556 research outputs found

    “Exploring the Basement of Social Justice Issues”: A Graduate Upon Graduation

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    Photograph of rides building up, taken J. Stevens' Fair, 20 June 1961 whole general view, looking West. See Leeson's notebook 9, pages 92-95 for notes

    Clinical Depression Pathway Implementation: Outcomes From Pilot Practices

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    In 2017, an estimated 17.3 million adults (7.1%) in the United States had at least one major depressive episode. Although there are known, effective treatments for depression, fewer than half of those affected receive such treatments. LVHN implemented an Ambulatory Clinical Depression Pathway at three pilot sites to improve depression screening, symptom management, remission documentation, and patient quality of life. The pathway utilized the PHQ-9 metric for evaluating and tracking severity of depression while providing guidelines for short- and long-term follow up, patient education, and medical management. Five hundred twenty-five individuals were screened during the 6-month pilot study; 38% were diagnosed with depression (PHQ Score =5). Of those, 82% were prescribed antidepressant medications and 60% received education. Over-the-phone follow up for moderately-severe to severe patients occurred in 28% of encounters, while in-office follow up was completed within 6 months for 32% of depressed patients. Seventy three percent of patients who followed up showed improvement in depression with a 15% rate of complete remission. One site’s decreased adherence (58% screened, 24% in-office follow up) resulted in less response in more severe depression

    Molecular dissection of subunit interfaces in the acetylcholine receptor: Identification of determinants of α-Conotoxin M1 selectivity

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    AbstractThe acetylcholine receptor from vertebrate skeletal muscle is a pentamer of homologous subunits with composition α2βγδ. Its two ligand binding sites, formed at α-γ and α-δ interfaces, differ in their affinities for agonists and competitive antagonists, owing to different contributions of the γ and δ subunits. To identify portions of the † and δ subunits that contribute to the binding sites, the experiments described here use γ-δ subunit chimeras and site-specific mutants to determine the basis of the 10,000-fold selectivity of conotoxin M1 for the sites. Three distinct regions of the extracellular domain were found to contribute to conotoxin M1 selectivity, each containing a single residue responsible for the contribution of that region. Residues K34, S111, and F172 of the γ subunit confer low affinity to the α-γ binding site, whereas the corresponding residues of the δ subunit, S36, Y113, and 1178, confer high affinity to the α-δ site. Identification of three separate determinants of ligand selectivity suggests a limited model of the folding pattern of the extracellular domain of the subunits

    Floristic Composition and Taxonomic Structure of Algae in the Hyperhaline Reservoirs of the Northwestern Azov Sea Coast (Ukraine)

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    The article represents the results of long-term algological studies of hyperhaline reservoirs of the northwestern coast of the Azov Sea. The features of the floristic composition and taxonomic structure of algae in aquatic (water column and bottom), aquatic-terrestrial (water’s edge, dried up water bodies, drying area) and terrestrial (elevated non-flooding areas) habitats of these objects are displayed. A specificity of the studied algoflora lies in the absence of representatives of certain characteristic phyla for the salt-water and non-saline land and water habitats of the territory of Ukraine. It was established that species composition of the studied reservoirs is depleted in comparison with other non-saline and marine ecosystems. Totally, 123 algae species were identified. They represented 7 divisions, 10 classes, 27 orders, 47 families, 68 genera. The largest number of species included three phyla: Cyanoprokaryota – 65 species (52.9% of the total number of identified species), Bacillariophyta – 26 (21.1%), Chlorophyta – 22 (17.9%). The first places among the six leading orders were taken by cyanoprocaryotes from Oscillatoriales, Nostocales, Chroococcales and diatoms from Naviculales. The most numerous species at the family level are trichomous cyanoprocaryotes from Nostocaceae, Pseudanabaenaceae, and Phormidiaceae. There were found 23 leading genera – their species richness exceeds the average indicator (1.81 species). According to the results of original studies, it was noted that all taxonomic levels of algoflora of the hyperhaline reservoirs shows features of not only saline habitats, but also of the freshwater, marine and terrestrial extreme ecosystems. Such diversity of the algal population indicates an unstable hydrological regime and complex relations of water exchange between the hyperhaline reservoirs and nearby terrestrial and aquatic habitats

    Fatty Acid Composition of Benthic Macroscopic Algal Growths and Peloids in the Ephemeral Reservoirs

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    The fatty acid composition of benthic macroscopic growths of algae and peloids in the ephemeral reservoirs on the Berdyansk Spit (near the Krasne Lake) and Arabat Spit (near the Zyablovs’ke Lake) was studied and analyzed. It is shown that fatty acid spectrum of benthic macroscopic algal growths and peloids largely coincides

    Investigations of heme distortion, low-frequency vibrational excitations, and electron transfer in cytochrome c

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    Cytochrome (cyt) c is an important electron transfer protein. The ruffling deformation of its heme cofactor has been suggested to relate to its electron transfer rate. However, there is no direct experimental evidence demonstrating this correlation. In this work, we studied Pseudomonas aeruginosa cytochrome c551 and its F7A mutant. These two proteins, although similar in their X-ray crystal structure, display a significant difference in their heme outof- plane deformations, mainly along the ruffling coordinate. Resonance Raman and vibrational coherence measurements also indicate significant differences in ruffling-sensitive modes, particularly the low-frequency γa mode found between ~50-60 cm-1. This supports previous assignments of γa as having a large ruffling content. Measurement of the photoreduction kinetics finds an order of magnitude decrease of the photoreduction cross-section in the F7A mutant, which has nearly twice the ruffling deformation as the WT. Additional measurements on cytochrome c demonstrate that heme ruffling is correlated exponentially with the electron transfer rates and suggest that ruffling could play an important role in redox control. A major relaxation of heme ruffling in cytochrome c, upon binding to the mitochondrial membrane, is discussed in this context