81 research outputs found

    Wild-type Caenorhabditis elegans isolates exhibit distinct gene expression profiles in response to microbial infection

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    The soil-dwelling nematode Caenorhabditis elegans serves as a model system to study innate immunity against microbial pathogens. C. elegans have been collected from around the world, where they, presumably, adapted to regional microbial ecologies. Here we use survival assays and RNA-sequencing to better understand how two isolates from disparate climates respond to pathogenic bacteria. We found that, relative to N2 (originally isolated in Bristol, UK), CB4856 (isolated in Hawaii), was more susceptible to the Gram-positive microbe, Staphylococcus epidermidis, but equally susceptible to Staphylococcus aureus as well as two Gram-negative microbes, Providencia rettgeri and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. We performed transcriptome analysis of infected worms and found gene-expression profiles were considerably different in an isolate-specific and microbe-specific manner. We performed GO term analysis to categorize differential gene expression in response to S. epidermidis. In N2, genes that encoded detoxification enzymes and extracellular matrix proteins were significantly enriched, while in CB4856, genes that encoded detoxification enzymes, C-type lectins, and lipid metabolism proteins were enriched, suggesting they have different responses to S. epidermidis, despite being the same species. Overall, discerning gene expression signatures in an isolate by pathogen manner can help us to understand the different possibilities for the evolution of immune responses within organisms

    Vitamin B12 Regulates Glial Migration and Synapse Formation through Isoform-Specific Control of PTP-3/LAR PRTP Expression

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    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.Vitamin B12 is known to play critical roles during the development and aging of the brain, and vitamin B12 deficiency has been linked to neurodevelopmental and degenerative disorders. However, the underlying molecular mechanisms of how vitamin B12 affects the development and maintenance of the nervous system are still unclear. Here, we report that vitamin B12 can regulate glial migration and synapse formation through control of isoform-specific expression of PTP-3/LAR PRTP (leukocyte-common antigen-related receptor-type tyrosine-protein phosphatase). We found the uptake of diet-supplied vitamin B12 in the intestine to be critical for the expression of a long isoform of PTP-3 (PTP-3A) in neuronal and glial cells. The expression of PTP-3A cell autonomously regulates glial migration and synapse formation through interaction with an extracellular matrix protein NID-1/nidogen 1. Together, our findings demonstrate that isoform-specific regulation of PTP-3/ LAR PRTP expression is a key molecular mechanism that mediates vitamin-B12-dependent neuronal and glial development.NIH P40 OD010440Holland Trice AwardsNIH R01 NS09417NIH R01NS10563

    Caenorhabditis elegans voltage-gated calcium channel subunits UNC-2 and UNC-36 and the calcium-dependent kinase UNC-43/CaMKII regulate neuromuscular junction morphology

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    The conserved Caenorhabditis elegans proteins NID-1/nidogen and PTP-3A/LAR-RPTP function to efficiently localize the presynaptic scaffold protein SYD-2/α-liprin at active zones. Loss of function in these molecules results in defects in the size, morphology and spacing of neuromuscular junctions

    The Hox Gene egl-5 Acts as a Terminal Selector for VD13 Development via Wnt Signaling

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    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.Nervous systems are comprised of diverse cell types that differ functionally and morphologically. During development, extrinsic signals, e.g., growth factors, can activate intrinsic programs, usually orchestrated by networks of transcription factors. Within that network, transcription factors that drive the specification of features specific to a limited number of cells are often referred to as terminal selectors. While we still have an incomplete view of how individual neurons within organisms become specified, reporters limited to a subset of neurons in a nervous system can facilitate the discovery of cell specification programs. We have identified a fluorescent reporter that labels VD13, the most posterior of the 19 inhibitory GABA (γ-amino butyric acid)-ergic motorneurons, and two additional neurons, LUAL and LUAR. Loss of function in multiple Wnt signaling genes resulted in an incompletely penetrant loss of the marker, selectively in VD13, but not the LUAs, even though other aspects of GABAergic specification in VD13 were normal. The posterior Hox gene, egl-5, was necessary for expression of our marker in VD13, and ectopic expression of egl-5 in more anterior GABAergic neurons induced expression of the marker. These results suggest egl-5 is a terminal selector of VD13, subsequent to GABAergic specification

    The Immunoglobulin Superfamily Members syg-2 and syg-1 Regulate Neurite Development in C. elegans

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    Neurons form elaborate networks by guiding axons and dendrites to appropriate destinations. Neurites require information about the relative body axes during the initial projection from the cell body, and failure to receive or interpret those cues correctly can result in outgrowth errors. We identified a mutation in the Ig superfamily member syg-2 in a screen for animals with anterior/posterior (A/P) axon guidance defects. We found that syg-2 and its cognate Ig family member syg-1 appear to function in a linear genetic pathway to control the outgrowth of GABAergic axons. We determined that this pathway works in parallel to Wnt signaling. Specifically, mutations in syg-2 or syg-1 selectively affected the embryonically derived Dorsal D-type (DD) GABAergic neurons. We found no evidence that these mutations affected the Ventral D-type neurons (VD) that form later, during the first larval stage. In addition, mutations in syg-1 or syg-2 could result in the DD neurons forming multiple processes, becoming bipolar, rather than the expected pseudounipolar morphology. Given SYG-2′s essential function in synaptogenesis of the hermaphrodite-specific neurons (HSNs), we also examined DD neuron synapses in syg-2 mutants. We found syg-2 mutants had a decreased number of synapses formed, but synaptic morphology was largely normal. These results provide further evidence that the GABAergic motorneurons use multiple guidance pathways during development

    Standardized Assessment of Concussion in football players

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    This is the publisher's version, also available electronically from http://www.neurology.org/content/48/3/586.Article abstract-The recent formulation of guidelines for the management of concussion in sports adopted by the American Academy of Neurology specifically calls for the development of a standardized, systematic sideline evaluation for the immediate assessment of concussion in athletes. The present study involved the preliminary investigation of the feasibility and clinical validity of a standardized version of a brief sideline examination complied in accordance with these guidelines. This examination, intended for use by athletic trainers, was administered by three trainers to 141 nonconcussed high school football players at three separate schools. All players suspected of suffering a concussion (N = 6) during the fall 1995 season were also tested immediately following their injury. The examination was easily administered and scored. The concussed players as a group scored significantly below the nonconcussed controls and below their own baseline (pre-injury) performance, despite their all having been considered by the trainers to have suffered mild, grade 1 concussions. Although preliminary, these data suggest that a standardized sideline examination of this type can be useful in detecting concussion and determining fitness to return to play

    The Fat-like Cadherin CDH-4 Acts Cell-Non-Autonomously in Anterior-Posterior Neuroblast Migration

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    Directed migration of neurons is critical in the normal and pathological development of the brain and central nervous system. In C. elegans, the bilateral Q neuroblasts, QR on the right and QL on the left, migrate anteriorly and posteriorly, respectively. Initial protrusion and migration of the Q neuroblasts is autonomously controlled by the transmembrane proteins UNC-40/DCC, PTP-3/LAR, and MIG-21. As QL migrates posteriorly, it encounters and EGL-20/Wnt signal that induces MAB-5/Hox expression that drives QL descendant posterior migration. QR migrates anteriorly away from EGL-20/Wnt and does not activate MAB-5/Hox, resulting in anterior QR descendant migration. A forward genetic screen for new mutations affecting initial Q migrations identified alleles of cdh-4, which caused defects in both QL and QR directional migration similar to unc-40, ptp-3, and mig-21. Previous studies showed that in QL, PTP-3/LAR and MIG-21 act in a pathway in parallel to UNC-40/DCC to drive posterior QL migration. Here we show genetic evidence that CDH-4 acts in the PTP-3/MIG-21 pathway in parallel to UNC-40/DCC to direct posterior QL migration. In QR, the PTP-3/MIG-21 and UNC-40/DCC pathways mutually inhibit each other, allowing anterior QR migration. We report here that CDH-4 acts in both the PTP-3/MIG-21 and UNC-40/DCC pathways in mutual inhibition in QR, and that CDH-4 acts cell-non-autonomously. Interaction of CDH-4 with UNC-40/DCC in QR but not QL represents an inherent left-right asymmetry in the Q cells, the nature of which is not understood. We conclude that CDH-4 might act as a permissive signal for each Q neuroblast to respond differently to anterior-posterior guidance information based upon inherent left-right asymmetries in the Q neuroblasts

    The Fat-like Cadherin CDH-4 Acts Cell-Non-Autonomously in Anterior-Posterior Neuroblast Migration

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    Directed migration of neurons is critical in the normal and pathological development of the brain and central nervous system. In C. elegans, the bilateral Q neuroblasts, QR on the right and QL on the left, migrate anteriorly and posteriorly, respectively. Initial protrusion and migration of the Q neuroblasts is autonomously controlled by the transmembrane proteins UNC-40/DCC, PTP-3/LAR, and MIG-21. As QL migrates posteriorly, it encounters and EGL-20/Wnt signal that induces MAB-5/Hox expression that drives QL descendant posterior migration. QR migrates anteriorly away from EGL-20/Wnt and does not activate MAB-5/Hox, resulting in anterior QR descendant migration. A forward genetic screen for new mutations affecting initial Q migrations identified alleles of cdh-4, which caused defects in both QL and QR directional migration similar to unc-40, ptp-3, and mig-21. Previous studies showed that in QL, PTP-3/LAR and MIG-21 act in a pathway in parallel to UNC-40/DCC to drive posterior QL migration. Here we show genetic evidence that CDH-4 acts in the PTP-3/MIG-21 pathway in parallel to UNC-40/DCC to direct posterior QL migration. In QR, the PTP-3/MIG-21 and UNC-40/DCC pathways mutually inhibit each other, allowing anterior QR migration. We report here that CDH-4 acts in both the PTP-3/MIG-21 and UNC-40/DCC pathways in mutual inhibition in QR, and that CDH-4 acts cell-non-autonomously. Interaction of CDH-4 with UNC-40/DCC in QR but not QL represents an inherent left-right asymmetry in the Q cells, the nature of which is not understood. We conclude that CDH-4 might act as a permissive signal for each Q neuroblast to respond differently to anterior-posterior guidance information based upon inherent left-right asymmetries in the Q neuroblasts

    The C. elegans CHP1 homolog, pbo-1, functions in innate immunity by regulating the pH of the intestinal lumen

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    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.Caenorhabditis elegans are soil-dwelling nematodes and models for understanding innate immunity and infection. Previously, we developed a novel fluorescent dye (KR35) that accumulates in the intestine of C. elegans and reports a dynamic wave in intestinal pH associated with the defecation motor program. Here, we use KR35 to show that mutations in the Ca2+-binding protein, PBO-1, abrogate the pH wave, causing the anterior intestine to be constantly acidic. Surprisingly, pbo-1 mutants were also more susceptible to infection by several bacterial pathogens. We could suppress pathogen susceptibility in pbo-1 mutants by treating the animals with pH-buffering bicarbonate, suggesting the pathogen susceptibility is a function of the acidity of the intestinal pH. Furthermore, we use KR35 to show that upon infection by pathogens, the intestinal pH becomes neutral in a wild type, but less so in pbo-1 mutants. C. elegans is known to increase production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), such as H2O2, in response to pathogens, which is an important component of pathogen defense. We show that pbo-1 mutants exhibited decreased H2O2 in response to pathogens, which could also be partially restored in pbo-1 animals treated with bicarbonate. Ultimately, our results support a model whereby PBO-1 functions during infection to facilitate pH changes in the intestine that are protective to the host

    Distinct roles for two Caenorhabditis elegans acid-sensing ion channels in an ultradian clock

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    Biological clocks are fundamental to an organism’s health, controlling periodicity of behaviour and metabolism. Here, we identify two acid-sensing ion channels, with very different proton sensing properties, and describe their role in an ultradian clock, the defecation motor program (DMP) of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. An ACD-5-containing channel, on the apical membrane of the intestinal epithelium, is essential for maintenance of luminal acidity, and thus the rhythmic oscillations in lumen pH. In contrast, the second channel, composed of FLR-1, ACD-3 and/or DEL-5, located on the basolateral membrane, controls the intracellular Ca2+ wave and forms a core component of the master oscillator that controls the timing and rhythmicity of the DMP. flr-1 and acd-3/del-5 mutants show severe developmental and metabolic defects. We thus directly link the proton-sensing properties of these channels to their physiological roles in pH regulation and Ca2+ signalling, the generation of an ultradian oscillator, and its metabolic consequences
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