7 research outputs found


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    U uvjetima intenzivnog smjeÅ”taja i držanja nesilica, izloženih pojačanim naporima kako bi zadovoljile ciljanu proizvodnost, u zraku peradnjaka nastaju znatne količine Å”tetnih polutanata koji pod određenim uvjetima mogu djelovati na zdravlje peradi i ljudi koji rade u peradnjacima. Å tetne tvari koje tu nastaju su korpuskularna i plinovita zračna onečiŔćenja, Å”to smo istraživali u naÅ”em radu. Istraživanja su provedena u zimskom razdoblju tijekom četiri mjeseca proizvodnje, na farmi kapaciteta 12 855 nesilica hibrida Issa Brown. Nesilice su držane kavezno, 8-10 jedinki u kavezu. Uzorci su uzimani 15 puta tijekom dana. Zrak je uzorkovan pomoću uređaja Merck MAS-100, (Merck KgaA, Darmstadt, Njemačka) na gotove podloge hranjivog i Sabouraud agara (Biolife, Milano, Italija). Mikroorganizmi porasli na podlogama (bakterije i plijesni) su nakon inkubacije izbrojani i većinski rodovi presađeni radi identifikacije. PraÅ”ina je uzorkovana pomoću SKC pumpe (SKC Ltd., Blandford Forum, UK) na filtere (Whatman International Ltd., Maidstone, UK). Temperatura (tz Ā°C), relativna vlaga (rv %) i brzina strujanja zraka (w m/s) određivani su pomoću uređaja TESTO 400 (Testo Inc., Njemačka). Koncentracija amonijaka i ugljičnog dioksida određivana je pomoću uređaja DrƤger ā€“ Multiwarn II (DrƤger, Darmstadt, Njemačka). Dobivene vrijednosti mjerenih parametara obrađene su računalnim programom Statistica 6. Pritom je načinjena deskriptivna statistička analiza i utvrđena razina statističke značajnosti od 5 % - p<0,05 studentovim t testom. Koncentracija bakterija kretala se između 7.90 x 103cfu/m3 zraka i 1.23 x 104 cfu/m3 zraka, gljivica između 6.8 x 103 cfu/m3 zraka i 1.01x 104 cfu/m3 zraka i praÅ”ine između 1,60 i 2.80 mg/m3. Utvrđene prosječne vrijednosti amonijaka iznosile su između 4.12 i 7.11 ppm. Dominantne bakterije bile su iz rodova Staphylococcus, Streptococcus i Bacillus, a plijesni iz rodova Aspergilus, Penicillium i Fusarium. Dobiveni rezultati mikroklime uglavnom su u skladu s preporučenim normativima, kao i koncentracije mikroorganizama i praÅ”ine.In conditions of intensive housing of laying hens, exposed to increased efforts to satisfy aimed production, arise in the air of the poultry house great amounts of harmful pollutants. These pollutants under certain conditions could affect poultry health and health of humans that work there. Harmful substances that arise are corpuscular and gas air pollutants, that we investigated in our research. Researches were carried in the winter period on a farm with capacity of 12 855 laying hens of Issa Brown hybride. Laying hens were kept in cages, 8-10 units per cage. Samples were taken 15 times, daily. The air was sampled by MERCK MAS-100 device, (MERCK KgaA, Darmstadt, Deutschland) on ready nutrient and Sabouraud agar (Biolife, Milan, Italy). Microorganisms that grew on these media (bacteria nad fungi) were after incubation counted and the most common genuses were reinoculated for the purpose of identification. Dust was sampled by SKC pump SKC pumpe (SKC Ltd., Blandford Forum, UK) on filters (Whatman International Ltd., Maidstone, UK). Temperature (tz Ā°C), relative humidity (rv %) and air velocity (w m/s) were determined by TESTO 400 device (Testo Inc., Deutschland). Concentration of ammonia and carbon dioxide were determined by DrƤger ā€“ Multiwarn II device (DrƤger, Darmstadt, Deutschland). Obtained values of measured parameters were proccessed by Microsoft Excel and Statistica 6 programs. A descriptive statistical analysis was done and the level of statistical significance set at 5 % -p<0.05 by student t test. Concentration of bacteria was between 7.90 x 103 and 1.23 x 104 cfu/m3, fungi between 6.80 x 103 and 1.01 x 104 cfu/m3 and dust between 1.60 and 2.80 mg/m3. Determined average values of ammonia were between 4.12 and 7.11 ppm. Dominant bacteria were from genuses Staphylococcus, Streptococcus and Bacillus, and fungi were from genuses Aspergilus, Penicillium and Fusarium. Obtained results of microclimate parameters were mainly consistent with recommended norms, as well as concentracions of microorganisms and dust


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    U radu se opisuje krmačarnik u kojem se analiziraju osnovni pokazatelji mikroklime, koncentracija praÅ”ine, amonijaka te brojnost bakterija i gljivica u zraku nastambe. U vrijeme istraživanja u krmačarniku je bilo 150 krmača. Prema dobivenim rezultatima broj aerobnih mezofilnih bakterija kretao se od 9,20x104 do 2,25x105 CFU/m3 zraka, a broj gljivica od 8,12x103 do 1,25x104 CFU/m3 zraka. Koncentracija praÅ”ine kretala se od 3,7 do 5,8 mg/m3. Koncentracija mikroorganizama i praÅ”ine kretala se u skladu sa zabilježenima u literaturi. Najzastupljenije su bile gram pozitivne bakterije, a zatim gljivice i gram negativne bakterije. Stoga se može zaključiti da u suvremenim uvjetima smjeÅ”taja s automatskim sustavom za regulaciju mikroklimatskih prilika u krmačarniku treba očekivati povoljnu mikrobioloÅ”ku kakvoću zraka, čije vrijednosti ovise o gustoći populacije uz pridržavanje dozvoljenog broja životinja po jedinici smjeÅ”tajnog prostora.The paper describes a house for sow accommodation in which basic microclimate factors, dust concentration, ammonia concentration and number of bacteria and fungi in the air are analyzed. In the time of research here were 150 sows in the house. According to the obtained results the number of aerobic mesofilic bacteria was from 9.20x104 to 2.25x105 CFU/m3 of air, and the number of funghi from 8.12x103 to 1.25x104 CFU/m3 of air. Dust concentration was from 3.7 to 5.8 mg/m3. Most of the identified microorganisms were gram positive bacteria, then fungi and gram negative bacteria. Air concentrations of microorganisms and dust recorded in the sow house were according to the respective figures reported in the literature. Therefore it could be concluded that in modern accommodation conditions with automatic regulation of microclimate in the sows house, favorable microbiological air quality, could be expected whose values depend on population density and good management

    First detection of Echinococcus multilocularis in Croatia

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    Echinococcus multilocularis has been spreading through Europe but has not yet been reported in Croatia. We report the results of a surveillance programme to detect E. multilocularis in red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in different parts of Croatia. PCR-based screening of faecal samples from 238 red foxes in 2015 and 150 in 2016 indicate prevalences of 7.5% in 2015 and 6.6% in 2016 (overall 7.2%, CI 4.9 to 10.3). Positive samples were confirmed by sequencing parts of the nad1 gene and the gene encoding mitochondrial 12S rRNA. Geographic locations of all examined and positive cases were mapped to provide data on the distribution of E. multilocularis. Our results provide the first detection of E. multilocularis in Croatia and extend the southern boundary of this parasite's endemic area