50 research outputs found

    A Smoke Screen Theory of Financial Intermediation

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    This paper analyzes a stylized (two period) credit market where investors care about the appropriability of the information they produce when they engage in costly ex ante evaluation of borrowers quality. We show that diversified intermediation arises as a dissimulation mechanism allowing investors to extract informational rents in the second period, thereby mitigating the underlying appropriability problem.Financial intermediation ; informational rent ; asymmetric information ; free riding ; diversification

    Robustness of equilibrium price dispersion in finite market games

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    We propose an approach to restricting the set of equilibria in a market game and use it to assess the robustness of the price dispersion results obtained by Koutsougeras [2003, J. Econ. Theory 108, 169–175] in the multiple trading posts setup. More precisely, we perturb the initial game by the introduction of transaction costs and our main results are the following. (i) No equilibrium with price dispersion of the game with costless transactions can be approached by equilibria with positive transaction costs as costs get arbitrarily small. (ii) When this type of perturbation is considered the set of equilibrium outcomes is not affected by the number of trading posts. In addition, the analysis hints at conditions required for non-zero transaction costs to serve as a source of price dispersion in this class of exchange economies

    Currency union with or without banking union

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    We build a symmetric two‐country monetary model with credit to study the interplay between currency integration and credit markets integration. The currency arrangement affects credit availability through default incentives. We capture credit markets integration by the extra cost incurred to obtain credit for cross‐border transactions and, with the euro area context in mind, label as banking union a situation where this cost is low. For high levels of the cross‐border credit cost, currency integration may magnify default incentives, leading to more credit rationing and lower welfare. The integration of credit markets restores the optimality of the currency union.Cet article propose un modĂšle avec monnaie externe, banques et dĂ©faut endogĂšne sur les emprunts afin d’analyser l’impact du degrĂ© d’imperfection dumarchĂ© du crĂ©dit sur la dĂ©sirabilitĂ© -pour les populations- des unions monĂ©taires.Nous montrons que lorsque ces imperfections entraĂźnent un coĂ»t plus Ă©levĂ© pourles banques d’octroyer un crĂ©dit sur l’étranger plutĂŽt que dans leur juridiction, le bien-ĂȘtre peut ĂȘtre rĂ©duit en rĂ©gime d’union monĂ©taire. Nous montrons Ă©galement que la mise en place d’une union bancaire qui supprimeraitces barriĂšres Ă  l’intĂ©gration des marchĂ©s du crĂ©dit restaure le rĂ©sultat habitueld’optimalitĂ© des unions . Les implications empiriques de ces rĂ©sultats pourl’organisation de l’union bancaire sont discutĂ©es

    Nature et origine de la monnaie : Reflexions à partir des modÚles récents.

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    Nature; origine; monnaie; Réflexions; modÚles; récents;

    Does the “New Economy” Change the Frontiers of the Large Corporation?

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    This paper proposes a model of industrial innovation linked to financial liberalisation where agents are characterised by heterogeneous innovative abilities. Individual researchers may either be employed by a large firm and work together on the firm's innovative project, or they may alternatively set up an individual firm in order to commercialise their own innovation. The large firm's hiring decisions and the individual researcher's décision to set up his own firm depends on the researcher's innovative ability and on the financial conditions. Financial liberalisation leading to a lower cost of setting up a small firm will affect the size of the large firm and increase the number of small technology firms. A drop in the cost of starting a small firm may increase income inequality.Innovation, finance, industrial organisation

    Monitoring and the Acceptability of Bank Money

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    Federal Reserve Bank of Clevelan

    Economie et démographie mondiales au XXIe siÚcle : le nombre et le savoir

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    avec l'Ă©quipe INGENU

    Monitoring and the Acceptability of Bank Money

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