559 research outputs found

    Focus structure and the referential status of indefinite quantificational expressions

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    Many authors who subscribe to some version of generative syntax account for the two readings of [...] sentences [...] in terms of LF-ambiguity. There is assumed to be covert quantifier raising (QR), which results in two distinct possibilities for the indefinite quantificational expressions involved to take scope over each other [...] In this paper, an alternative account is proposed which dispenses with the idea that there are different scope relations involved in the readings of [
] sentences [...] and, consequently, with QR as the syntactic operation to be assumed for generating the respective LFs. I argue that it is rather focus structure in connection with type semantic issues pertaining to the indefinite quantificational expressions involved which result in the different readings associated with [...] sentences

    How "The Government Performance and Results Act" Borrowed from the Experience of OECD Countries

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    To what extent did the United States draw upon the experience of OECD countries in developing a framework for "managing for results"? A great deal the author argues, tracing how The Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 (GPRA) borrowed from the experience of Australia and OECD countries, and how this experience influenced both the legislative and executive branches in formulation and passage of GPRA that included elements of results-oriented strategic planning and resource assessment

    How "The Government Performance and Results Act" Borrowed from the Experience of OECD Countries

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    To what extent did the United States draw upon the experience of OECD countries in developing a framework for "managing for results"? A great deal the author argues, tracing how The Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 (GPRA) borrowed from the experience of Australia and OECD countries, and how this experience influenced both the legislative and executive branches in formulation and passage of GPRA that included elements of results-oriented strategic planning and resource assessment

    It’s a Bird! It’s a Plane! No, it’s Just My I.S.: An Historical Exploration of Superheroes and American Identity

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    This Independent Study traces the changing notions of what makes a superhero “super” throughout periods in American history. By doing three case studies on popular heroes in distinct eras, this study reveals that superhero comics have been growing steadily more overtly political, in ways that are increasingly subversive. I approach Wonder Woman in the 60s, Batman in the late 80s, and Captain America in the early 2000s, and tackle each moment individually. 60s Wonder Woman is not as stale as comic book enthusiasts suggest, and in fact reveals a progressive view of womanhood that contrasted sharply with the reigning view at the time. 80s Batman revived the comic book industry with its dark new take on the caped crusader, reflecting a growing fear of urban crime which placed a violent Batman as the answer. Finally, post 9/11 Captain America appears in 2002, and while using pro-American rhetoric, also re-defines what it means to be American, centering compassion over following one’s government. Each era I study shows a slow move towards centering the action in the real world, and making explicit, political commentary on the realms of gender, crime and punishment, and race

    Agencies in Transition: A Report on the Views of the Members of the Federal Senior Executive Service

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    Many think of leadership transition in government as something that happens only once every four or eight years. While presidential transitions are undoubtedly the largest in scope, leadership transition in government is a constant process. In fact, the average tenure of Senate-confirmed appointees is only 3.3 years, while appointees at executive departments generally spend only 2.8 years in a single post.In a federal government made up of departments and agencies as large and complex as any Fortune 500 company, a strong leadership team is critical to effective governance. Members of the Senior Executive Service (SES) serve as the primary link between political appointees and the broader federal workforce, operating and overseeing nearly every government activity. They play a significant role during leadership transitions, ensuring the continuity of operations within government. Members of the SES are also uniquely positioned to help incoming political leaders build on the positive reforms of the past, and provide insight from lessons learned that can inform success in the future.The National Academy saw the 2008 Presidential transition as an opportunity to draw upon the experience of the SES to find ways to strengthen the partnerships between political and career leaders and build a more efficient and effective government. The results of our study reinforced the critical role played by members of the SES, and revealed that the majority of these career leaders, though experienced in government, were relatively new to managing transition issues as executives.Key FindingsThe findings demonstrated that despite the newness of presidential transitions for most SES, they have a clear understanding about the role they must play in assisting new political appointees, the importance of forming an effective partnership, and their role in the process. At the same time, they wanted help to prepare for those roles, and were eager to engage in training and other activities that would promote success. These SES preferred to receive assistance in preparing for the transition through: (1) policy briefings; (2) discussions with their peers; (3) written materials; and (4) attendance at seminars or training sessions

    On site mechanical characterization of the ballast state

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    Ballast is a major railway component whose behaviour is still not sufficiently controlled. The identification of mechanisms leading to track ageing is difficult to achieve as the process occurs over several years at particle scale. Models have been proposed to take into account ballast characteristics and provide a description of geometrical and structural modifications of ballast particles through time. To be relevant, these models must be supplied with reliable and realistic input data such as on-site density and stiffness modulus. This article presents results that could provide these parameters, starting with on-site tests that link them with cone penetration energy

    Trade in financial services : mobile banking in Southern Africa

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    The report will be discussed at a policy discussion workshop that will being together a select group of policy champions from each of the focus countries to discuss appropriate incentives that encourage innovative bank and non-bank led domestic and international m-banking solutions. In this Introduction, the authors summarize the layout of the report, and then touch upon two over-arching issues that need to be taken into account in reading the report. To set the context for m-banking services in the focus countries, chapter two reviews the demand for m-banking services in Southern Africa, particularly in relation to migrant remittances and cross-border payments of trade-related transactions. This analysis is complemented by some international comparisons set out in annex C. On the supply side, chapter three briefly describes the financial and telecommunications landscape in which the development of m-banking is set. The heart of this study is the country diagnostics set out in annex A, which examine, for each country the regulatory issues that are listed in annex B. For ease of reference, the results of the country diagnostics are summarized in chapter four. The country diagnostics include a number of recommendations to overcome the constraints on the development of accessible m-banking in each country and the region, which are developed further in the draft presentation for the workshop in annex D. The main threads of the key recommendations are brought together and summarized in chapter five.Banks&Banking Reform,Emerging Markets,Access to Finance,E-Business,Remittances

    Etude du comportement des sols non saturés à la liquéfaction

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    International audienceDifférents auteurs tels que [OKA 06], [SHE 77] et [CHA 78] ont mis en évidence que les sols non saturés résistent mieux aux efforts, réduisant ainsi les risques de liquéfaction. Mais certains tels que [UNN 08] ou [GRO 00] ont montré que les sols non saturés restent eux aussi sensibles à la liquéfaction, sous certaines conditions. Le comportement de ces sols n'a été que peu étudié et reste mal connu. L'objectif de cet article est de déterminer dans quelle mesure le degré de saturation influe sur le comportement du matériau : les atouts vis-à-vis de la prévention des risques de liquéfaction, et les limites. Pour cela des essais triaxiaux cycliques ont été réalisés sur plusieurs échantillons à des degrés de saturation différents. Les résultats obtenus montrent que si la présence d'air dans le sol augmente la résistance mobilisée, le risque de liquéfaction concerne également les sols non saturés

    ContrĂŽle des installations d’assainissement non collectif : l’apport dĂ©terminant des outils de diagnostic non destructifs

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    Depuis juillet 2012, un nouveau cadre juridique s’applique aux installations d’assainissement non collectif, visant Ă  amĂ©liorer leur contrĂŽle et leur rĂ©novation progressive. Cette note nous prĂ©sente une mĂ©thodologie de contrĂŽle simplifiĂ© des installations Ă©laborĂ©e grĂące l’apport dĂ©terminant des outils de diagnostic non destructifs

    Discrete modeling of penetration tests in constant velocity and impact conditions

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    International audienceThe paper presents investigations on the penetration tests in granular material. A discrete numerical study is proposed for the modeling of penetration tests in constant velocity conditions and also in impact conditions. The model reproduces qualitatively the mechanical response of samples of granular material, compared to classical experimental results. Penetration tests are conducted at constant velocity and from impact, with similar penetration rates ranging from 25 mm.s-1 to 5000 mm.s-1. In constant velocity condition, the value of tip force remains steady as long as the penetration velocity induces a quasi–static regime in the granular material. However, the tip force increases rapidly in the dense flow regime corresponding to higher penetration rate. Impact tip force increases with the impact velocity. Finally, the tip forces obtained from impact penetration tests are smaller compared to the one obtained in constant velocity conditions in both quasi–static and dense flow regimes
