41 research outputs found

    Free expansion of a Bose-Einstein condensate at the presence of a thermal cloud

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    We investigate numerically the free-fall expansion of a 87^{87}Rb atoms condensate at nonzero temperatures. The classical field approximation is used to separate the condensate and the thermal cloud during the expansion. We calculate the radial and axial widths of the expanding condensate and find clear evidence that the thermal component changes the dynamics of the condensate. Our results are confronted against the experimental data

    Ground state of two-component degenerate fermionic gases

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    We analyze the ground state of the two--component gas of trapped ultracold fermionic atoms. We neglect the forces between atoms in the same hyperfine state (the same component). For the case when the forces between distinguishable atoms (i.e., atoms in different hyperfine states) are repulsive (positive mutual scattering length), we find the existence of critical interaction strength above which one atomic fraction expels the other from the center of the trap. When atoms from different components attract each other (negative mutual scattering length) the ground state of the system dramatically changes its structure for strong enough attraction -- the Cooper pairs built of atoms in different hyperfine states appear.Comment: 10 pages, 14 figure

    Two component Bose-Hubbard model with higher angular momentum states

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    We study a Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian of ultracold two component gas of spinor Chromium atoms. Dipolar interactions of magnetic moments while tuned resonantly by ultralow magnetic field can lead to spin flipping. Due to approximate axial symmetry of individual lattice site, total angular momentum is conserved. Therefore, all changes of the spin are accompanied by the appearance of the angular orbital momentum. This way excited Wannier states with non vanishing angular orbital momentum can be created. Resonant dipolar coupling of the two component Bose gas introduces additional degree of control of the system, and leads to a variety of different stable phases. The phase diagram for small number of particles is discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Decay of multiply charged vortices at nonzero temperatures

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    We study the instability of multiply charged vortices in the presence of thermal atoms and find various scenarios of splitting of such vortices. The onset of the decay of a vortex is always preceded by the increase of a number of thermal (uncondensed) atoms in the system and manifests itself by the sudden rise of the amplitude of the oscillations of the quadrupole moment. Our calculations show that the decay time gets shorter when the multiplicity of a vortex becomes higher.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    On the stability of Bose-Fermi mixtures

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    We consider the stability of a mixture of degenerate Bose and Fermi gases. Even though the bosons effectively repel each other the mixture can still collapse provided the Bose and Fermi gases attract each other strongly enough. For a given number of atoms and the strengths of the interactions between them we find the geometry of a maximally compact trap that supports the stable mixture. We compare a simple analytical estimation for the critical axial frequency of the trap with results based on the numerical solution of hydrodynamic equations for Bose-Fermi mixture.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Statistical properties of one dimensional attractive Bose gas

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    Using classical field approximation we present the first study of statistical properties of one dimensional Bose gas with attractive interaction. The canonical probability distribution is generated with the help of a Monte Carlo method. This way we obtain not only the depletion of the condensate with growing temperature but also its fluctuations. The most important is our discovery of a reduced coherence length, the phenomenon observed earlier only for the repulsive gas, known as quasicondensation.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure