72 research outputs found

    The Triune God's Reply to Europe's Contemporary Cry

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    The contempory socio-cultural and spiritual transformations in Europe result in what Eugen Biser calls a "landscape of the cry" in literature, psychology, art and philosophy. Why has this come about above all in Europe? This article explores the nature of the European crisis as a crisis within Christianity itself opening to a new rediscovery of the Triune God as our "living space"

    'The Spirituality of the Vocation to Priesthood'

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    Examining key elements in the spirituality of the vocation to ministerial priesthood, this article offers a meditative reading of some of the relevant main biblical texts. It indicates Mary as the model of the common priesthood on the basis of which ministerial priesthood is exercised. The second part of the article outlines some of specific aspects of the spirituality of the ministerial priestly vocatio

    'The Spirituality of the Vocation to Priesthood'

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    Examining key elements in the spirituality of the vocation to ministerial priesthood, this article offers a meditative reading of some of the relevant main biblical texts. It indicates Mary as the model of the common priesthood on the basis of which ministerial priesthood is exercised. The second part of the article outlines some of specific aspects of the spirituality of the ministerial priestly vocatio

    The Triune God's Reply to Europe's Contemporary Cry

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    The contempory socio-cultural and spiritual transformations in Europe result in what Eugen Biser calls a "landscape of the cry" in literature, psychology, art and philosophy. Why has this come about above all in Europe? This article explores the nature of the European crisis as a crisis within Christianity itself opening to a new rediscovery of the Triune God as our "living space"

    What were they saying about Ecumenism at Sibiu?

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    This article reviews the main elements that emerged in the presentations and discussions concerning ecumenism at the third European ecummenical assembly held in Sibiu, Romania, from September 4-9, 200

    'Tradition, Agape-Love and Life'

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    This article, written with undregraduate students in mind, is an introduction to the theological understanding of Tradition. It provides a brief historical overview from early New Testament to Irenaeus, and from Trent to Vatican II

    Pope John Paul II and Chiara Lubich : each in their own way highlighting the Church’s Marian profile

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    Occasionally, when they would meet, Pope John Paul would quip to Chiara Lubich “you’re older than me!” It was true – but just by a few months. She was born on 22 January 1920 in Trent, Italy, and he on 18 May 1920 in Wadowice, Poland. Their paths would cross many years later when both had, by then, a particularly developed understanding of Mary, the Mother of God, and of her place in the life of the members of the Church. In this short article, I propose to sketch briefly some of the main points of their spiritual doctrine regarding Mary. More specifically I want to highlight the theme of the Marian profile of the Church that both held as very significant and both spoke about to one another. Each in their own way, highlighted the Church’s Marian profile. [excerpt]peer-reviewe

    'To Live the Life of the Trinity - The Eucharistic Invitation'

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    This article is a reflection on the Eucharist in terms of the contemporary rediscovery in theology of the triune face of God. It takes as its starting point some comments made by Pope Benedict XVI regarding the contemporary search for the true face of God

    "Revelation and Faith"

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    This article offers a reflection on faith in terms of our way towards God within the greater way of God towards us. It outlines how in the paschal mystery we discover how God is the Way in which we move and live and having our being (Acts 17:28) and faith is the response of dynamic participation in a trinitarian logic of love. The article addresses how the Catechism of the Catholic Church emphasises the role of witness and charisms as important for evangelisation and catechesis, preaching and ministry, today

    Between Logos and Nothingness

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    Piero Coda is one of Italy's most prolific theologians. As a leading and distinctive voice in theology, his contribution to the construction of a theology of religions and inter-religious dialogue has received positive appraisal. This short article attempts to show how Coda's work prompts reflection on Jesus Christ, the Word of God, as the eschatological "place" of encounter and recapitulation of all human beings, cultures and religions in a relational being-directed-towards-one-another (cf. Col 1:16). Ultimately, Coda sees his theology of religions located within a kerygma-kenosis polarity involving both a being/non-being, word/silence, fullness/nothingness, that is inherent in the human vocation itself as revealed in Christianity's relational-Trinitarian ontology of love
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