5 research outputs found
Improved quantification of CO2 storage containment risks - an overview of the SHARP Storage project
Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is now maturing in Europe and worldwide with several Net Zero projects emerging. Hence, the need for safe and reliable CO2 storage sites is accelerating and the accurate assessment of large-scale storage options at the gigatonne-per-year is critical. The SHARP project addresses the main priority areas required to improve current technologies to deliver CO2 storage volumes at the scale needed to meet demands for large scale storage. Research needs identified in the industry has provided the base for this well-integrated project with the ambitions to reduce the uncertainty in the geomechanical response to CO2 injection. Six case studies from sites in the North Sea and India will be matured during the projects. Ongoing work includes review of existing stress data, updating and integration of seismic catalogues and planning of new experimental data for improved constitutive models and rock failure attributes. Improved data analysis, compiling data from different sources, and new data generated in the project is expected to provide a base for updated failure risk assessment and more targeted monitoring. An initial assessment of rock failure risk in in progress and will be updated with a "Round 2" failure assessment incorporating new learnings and more mature data. The improved failure risk assessment includes the use of Bayesian statistical approach for quantification of uncertainties in geomechanical properties. Methods to quantify geological containment risk will be developed by reading across event tree techniques from other industries (e.g. nuclear). A set of generic release diagrams have been derived in a series of interdisciplinary workshops as a starting point for risk modellingImproved quantification of CO2 storage containment risks - an overview of the SHARP Storage projectpublishedVersio
Samfunnsøkonomisk analyse av AKT Svipp : en kartlegging av gevinster knyttet til pilotprosjektet AKT Svipp
I denne masteroppgaven er det gjennomført en samfunnsøkonomisk analyse av AKT Svipp, som er en ny samkjøringstjeneste fra Agder kollektivtrafikk (AKT). Vi har vurdert nytten til tiltaket opp mot kostnaden, og sammenlignet det med nullalternativet som representerer situasjonen der tiltaket ikke eksisterer. Innen samfunnsøkonomiske analyser stilles det strenge krav til kvaliteten ved prosessene rundt samfunnsprosjekter, som har gjort at staten har utarbeidet en veileder de krever man skal følge. Oppgaven tar dermed utgangspunkt i veilederen fra direktoratet for økonomistyring. Innledningsvis vil vi introdusere tiltaket i dagens situasjon og problemstillingen rundt tiltaket. Underveis i oppgaven vil vi også anvende relevant metodikk og teori som blir benyttet for å besvare problemstillingen. I metodedelen vil valg av metodikk, datagrunnlag og litteratur bli presentert. Teoridelen vil inneholde teoriene som ble brukt for å utføre lønnsomhetsberegningene som er relevante for analysen. Deretter blir funnene presentert i analysedelen av oppgaven, som har blitt uthentet ved hjelp av en kostnads- og nytteanalys
Performance Evaluation Of A Centrifugal Compressor Operating Under Wet Gas Conditions.
LecturePg. 111-120This paper presents the results of performance testing of a single-stage centrifugal compressor operating under wet gas conditions. The test was performed at an oil and gas operator’s test facility and was executed at full-load and full-pressure conditions using a mixture of hydrocarbon gas and hydrocarbon condensate. The effect of liquid was investigated by changing the gas-volume fraction between 1.0 and 0.97, which covers the range encountered by the operator during regular gos/condensate field production in the North Sea. Other parameters that were evaluated include the compressor test sped, the suction pressures, and two different liquid injection patterns. During the tests, the machine flowrate was varied from near surge to choke conditions; hence, the evaluation covered the entire operating range of the machine. Although the test was primarily intended to evaluate the effects of the wet gas on the thermodynamic performance of the machine, the mechanical performance was also investigated by measuring the machine vibration levels and noise signature during the baseline dry gas tests as well as during the test with liquid injection
Improved quantification of CO2 storage containment risks - an overview of the SHARP Storage project
Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is now maturing in Europe and worldwide with several Net Zero projects emerging. Hence, the need for safe and reliable CO2 storage sites is accelerating and the accurate assessment of large-scale storage options at the gigatonne-per-year is critical. The SHARP project addresses the main priority areas required to improve current technologies to deliver CO2 storage volumes at the scale needed to meet demands for large scale storage. Research needs identified in the industry has provided the base for this well-integrated project with the ambitions to reduce the uncertainty in the geomechanical response to CO2 injection. Six case studies from sites in the North Sea and India will be matured during the projects. Ongoing work includes review of existing stress data, updating and integration of seismic catalogues and planning of new experimental data for improved constitutive models and rock failure attributes. Improved data analysis, compiling data from different sources, and new data generated in the project is expected to provide a base for updated failure risk assessment and more targeted monitoring. An initial assessment of rock failure risk in in progress and will be updated with a "Round 2" failure assessment incorporating new learnings and more mature data. The improved failure risk assessment includes the use of Bayesian statistical approach for quantification of uncertainties in geomechanical properties. Methods to quantify geological containment risk will be developed by reading across event tree techniques from other industries (e.g. nuclear). A set of generic release diagrams have been derived in a series of interdisciplinary workshops as a starting point for risk modelling
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