22 research outputs found

    Visualization 2: Rotational distortion correction in endoscopic optical coherence tomography based on speckle decorrelation

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    Cross-sectional view of NURD correction Originally published in Optics Letters on 01 December 2015 (ol-40-23-5518

    Single and Multiple Speckle Realization Comparison After Despeckling with TNode

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    Here, we present a comparison of the en-face views obtained after despeckling with the novel Tomographic Non-local denoising (TNode) presented in "Volumetric non-local-means based speckle reduction for optical coherence tomography" by Cuartas-VĂ©lez et al. The dataset presents the improvement obtained in the tomogram as the number of speckle realization increases

    Volumetric non-local-means based speckle reduction for optical coherence tomography

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    This is a MATLAB implementation of the Toographic Non-local despeckling (TNode) technique described in "Volumetric non-local-means based speckle reduction for optical coherence tomography" by Cuartas-VĂ©lez et al. Core functions, exemplary usage and data are supplied

    Despeckled Gastrointestinal Cross-Section Comparison After TNode

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    Here, we present a comparison of the cross-sections obtained after despeckling a GIOCT scan with the novel Tomographic Non-local denoising (TNode) presented in "Volumetric non-local-means based speckle reduction for optical coherence tomography" by Cuartas-VĂ©lez et al

    Despeckled Eye Scan Cross-Sections Comparison After TNode

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    Here, we present a comparison of the cross-sections obtained after despeckling with the novel Tomographic Non-local denoising (TNode) presented in "Volumetric non-local-means based speckle reduction for optical coherence tomography" by Cuartas-VĂ©lez et al

    Schematic of the intracoronary FD-OCT system.

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    <p>WSL: Wavelength-Swept Laser, FRJ: Fiberoptic Rotary Junction, FS: Frequency Shifter, PDBD: Polarization Diverse Balanced Detection, GPU: Graphics Processing Unit.</p