19 research outputs found

    Stenting of roses; a method for quick propagation by simultaneously cutting and grafting

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    A method was developed for quick propagation of roses under conditions prevailing in The Netherlands, based on cutting and grafting in one action and called “stenting” (to stent), being a contraction of the dutch words “stekken” (to strike a cutting) and “enten” (to graft). A piece of stem of the cultivar with one leaf and a dormant bud is grafted on a single internode of the rootstock. Formation of the graft union and of adventitious roots occur simultaneously, resulting in a complete plant in 3 weeks. Absence of buds on the rootstock is essential to diminish wild suckering. Factors influencing the percentage of successful stentlings were investigated. With R. chinensis ‘Indica Major’ as a rootstock, the best results were obtained with mature internodes 6–8 mm in diameter after application of 5000 mg 1−1 IBA. Pre-treatment of the rootstock internodes by application of IBA and storage at 4° C for 3 weeks improved rooting. Comparison of grafting by hand and by machine showed that machine-grafting offers good possibilities. The influence of the cultivar, after cutting or stenting, on root-formation and root-growth was studied. Grafting on seedling rootstocks (bench-grafting) and stenting proved to give similar results. In the first year after stenting, R. chinensis ‘Indica Major’ was a better rootstock for the cultivar ‘Cocktail 80’ than R. canina ‘Inermis’, while ‘Inermis’ was better for ‘Motrea’. Rose culture can be improved by using cultivars stented on a convenient rootstock. Stenting can be applied around the year, is ideal for screening new scion/stock combinations and to investigate the interaction between shoots and roots

    Synthetic saponite-derivatives, a method for preparing such saponites and their use in catalytic (hydro)conversions

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    The invention relates to saponite derivatives according to the general formula An+_x/n[(Mg3-yMy)(Si4-xAlx)O10(OH2-z)Fz ] wherein A represents an (alkyl-substituted) ammonium ion and/or any metal having basic or amphoteric properties, M represents a bivalent metal ion having an ionic radius between 0.050 and 0.085 nm, n represents the valence of A, x represents a number between 0.05 and 1.5, y represents a number between 0.05 and 2.95 and z represents a number from 0 to 1.8. The invention also relates to methods for preparing such saponite-derivatives, catalytically active systems based on such saponite-derivatives and their use in various hydrocarbon conversion processes

    Spawning migration and larval drift of anadromous North Sea houting (Coregonus oxyrinchus) in the River IJssel, the Netherlands

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    Anadromous North Sea houting (NSH, Coregonus oxyrinchus) was historically distributed in the Wadden Sea extending from Jutland (Denmark) to the Schelde delta (Netherlands). The species has been considered extinct in the Rhine since the 1940s; however, a successful re-introduction programme re-established a self-reproducing population. Telemetry data of adult NSH (NEDAP TRAIL System®) were used for a first description of the timing of spawning migrations of NSH in winter, but also suggested that the River IJssel, a lower branch of the Rhine, may serve as spawning ground. This was further proven in spring 2010 with drift net catches of 218 freshly hatched NSH larvae sampled directly upstream from Kampen, where the IJssel discharges into Lake IJsselmeer. These larvae did not differ between controls from a hatchery that were about 12 h of age, indicating that the drifting larvae of NSH must have hatched in upstream areas of the River IJssel