3 research outputs found
Percepção da amamentação em mães pediatras
Objetivo: Investigar as significações sobre amamentação e a prática do aleitamento materno em mães pediatras de uma cidade de médio porte da Região Centro-Oeste que praticaram o aleitamento materno e as causas de desmame envolvidas. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo transversal, com abordagem qualitativa, composto por 10 médicas pediatras que são mães e amamentaram seus filhos. As respostas foram analisadas por meio da análise hermenêutico-dialética, objetivada por Minayo. Resultados: Observou-se por meio dos resultados obtidos que as mães pediatras compartilham com as mulheres em geral as alegrias e dificuldades no processo de amamentação, fortalecendo a visão do aleitamento materno além do fenômeno biológico, mas permeado pela cultura, pelos aspectos individuais, emocionais e vivenciais de cada mulher, os quais atuam de forma significativa na decisão e no sucesso da amamentação. Conclusão: As pediatras voluntárias no estudo demonstraram conhecimento e motivação para amamentar, ao mesmo tempo em que reconhecem as dificuldades impostas à mulher, as quais, muitas vezes, inclusive no grupo estudado, culminam no desmame precoce
Percepção da amamentação em mães pediatras Brenda Miranda Aidar
Objective: The objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence of the Hepatitis B and C in drug
users who were being treated in rehabilitation centers in the city of Anapolis, Goias. Methods: A
quantitative cross-sectional study was performed, with the administration of a questionnaire and
short tests. Results: Altogether, 144 patients were studied, all male and with average age of 37.4
years old. The study found four cases of seropositivity for Hepatitis C (2,8%) and none of Hepatitis B.
It was noticed significant relation (p<0.05) between Hepatitis C and the variable “used pipe, can or
cup to smoke crack and/or similar substances”; the same did not happen with the variables “to use
injectable drugs”, “to be arrested”, “to have sexual relations with the same or with eventual
partners”, “to receive money or drug as payment for sex” and “to have sexual relations with same
sex partner”. Conlusions: The study concluded that it is relevant to estimate the prevalence of
Hepatitis B and C in a population of drug users, in order to establish public policies for prevention,
control and treatment of this risk population
Mulheres XY e a Síndrome de Insensibilidade aos Andrógenos
Objective: The aims are to report a case of Androgen-Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS) and discuss aspects of opportune diagnosis and treatment of AIS. Case Report: C.F.F., 35, sought medical assistance reporting overweight and hypertension. During the anamnesis did not present menarche; with normal breast development, but late, around 14 years. Physical examination shows normal female external genitalia, with scarce pubic hair (P2) and the absence of axillary hair; breasts with normal development (M5). Conclusions: The result of the G band karyotype was 46, XY for the sisters and the screening in relatives revealed prepubescent girl with XY karyotype. The risk of tumor development is difficult to be predicted recently markers were identified that may be useful in determining individual risk and suggest the time of gonadectomy. The current consensus on the approach related to intersex disorders recommends gonadectomy at diagnosis for patients with AIS, after puberty, due to the ease of hormone replacement