12 research outputs found

    Phylogenetic relationships of <i>Lepra</i> and allied genera.

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    <p>This is a RAxML tree based on a concatenated 6-locus data matrix. The numbers above each node represent bootstrap support and posterior probability values, respectively, only values higher than 50% shown. Strongly supported nodes in bold. Scale = 0.03 substitution per site.</p

    Additional file 10: Figure S5. of Commensal microbiota modulate gene expression in the skin

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    DGCA analysis identified significantly correlated DEGs that share potential transcription factor binding sites. Analysis with oppossum3 identified enriched transcription factors in positively correlated DGCA gene sets, using Z scores to assess significance. The y-axis identifies significant transcription factors, while x-axis represents the significance metric, with higher values indicating greater significance, and the shape indicating whether the metric score was 1 or 2 standard deviations (SD) above the mean. Z scores are significant when greater than 2 SD above the mean. Size of each point reflects the percentage of all DGCA +/+ DEGs containing a binding region for each TF and color indicates colonization status of the DGCA +/+ DEGs. (EPS 1582 kb

    Additional file 3: of Commensal microbiota modulate gene expression in the skin

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    Dataset S1. Results from differential expression analysis. Rows contain the 15,448 features analyzed. Columns contain Ensembl feature id, mean expression of GF samples, mean expression of SPF samples, the NOISeq differential expression statistic theta, the probability of differential expression (equal to 1-FDR-corrected p value when using NOISeqBio, DEGs defined as those with prob. > 0.9), the log2 fold change in expression (upregulated in GF > 0, downregulated in GF < 0), feature length, chromosome, feature start and end coordinates, feature biotype, and feature symbol. (XLSX 2289 kb

    Additional file 9: Figure S4. of Commensal microbiota modulate gene expression in the skin

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    Analysis of skin immune cell populations supports gene expression findings. (A) Toluidine blue staining for mast cells. (B) Immunofluorescence staining of CD3, a pan T cell marker. Significance testing was performed on an aggregate of three experiments with n = 3 GF and SPF mice each. (C) Flow cytometry analysis of GF and SPF (n = 5 each) of IL-1α and IL-1β production by cell subset. Comparisons that are significantly different with a p value < 0.05 are denoted with * and those with a p value < 0.01 with **. (D) Barplots showing normalized gene expression values for IL-1α and IL-1β. Lines depict standard error and padj represents the FDR-corrected p value (1-prob) calculated by NOISeqBio. (E) Boxplot of normalized gene expression of terminal differentiation markers Krt1 and Krt14, with padj indicating the FDR-corrected p value (1-prob) calculated by NOISeqBio. (EPS 85855 kb