7 research outputs found

    Trendovi promjena u seoskim područjima zapadnih zemalja

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    U ovom prilogu autor analizira karakteristične socijalno- ekonomske fenomene koji su se u posljednjem razdoblju desili u seoskim područjima razvijenih zapadnih zemalja. Posebnu pažnju autor posvećuje povećanju stanovništva u seoskim regijama Zapadne Evrope i SAD, koje je uslijedilo u sedamdesetim godinama, a nakon depopulacije u pedesetim i šezdesetim. Razlozi su tome: kriza gradskog života, napredak u komunikacijama, ekipiranje sela elementima gradskog standarda, disperzija industrije u seoska područja, povlačenje imućnijih umirovljenika na poljoprivredna imanja i slično. Taj obrat u demografskim trendovima nameće velike probleme u razvitku seoskih područja, u pogledu zapošljavanja, infrastrukture, usluga. Autor, nadalje, analizira trendove u samoj poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji, koji se ogledaju u smanjenju broja poljoprivrednog stanovništva i s tim u vezi porastu produktivnosti rada u poljoprivredi. Porast dohotka poljoprivrednika u zapadnoevropskim zemljama pretežnim je dijelom posljedica porasta obrađivane površine po radniku, a manjim je dijelom posljedica intenzifikacije proizvodnje. Sve su promjene u poljoprivredi tih zemalja bile pod utjecajem zajedničke politike Evropske zajednice. Autor razmatra probleme dislokacije industrije u seoske sredine, probleme razina života u seoskim područjima, ekološke aspekte promjena i si. Na kraju naznačavaju se perspektive razvoja sela u idućem razdoblju

    A national audit of typical secondary school provision of physical education, physical activity and sports in the Republic of Ireland

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    Evaluating the extent of implementation and variation of typical school provision of physical education, physical activity and sports in the Republic of Ireland is a public health priority. Therefore, a national audit into the different levels of typical school provision of physical education,physical activity and sports was conducted. To date, this has not been evaluated. A cross-sectional,nationally representative sample of 112 secondary schools were included. A school provision of physical education, physical activity and sports evaluation index, validated via a concept mapping methodology, was utilized to measure variation of provision in the context of school personnel, curriculum, facilities and equipment, budget, partnerships, ethos and prioritization. A proposed grade for each indicator of provision was established using an internationally standardized grading system. Overall, physical education was the indicator with the highest national average grade (B−); physical activity was the indicator with the lowest national average grade (D+); while the indicator for sports received a C− grade. An overview of the national averages in terms of provision, paralleled with national and international comparisons and recommendations to support provision, is illuminated for each indicator. Future country comparison and benchmarking on key components of provision is envisaged.</p

    Physical Activity Behavior, Health and Wellbeing Study - Questionnaire

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    Project Tittle: Test-Retest Reliability of a Physical Activity Behavior, Health and Wellbeing Questionnaire in AdolescentsThe data was collected as part of a test-retest reliability study on a physical activity behavior, health and wellbeing questionnaire in adolescents and was conducted via the Physical Education and Sport Sciences Department and Health Research Institute in the University of Limerick. Research ethics approval for this study and the associated protocols was granted by the research ethics committee of the Faculty of Education and Health Sciences, University of Limerick. The study aimed to examine the test-retest reliability of the physical activity behavior, health and wellbeing questionnaire in adolescent populations, administered by teachers in school settings, in the Republic of Ireland. A cross-sectional included 55 participants (45.5% males: Age,13.94 (±.40) were included. The participants completed the questionnaire on two occasions (T1 and T2), on the same day and time, one week apart following identical proceduresThe physical activity behaviour, health and wellbeing survey was assembled using tools with previously established validity. Although some research exists to support the reliability of questionnaires to measure physical activity behavior, health and wellbeing, there is a scarcity of research examining the reliability of tools to estimate all components as part of one questionnaire, utilizing a range of relative and absolute reliability indices.The questionnaire consists of variety of physical activity behaviour (n=13), health (n=11) and wellbeing (n=2) variables. The data was collected between January and March 2023. The current survey is supporting information for publication.</p

    School-based physical education, physical activity and sports provision: A concept mapping framework for evaluation

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    Objective Physical education, physical activity and sports provision are important factors in whole school health promotion, however, a standardised evaluation framework to evaluate the contribution of these components is lacking. A framework that accounts for the distinct structures and associated factors, that impact upon provision would facilitate a more coherent evaluation. Methods A concept mapping methodology, involving the generation of factors relevant to school physical education, physical activity and sports provision and their subsequent thematic and numeric rating and sorting was utilised. Concept mapping effectively gathers, integrates, and visually and numerically represents the composite thinking of a group of relevant and expert stakeholders around a complex social phenomenon. Following a review of the extant literature and synthesis among 20 expert stakeholders, a list of 95 factor statements relevant to school physical education, physical activity and sports provision were developed. Results Each factor statement was rated and sorted by 197 multi-disciplinary participants. An eight-cluster framework that demonstrated good validity (stress value: 0.266), was derived from the data based on: 1. Partnerships and Pupil Centered Physical Education; 2. Physical Activity and Sports; 3. School Demographics; 4. Equipment, Facilities and Budget; 5. Extra Costs; 6. Curriculum and Policy; 7. School Management and 8. Timetable. Statements within the cluster on school management received the highest mean importance and modifiability ratings while statements within the cluster on school demographics received the low?est mean importance and modifiability ratings. Conclusions Eight overarching structures which account for school physical education, physical activity and sports provision have been identified. Within each of these, structures and overall factors of greatest importance and modifiability have been illuminated. Findings stemming from this rigorous methodology, provide the foundation for the development of a national provision evaluation index to inform both school-level and national policy and actions. It is recommended the current methodology is replicated in other nations to gain corresponding insights</p

    Physical Activity Behavior, Health and Wellbeing Study - Test-Retest Dataset

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    Project Title: Test-Retest Reliability of a Physical Activity Behavior Health and Wellbeing Questionnaire in Adolescents The data was collected as part of a test-retest reliability study on a physical activity behavior, health and wellbeing questionnaire in adolescents and was conducted via the Physical Education and Sport Sciences Department and Health Research Institute in the University of Limerick. Research ethics approval for this study and the associated protocols was granted by the research ethics committee of the Faculty of Education and Health Sciences, University of Limerick. Only answers form participants who consented to engage in the study are published in the dataset.The study aimed to examine the test-retest reliability of the physical activity behavior, health and wellbeing questionnaire in adolescent populations, administered by teachers in school settings, in the Republic of Ireland. A cross-sectional included 55 participants (45.5% males: Age,13.94 (±.40) were included. The participants completed the questionnaire on two occasions (T1 and T2), on the same day and time, one week apart following identical proceduresThe questionnaire consists of variety of physical activity behaviour (n=13), health (n=11) and wellbeing (n=2) variables. The dataset pertains to four distinct columns for each variable; test, retest, differences and means. The data was collected between January and March 2023.</p

    The impact of typical school provision of physical education, physical activity and sports on adolescent physical activity behaviors. A systematic literature review.

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    Typical school provision of physical education, physical activity and sports, which reflects the response to national curriculum, resource base and ethos of schools, may impact adolescent physical activity behaviors. This impact has not been considered in systematic literature reviews to date. The Web of Science, SPORTDiscus, PsychINFO, ERIC and MEDLINE databases were searched for relevant literature (2000–2022) on adolescents aged 12–18 years in secondary schools. Thirteen studies met the inclusion criteria, including eight cross-sectional, three longitudinal and two cluster randomized control trials. Included studies contributed 84 reported effects. Physical activity behavior was the most frequently reported outcome (n = 52), 48% of which were non-significant, 29% significantly positive, 10% significantly negative and 13% demonstrated a positive or negative trend but with no test of significance. Evidence was also found to support an impact on meeting physical activity guidelines (62.5% significantly positive effects) and in reducing sedentary behavior, particularly in girls.Notwithstanding considerable heterogeneity in the data paralleled with methodological limitations, presented evidence supports the positive impact of typical school provision of physical education, physical activity and sports on adolescent physical activity behaviors.</p

    The impact of typical school provision of physical education, physical activity and sports on adolescent mental health and wellbeing:  a systematic literature review

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    Typical school provision of physical education, physical activity and sports, which is refective of the school’s response to the national curriculum, available resources and school ethos, may impact adolescent mental health and wellbeing. Systematic literature reviews have not yet considered this impact. The Web of Science, SPORTDiscus, PsychINFO, ERIC and MEDLINE databases were searched for relevant literature (2000–2022) pertaining to adolescents aged 12–18 years in secondary schools. Twenty studies met the inclusion criteria, including thirteen interventions, fve cross-sectional and two longitudinal studies. Included studies contributed 108 reported efects, that examined depression, anxiety, self-esteem, self-efcacy, wellbeing, life satisfaction and positive mental health. Anxiety was the most frequently reported outcome, with 59% of the reported fndings found to be non-signifcant, 24% signifcantly positive, 12% signifcantly negative and 6% reporting a negative trend but with no test of signifcance. Evidence supported the impact of physical education on adolescent mental health and wellbeing. Signifcantly positive efects were linked to interventions with minor modifcations to typical provision such as the integration of teacher workshops and/or implementation of curriculum models. This suggests the importance of supplementing typical school provision of physical education to positively infuence future impact.</p