9 research outputs found

    Il cerchio del possibile. Identità, organismo e persona nella "Philosophie der Natur" di Nicolai Hartmann

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    Il presente lavoro si propone due intenti principali. Da un lato esso vuole essere un'esposizione critica dei principali contenuti della "Philosophie der Natur" di Nicolai Hartmann (1951), vale a dire delle categorie dell'ontologia naturale esposte dal filosofo; dall'altro lato, il presente lavoro intende proporre una precisa chiave interpretativa, che consiste nel rilevamento, accanto alla tematica ontologico-categoriale, di analisi e materiali antropologico- filosofico e morale. In questo secondo ambito rientrano osservazioni sull'identità personale come forma di permanenza non sostanziale, sull'autopercezione dell'essere umano e sulla sua l'azione nel mondo, sui rapporti tra l'essere umano e il vivente. Nell'ambito del secondo intento si cercherà di fondare l'analogia tra l'opera hartmanniana studiata e la kantiana "Antropologia pragmatica".The present doctoral thesis focuses on two main aims. On the one side, it is a critical exposition of the main contents of Nicolai Hartmann’s “Philosophie der Natur” (1951), i.e. of the categories of the natural ontology developed by the philosopher; on the other side, the present work wants to propose a specific perspective consisting in highlighting, besides of the ontological-categorical issues, of analysis and materials belonging to the fields of ethics and philosophical anthropology. Related to the second aim are Hartmann’s observations on personal identity as a form of non-substantial permanence, on self-perception by the human being, on man’s action in the world, on the relations between human beings and living matter. Always relating to the second aim, the thesis aims at establishing an analogy between the studied word of Hartmann and Kant’s “Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View”

    Geniale cbersetzungen. Goethe \u2013 Benjamin \u2013 Spengler

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    Morphology and metamorphosis are analyzed as ways of genial translations. In the case of Goethe as a translation of natural rules into artistical rules (Faust), in that of Spengler and Benjamin as that of natural morphology into proceedings of philosophy of history. Metamorphosis and translation are ways of mediation between different fields of scientific and cultural activities. Moreover, they represent a mimetic and intuitive way of dealing with problems which does not transcend into mere logical thought. This part is treated also in reference to Aristotle and Hegel. At the end the approaches of Benjamin and Spengler are briefly criticized and compared in reference to their Goethean origin and to the difference between their outcome and solutions