314 research outputs found

    The role of grain-environment heterogeneity in normal grain growth: a stochastic approach

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    The size distribution of grains is a fundamental characteristic of polycrystalline solids. In the absence of deformation, the grain-size distribution is controlled by normal grain growth. The canonical model of normal grain growth, developed by Hillert, predicts a grain-size distribution that bears a systematic discrepancy with observed distributions. To address this, we propose a change to the Hillert model that accounts for the influence of heterogeneity in the local environment of grains. In our model, each grain evolves in response to its own local environment of neighbouring grains, rather than to the global population of grains. The local environment of each grain evolves according to an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck stochastic process. Our results are consistent with accepted grain-growth kinetics. Crucially, our model indicates that the size of relatively large grains evolves as a random walk due to the inherent variability in their local environments. This leads to a broader grain-size distribution than the Hillert model and indicates that heterogeneity has a critical influence on the evolution of microstructure.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figures, to be published in Acta Materiali

    Dislocation theory of steady and transient creep of crystalline solids: predictions for olivine

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    Significance Many important deformation processes take place at strain rates that are too slow to be investigated experimentally. For example, strain rates in Earth’s mantle are typically ten orders of magnitude slower than in the laboratory. To bridge this gap, empirical relationships are extrapolated with large epistemic uncertainties. We propose a model for deformation derived from the microphysics of deformation. In application to olivine, the main mineral of Earth’s upper mantle, this model explains the scaling relationships observed under a range of laboratory conditions. In extrapolation to Earth’s mantle, the model predicts a transition in the dominant microphysical processes, leading to predictions distinct from previous studies. For instance, following abrupt stress changes, it predicts rapid transient deformation. Abstract In applications critical to the geological, materials, and engineering sciences, deformation occurs at strain rates too small to be accessible experimentally. Instead, extrapolations of empirical relationships are used, leading to epistemic uncertainties in predictions. To address these problems, we construct a theory of the fundamental processes affecting dislocations: storage and recovery. We then validate our theory for olivine deformation. This model explains the empirical relationships among strain rate, applied stress, and dislocation density in disparate laboratory regimes. It predicts the previously unexplained dependence of dislocation density on applied stress in olivine. The predictions of our model for Earth conditions differ from extrapolated empirical relationships. For example, it predicts rapid, transient deformation in the upper mantle, consistent with recent measurements of postseismic creep

    Impact of Syngenta Enogen Feed Corn on Finishing Cattle Performance and Carcass Characteristics

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    Two finishing experiments were conducted to evaluate Syngenta Enogen Feed Corn containing an alpha amylase enzyme trait compared to the near negative isoline control corn at two locations on cattle performance and carcass characteristics. No statistical differences were observed for final BW, DMI, ADG, or F:G for steers fed Syngenta Enogen Feed Corn versus the near negative isoline control corn. Fat depth and calculated yield grade were greater for steers fed Syngenta Enogen Feed Corn; however, HCW and marbling scores were not different. Previous research has observed a 2.6% to 16.4% decrease in F:G when Syngenta Enogen Feed Corn was fed; however, under this study a 1.6% reduction in F:G was observed

    Nutrient Digestibility and Fermentation of Brown Midrib Corn Fed to Growing Beef Steers

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    A digestion study evaluated three corn silage hybrids for growing crossbred steers. The three hybrids were: a standard corn silage hybrid which served as the control, a brown midrib hybrid (bm3), and an experimental bm3 hybrid with a softer endosperm. Both bm3 hybrids had greater organic matter and fiber digestibility compared to the control corn silage. However, no differences were observed between the two bm3 hybrids. Rumen pH was reduced for BM3 and BM3-EXP compared to the control suggesting greater rumen fermentation. In vitro gas production was increased for the bm3 hybrids compared to the control further supporting greater rumen fermentation

    Nutrient Digestibility and Fermentation of Brown Midrib Corn Fed to Growing Beef Steers

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    A digestion study evaluated three corn silage hybrids for growing crossbred steers. The three hybrids were: a standard corn silage hybrid which served as the control, a brown midrib hybrid (bm3), and an experimental bm3 hybrid with a softer endosperm. Both bm3 hybrids had greater organic matter and fiber digestibility compared to the control corn silage. However, no differences were observed between the two bm3 hybrids. Rumen pH was reduced for BM3 and BM3-EXP compared to the control suggesting greater rumen fermentation. In vitro gas production was increased for the bm3 hybrids compared to the control further supporting greater rumen fermentation

    The Biodiversity Heritage Library : advancing metadata practices in a collaborative digital library

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    Author Posting. © Taylor & Francis, 2010. This article is posted here by permission of Taylor & Francis for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Library Metadata 10 (2010): 136-155, doi:10.1080/19386389.2010.506400.The Biodiversity Heritage Library is an open access digital library of taxonomic literature, forming a single point of access to this collection for use by a worldwide audience of professional taxonomists, as well as “citizen scientists.” A successful mass-scanning digitization program, one that creates functional and findable digital objects, requires thoughtful metadata work flow that parallels the work flow of the physical items from shelf to scanner. This article examines the needs of users of taxonomic literature, specifically in relation to the transformation of traditional library material to digital form. It details the issues that arise in determining scanning priorities, avoiding duplication of scanning across the founding 12 natural history and botanical garden library collections, and the problems related to the complexity of serials, monographs, and series. Highlighted are the tools, procedures, and methodology for addressing the details of a mass-scanning operation. Specifically, keeping a steady flow of material, creation of page level metadata, and building services on top of data and metadata that meet the needs of the targeted communities. The replication of the BHL model across a number of related projects in China, Brazil, and Australia are documented as evidence of the success of the BHL mass-scanning project plan

    The effect of corn silage hybrid and inclusion on performance of finishing steers and silage hybrid effects on digestibility and performance of growing steers

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    Three experiments evaluated the effects of three corn silage hybrids, inclusion, and nutrient digestibility in growing and finishing diets. The three hybrids tested included a control (CON), a hybrid containing a brown midrib (bm3) trait (BM3), and an experimental bm3 hybrid with the soft endosperm trait (BM3-SOFT). Experiment 1 utilized 360 crossbred steers (body weight [BW] = 334; SD = 25 kg) to evaluate inclusion of silage in a finishing diet at (15% or 45% of diet dry matter [DM]) and silage hybrid (CON, BM3, or BM3-SOFT). Experiment 2 and 3 utilized 216 crossbred steers (BW = 324; SD = 10 kg) and six ruminally fistulated steers (BW = 274; SD = 27 kg), respectively, to evaluate effects of either CON, BM3, or BM3-SOFT silage hybrids on performance and nutrient digestibility in growing diets. In Exp. 1, there was a silage inclusion × hybrid interaction for average daily gain (ADG) and gain-to-feed ratio (G:F). All treatments with 15% silage had greater (P ≀ 0.04) ADG and G:F compared with 45% silage. Cattle fed BM3-SOFT had greater ADG and G:F than cattle fed CON or BM3 when silage was included at 15% of the diet. When silage was fed at 45% of the diet DM, ADG did not differ between cattle fed either bm3 hybrid. Cattle fed BM3 had the greatest G:F (P \u3c 0.01), with no difference between BM3-SOFT and CON. At 15% silage inclusion, hot carcass weight (HCW) was greater (P \u3c 0.01) for cattle fed BM3-SOFT compared with cattle fed CON and BM3 but did not differ between cattle fed BM3 and CON. At 45% silage inclusion, steers fed either bm3 hybrid did not differ in HCW but were both heavier (P \u3c 0.01) compared with cattle fed CON. In Exp. 2, ending BW, dry matter intake (DMI), and ADG were greater (P \u3c 0.01) for steers fed either bm3 hybrid compared to steers fed the CON, but not different between steers fed the bm3 hybrids. There were no differences (P = 0.26) in G:F between the silage hybrids. In Exp. 3, steers fed either bm3 had greater (P \u3c 0.01) neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) digestibility than steers fed the CON. Ruminal pH was lower (P \u3c 0.01), and total volatile fatty acid (VFA) concentration was greater (P \u3c 0.01) for steers fed bm3 hybrids compared to steers fed CON. Feeding silage with the bm3 trait improved fiber digestibility, which increased DMI and subsequent ADG in high-forage growing diets. Feeding corn silage with the bm3 trait improved performance compared to non-bm3 corn silage when included above typical roughage concentration

    Equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in organ transplantation: an ESOT survey about EDI within ESOT as an organization and its educational activities, and transplantation research and science

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    The European Society of Organ Transplantation (ESOT) strives to promote equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) across all its activities. We surveyed the transplant community’s experiences and perspectives regarding EDI within ESOT as an organization and its educational activities, and research in general. A total of 299 respondents completed the questionnaire. About half agreed that ESOT’s Executive Committee, Council, and Sections/Committees are diverse and inclusive (51%) and that ESOT promotes EDI in its live and digital educational activities (54%). Forty percent of respondents agreed that scientific and clinical trials in the field of transplantation are diverse and inclusive. Despite the wide distribution of the survey, most of the respondents self-identified as White and were either physician or surgeon. However, the results contribute a unique insight into the experiences and perspectives of the transplantation community regarding EDI. Whilst ESOT is committed to the principles of EDI, perceptions and the high number of proposals show the apparent need to prioritize efforts to embed EDI across ESOT and transplantation science. These data should constitute a starting point for change and provide guidance for future efforts to promote EDI within the transplantation community

    The practical other : teleology and its development

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    We argue for teleology as a description of the way in which we ordinarily understand others’ intentional actions. Teleology starts from the close resemblance between the reasoning involved in understanding others’ actions and one’s own practical reasoning involved in deciding what to do. We carve out teleology’s distinctive features more sharply by comparing it to its three main competitors: theory theory, simulation theory, and rationality theory. The plausibility of teleology as our way of understanding others is underlined by developmental data in its favour
