
- Ibid
- Ibid
- Ibid
- Ibid
- Ibid
- Ibid
- Ibid
- Ibid
- Ibid
- Ibid
- Ibid
- Ibid
- Ibid
- Ibid
- Ibid
- Ibid
- Ibid
- Ibid
- Ibid
- Ibid
- Ibid
- International Eia
- Irin
- J Robert
- Jakkie Cilliers
- Jakkie Cilliers
- Jakkie Cilliers
- Jakkie Cilliers
- Jakkie Cilliers
- Jakkie Cilliers
- Jaspeer Grosskurth
- Jeremy Stevens
- Jonathan D. Moyer
- Koji Miyamoto
- Kristen Soder
- Martin Wolf
- Mattes Bratton
- Mattes Bratton
- Mattes Bratton
- Mattes Bratton
- Mckinsey
- Mckinsey
- Mckinsey
- Mckinsey
- Mckinsey
- Mckinsey
- Mckinsey
- Mckinsey
- Mckinsey
- Mckinsey Global Institute
- Mwabu Fosu
- Paul Collier
- Paul Holtom
- Report%20for%20the%20au%20july%202010%20summit
- See
- See
- Soder
- Staff An Lindberg
- Stanley Mkoko
- Stevens Freemantle
- Stevens Freemantle
- Stevens Freemantle
- Stevens Freemantle
- Stevens Freemantle
- Stevens Freemantle
- Stockholm International Peace Research Institute
- Th
- Tony Leon
- Un Peacekeeping
- Uneca See
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2011
- Field of study
Overview of Out-of-Home Placements and Placement Decision-Making in Child Welfare
- Author
- Aarons G.
- Aarons G. A.
- Aarons G. A.
- Ananda J.
- Anderson R. L.
- Annie Casey E. Foundation
- Armour M. P.
- Barber J. G.
- Barth R. P.
- Barth R. P.
- Bass S.
- Benbenishty R.
- Berger L. M.
- Berrick J. D.
- Bickman L.
- Blakey J. M.
- Briar S.
- Bryant B.
- Chamberlain P.
- Children's Network of South Florida
- Chor K. H. B.
- Connell C. M.
- Courtney M. E.
- Crampton D. S.
- Crea T. M.
- Crea T. M.
- Crea T. M.
- Curtis P.
- Daleiden E.
- Dawes R. M.
- DeMuro P.
- Doran L.
- Duppong Hurley K.
- Durbin J.
- Fallon T.
- Fanshel D.
- Farmer E. M. Z.
- Fields S. A.
- Foley W. J.
- Foltz R.
- Fulton R. J.
- Gambrill E.
- Georgia Department of Human Services
- Glisson C.
- Greenhalgh T.
- Handwerk M. L.
- Hyde J.
- Illinois Department of Children and Family Services
- James S.
- James S.
- James S.
- Johnson M. A.
- Jones L.
- Ka Ho Brian Chor
- Knapp M.
- Kramer H. B.
- Kroner M. J.
- Leathers S. J.
- Lee B. R.
- Leeson C.
- Lewandowski C. A.
- Lindsey D.
- Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services
- Lyons J. S.
- Lyons J. S.
- Lyons J. S.
- Lyons J. S.
- Lyons J. S.
- Magura S.
- McCurdy B. L.
- Merritt D. H.
- Monnickendam M.
- Munro E.
- Mutschler E.
- Naccarato T.
- National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors Research Institute
- Pardeck J. T.
- Pfeiffer S. I.
- Rashid S.
- Rubin D. M.
- Rubin D. M.
- Rycus J. S.
- Schuerman J.
- Schuerman J. R.
- Schwab A. J.
- Schwab A. J.
- Sicoly F.
- Sowers W.
- Srebnik D.
- Steiner I. D.
- Stott T.
- Sunseri P. A.
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
- Uehara E. S.
- Unrau Y. A.
- Ustinovichius L.
- Weigensberg E. C.
- Weiner D. A.
- Weiner D. A.
- Wisconsin Department of Children and Families
- Wisconsin Department of Children and Families
- Yoshida R. K.
- Zeleny M.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study