12 research outputs found

    Ten Years Of Latin-American Journal Of Astronomy Education RELEA: Achievements And Challenges For International Astronomy Education Development

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    This study reviews 10 years of Latin-American Journal of Astronomy Education (RELEA), showing that the journal has become a valuable resource for publishing and highlights its pathway as scholarly journal. Furthermore, it is also a call to astronomy education specialists to consolidate their efforts considering similar journals worldwide. Publishing policies of the RELEA and their context are presented in relation to submission, refereeing and publication. The 75 articles published in 18 editions are analyzed and classified. The results showed an acceptance rate of 60.2%; an average of 7.5 articles per year/4.2 per issue. RELEA´s authors are mostly based in Brazil (81.3%); articles target chiefly a school level (university education: 28.0%, high school: 28.0%); their main study focus is learning and teaching (34.7%) and general astronomy content (33.3%). Our results show that compared to other Brazilian journals of education, RELEA had twice as much astronomy articles. In the international scene there has been about a half of astronomy education research, but twice of astronomy in science education research. The challenges related to improve the article submission are discussed: how to increase their number, the submission of Latin American countries, and how to bring in the issues and subjects not addressed until now. It is also encouraged graduate studies, new lines of research in astronomy education, and advertising the journal in universities and schools for professors and teachers. Finally, future possibilities are mentioned given the International Astronomical Union’s development programs

    iSTAR first light: Characterizing astronomy education research dissertations in the iSTAR database

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    There is widespread interest among discipline-based science education researchers to situate their research in the existing scholarly literature base. Unfortunately, traditional approaches to conducting a thorough literature review are unduly hindered in astronomy education research as the venues in which scholarship is reported are fragmented and widely dispersed across journals of varying disciplines. The international STudies of Astronomy education Research (iSTAR) online repository is the result of a concerted international community effort to collect and categorize existing research from peer-reviewed journal articles, dissertations/theses, and grey literature. In a “first light” survey of over 300 U.S. dissertations, we find: (i) work in AER dates back to 1923; (ii) the number of extant dissertations is far greater than anticipated; (iii) research methods definitions have evolved; and (iv) most work has studied participants’ broad knowledge rather than specific learning targets. The surprisingly wide breadth of rarely cited research motivates us to collect more AER from across international and cross-disciplinary sources

    Astronomy Education Research: Impact and Future Directions

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    The goal of this talk is to reflect about the achievements and challenges in Astronomy Education Research (AER). First, the answers given to questions asked of members of the IAU Division C’s Commission 1 and Working Group on Theory and Methods in Astronomy Education are discussed. Next, the goals of astronomy teaching are discussed considering content, methods, levels, resources and purposes. Given the demands and complexity of education today and the role of astronomy in this context, the potential of education research is also evaluated, taking into account knowledge, practices, policies and the training of teachers. Finally, graduate studies are encouraged, new lines of research, and surveys to identify and advertise the dispersed AE literature seeking to raise the visibility of authors and institutions are suggested. Much of the work already performed remains unknown to astronomers, because they belong to a different area of theoretical and methodological framework, and because it occurs in specific different contexts of production, culture, curriculum, materials and application. Moreover, advertising AER in universities and schools to professors and teachers should consolidate this community and establish links between astronomers and educators in general, allowing future collaborations

    Astronomy Education Research: Impact and Future Directions

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    The goal of this talk is to reflect about the achievements and challenges in Astronomy Education Research (AER). First, the answers given to questions asked of members of the IAU Division C’s Commission 1 and Working Group on Theory and Methods in Astronomy Education are discussed. Next, the goals of astronomy teaching are discussed considering content, methods, levels, resources and purposes. Given the demands and complexity of education today and the role of astronomy in this context, the potential of education research is also evaluated, taking into account knowledge, practices, policies and the training of teachers. Finally, graduate studies are encouraged, new lines of research, and surveys to identify and advertise the dispersed AE literature seeking to raise the visibility of authors and institutions are suggested. Much of the work already performed remains unknown to astronomers, because they belong to a different area of theoretical and methodological framework, and because it occurs in specific different contexts of production, culture, curriculum, materials and application. Moreover, advertising AER in universities and schools to professors and teachers should consolidate this community and establish links between astronomers and educators in general, allowing future collaborations

    Strategies for the public communication of eclipses

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    Astronomy in the continuing formation of teachers and the role of practical rationality for the subject of the observation of the sky. (A astronomia na formação continuada de professores e o papel da racionalidade pratica para o tema da observação do ceu)

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    Resumo: Este trabalho analisa o avanço propiciado por um projeto de fonnação continuada para professores do ensino fundamental com o tema observação do céu em Astronomia, levando-se em conta as especificidades do conhecimento, o referencial do professor reflexivo e as práticas de tutoria. Para isto, foi realizado um curso de Astronomia para professores de Ciências e Geografia de 5' a 8' séries, com 46 horas, promovido em 2002 pelo Instituto Superior de Ciências Aplicadas (ISCA) em Limeira. Após o curso foi estabelecido um grupo de estudos e realizadas cinco reuniões.Os dados foram obtidos por meio de avaliações, entrevistas, relatos dos participantes e registros das aulas e reuniões. São apresentados movimentos de sugestões de atividades extrac1asse, ações pessoais dos participantes sem seus alunos, relatos de ações extrac1asse e desenvolvimento de conteúdos astronômicos em aula, ações na prática pedagógica e reflexões dos participantes junto ao professor/pesquisador na avaliação de tais movimentos.Foram investigadas as mobilizações em ações e concepções dos participantes e o papel da, racional idade prática ao longo do programa.Verificou-se que o tema da observação do céu tem caracteristicas específicas na Astronomia que levam a uma prática escolar também específica em que os conteúdos e procedimentos por serem calcados na observação e sua representação solicitam uma prática escolar baseada na racionalidade prática. Mesmo um curso de fonnação de professores baseado inicialmente na racionalidade técnica, ao dar conta da observação do céu, adentra na racionalidade prática e no desenvolvimento próprio de princípios que norteiam a aquisição e o ensino dos conhecimentos referentes à observação do céu. Também se verificou que, para a observação do céu, o modelo da racionalidade prática no referencial do professor reflexivo e ações de tutoria levam à aquisição de conhecimentos, mudanças de concepções e ações extraclasse. Evidenciaram-se os aspectos da prática como ponto de partida, eixo e sua relação com a teoria. Particularmente ao conteúdo de movimento diário da esfera celeste, estabeleceram-se os princípios de relação da altura do pólo com a latitude geográfica, obliqüidade, continuidade do movimento, circularidade, tridimencionalidade e ciclicidade. Também se evidenciaram os aspectos de criatividade e desenvolvimento do pensamento prático dos participantes, com fatores que levam à caracterização de saberes plurais, que têm temporal idade e mostrando que a aquisição de conhecimento é seletiva, ou seja, situada e hierarquizada Abstract: This work analyzes the progress made by a continuing education project for elementary school teachers with the subject of sky observation in Astronomy, taking into account the specificities of knowledge, the reflexive teacher's reference and the tutoring practices. For this, an Astronomy course was held for teachers of Science and Geography from 5 to 8 years, with 46 hours, promoted in 2002 by the Higher Institute of Applied Sciences (ISCA) in Limeira. After the course a study group was established and five meetings were held. The data were obtained through evaluations, interviews, reports of the participants and records of the classes and meetings. Movements of suggested extractive activities, personal actions of the participants without their students, reports of extractive actions and development of astronomical contents in class, actions in pedagogical practice and reflections of the participants with the teacher / researcher in the evaluation of such movements. The mobilizations in actions and conceptions of the participants were investigated and the role of rational practical age It has been verified that the subject of the observation of the sky has specific characteristics in the astronomy that lead to a school practice also specific in which the contents and procedures to be traced in the observation and its representation request a school practice based on practical rationality. Even a teacher training course based initially on technical rationality, in dealing with the observation of the sky, it enters into the practical rationality and the proper development of principles that guide the acquisition and the teaching of the knowledge regarding the observation of the sky. It has also been observed that for the observation of the sky, the model of practical rationality in the reflective teacher's referential and tutoring actions lead to the acquisition of knowledge, changes of conceptions and extraclassic actions. The aspects of practice as a starting point, axis and its relation to theory were evidenced. Particularly to the daily movement content of the celestial sphere, the principles of relation of the height of the pole with the geographical latitude, obliquity, continuity of the movement, circularity, three-dimensionality and cyclicity were established. Also the aspects of creativity and development of practical thinking of the participants were evidenced

    Disciplinas introdutorias de astronomia nos cursos superiores do Brasil (Introductory astronomy courses in Brazil)

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    Resumo: O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar um panorama dos cursos de graduação das Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) brasileiras que possuem disciplinas introdutórias específicas que contemplem conteúdos de Astronomia. Faz-se um estudo sobre o histórico da Astronomia no Ensino Superior no Brasil e discutiram-se os aspectos da Astronomia Introdutória no que diz respeito aos tipos de disciplina, seus objetivos e programas. A pesquisa foi realizada nos anos de 1997 e 1998 por meio do envio de cartas acompanhadas de questionários e envelope pré-selado para resposta para cerca de 620 cursos de todo o Brasil. Esses cursos, que potencialmente ministram disciplinas de Astronomia, foram identificados em publicações específicas do MEC. Apresenta-se, para cada curso, o total de questionários enviados e respondidos, quantos possuem disciplinas obrigatórias ou optativas de Astronomia. Foram identificados 54 cursos que oferecem um total de 60 disciplinas, distribuídas em 46 IES. São identificadas as IES e os nomes das disciplinas discriminando se estas são obrigatórias ou optativas com as respectivas cargas horárias. Os cursos são distribuídos segundo as várias regiões geográficas do país e as IES, em termos de dependência administrativa e natureza. São feitas a análise e discussão dos conteúdos das disciplinas manifestados nas ementas e programas recebidos. Os conteúdos das disciplinas de cursos de Engenharia Cartográfica, Engenharia de Agrimensura e Meteorologia foram analisados de acordo com os temas determinados pelo MEC, permitindo-se verificar em que grau os temas são seguidos e quais são acrescentados. Os conteúdos das disciplinas dos cursos de Astronomia, Física, Geografia, Ciências e Geofisica foram distribuídos por temas: História e Objeto, Astronomia de Posição, Instrumentos, Sistema Sol- Terra-Lua, Sistema Solar, E~trelas, Galáxias, Cosmologia, Céu e Constelações, Tempo e Calendário, Mecânica Celeste, Astrofisica e Ensino. Busca-se classificar e analisar os cónjuntos de conteúdos com características afins. Conclui-se que o maior conjunto é caracterizado por uma grande, mas não completa abrangência de temas. Também analisou-se o corpo docente a partir das seguintes categorias: Sexo, Idade, Formação Acadêmica e Tempo que ministra.a disciplina na IES. Além disso, levantaram-se os materiais didáticos utilizados e atividades práticas das disciplinas Abstract: The goal of this work is to present an overview of undergraduate courses, specifically those with specific introductory disciplines with astronomy contento in Brazilian higher education institutions (IES). A study is made of the development of astronomy in higher educational institutions in Brazil, the aspects of Introductory Astronomy, with regard to the types of disciplines, its objectives and syllabuses. The research was done in 1997 and 1998. A covering letter, questionnaire, and stamped envelope, was sent for some 620 courses throughout Brazil. These courses, which potentially teach specific disciplines of astronomy, were identified in publications by the Ministry of Education (MEC). For each course, the total . number of questionnaires sent and answered are shown. There were S4 courses identified, in a total of 60 disciplines, and distributed among 46 IES. The IES are identified, along with the names of the disciplines offered by them, an indication of which disciplines are compulsory and which are optional, and the number of credit hours of each discipline. The courses chosen were distributed according to the various geographic regions of the country, and IES according to their administrative dependency and nature. Analyses and discussions are presented about the contents of the disciplines as outlined in the syllabuses. The disciplines of cartography, land surveying and meteorology courses were examined according to criteria detined by the MEC. This procedure allows verification ofthe degree to which the various topics are followed, as well as which topics are added. For the disciplines of science, geography, geology and mathematics courses, a c1assification by topics is sought: history and subject, positional astronomy, instruments, Sun-Earth-Moon system, solar system, stars, galaxies, cosmology, sky and constellation, time and calendar, celestial mechanics, astrophysics, and teaching. This work tries to c1assify and analyse groups of similar contento It concludes that the biggest group is characterized by a large, although not comprehensive, breadth oftopics. It also analyzes the academic staff according the following categories: sex, age, academic degree, and experience in teaching their discipline in the IES. Furthermore, it evaluates the teaching materials and practical activities used in the discipline

    Teaching and Popularization of Astronomy in Latin America by the Liada Perspective

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    The goal of this work is to present an analysis of the developed activities of the Teaching and Popularization Section (SEDA) of the Liga Ibero-Americana de Astronomía (LIADA). After a history of the LIADA, are presented the projects of the section that have the support of 16 coordinators from most Latin-American countries. The projects that aim to attract the attention of the general public, teachers and students to encourage the observation and send reports to be posted at the Internet page are presented. More specifically, the projects and reports related with eclipses ocurriesd since the year 2000. Using the available files on the page of the section, an analysis and discussion about their importance for scientific education is done. It is presented a data form as a suggestion for reports buy individuais or institutions and the importance of the systematization of experiences to give more visibility and changes of informations in the area. It is concluded with an assessment of the projects, their potential and limitations, as well as suggestions of future projects looking for more interaction between the Latin American countries and making the Section available to this goal

    An Analysis of Papers on Astronomy Education in Proceedings of IAU Meetings from 1988 to 2006

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    The authors analyzed 283 papers dealing with astronomy education published in the IAU proceedings from 1988 to 2006. The analysis was conducted to determine both the characteristics and trends of published research studies in order to determine whether researchers should consider taking new directions. The authors conclude that educational research requires deeper treatments dealing with epistemological questions, as well as teaching and learning processes. The authors hope that this analysis will stimulate the development of scientific investigations more appropriate to the needs of astronomy education

    A history of IAU Commission C1: a look from the Newsletters

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