8 research outputs found

    A recurrent neural network for classification of unevenly sampled variable stars

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    Astronomical surveys of celestial sources produce streams of noisy time series measuring flux versus time ("light curves"). Unlike in many other physical domains, however, large (and source-specific) temporal gaps in data arise naturally due to intranight cadence choices as well as diurnal and seasonal constraints. With nightly observations of millions of variable stars and transients from upcoming surveys, efficient and accurate discovery and classification techniques on noisy, irregularly sampled data must be employed with minimal human-in-the-loop involvement. Machine learning for inference tasks on such data traditionally requires the laborious hand-coding of domain-specific numerical summaries of raw data ("features"). Here we present a novel unsupervised autoencoding recurrent neural network (RNN) that makes explicit use of sampling times and known heteroskedastic noise properties. When trained on optical variable star catalogs, this network produces supervised classification models that rival other best-in-class approaches. We find that autoencoded features learned on one time-domain survey perform nearly as well when applied to another survey. These networks can continue to learn from new unlabeled observations and may be used in other unsupervised tasks such as forecasting and anomaly detection.Comment: 23 pages, 14 figures. The published version is at Nature Astronomy (https://www.nature.com/articles/s41550-017-0321-z). Source code for models, experiments, and figures at https://github.com/bnaul/IrregularTimeSeriesAutoencoderPaper (Zenodo Code DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1045560

    Machine Detection of Enhanced Electromechanical Energy Conversion in PbZr0.2 Ti0.8 O3 Thin Films.

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    Many energy conversion, sensing, and microelectronic applications based on ferroic materials are determined by the domain structure evolution under applied stimuli. New hyperspectral, multidimensional spectroscopic techniques now probe dynamic responses at relevant length and time scales to provide an understanding of how these nanoscale domain structures impact macroscopic properties. Such approaches, however, remain limited in use because of the difficulties that exist in extracting and visualizing scientific insights from these complex datasets. Using multidimensional band-excitation scanning probe spectroscopy and adapting tools from both computer vision and machine learning, an automated workflow is developed to featurize, detect, and classify signatures of ferroelectric/ferroelastic switching processes in complex ferroelectric domain structures. This approach enables the identification and nanoscale visualization of varied modes of response and a pathway to statistically meaningful quantification of the differences between those modes. Among other things, the importance of domain geometry is spatially visualized for enhancing nanoscale electromechanical energy conversion