447 research outputs found

    The Last Long Mile

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    Anxieties and Depression Disorders in Composers’

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    In this paper, we presented an overview of composers diseases in the last five hundred years. The collected data were obtained from the biographies of more than ten thousand composers and over a thousand pathographies. It is the world’s largest processed sample so far. The diseases mentioned and their comorbidities had an impact on lives and work of composers (87). They have shortened their life span from just over sixty years average to approximately fifty years

    Moždani udari kod Johanna Sebastiana Bacha

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    Bach\u27s origin is from the sixth generation of a large family of musicians from Mid-Germany, the Thyrings. He was famous, but more so as an organist and a specialst fine organ builder than as a composer. He married twice. From each marriage, two well-known musician-composers were bom: Wilhelm Friedmann and Carl Phillip Emanuel from the first marriage, and Johann Christoph Friedrich and Johann Christian from the second. The Bachs were destined to live into their sixties, a good age at that time, and several lived longer. Bach was healthy and shortsighted, and a strong man. He probably had high blood pressure, and maybe diabetes. His vision was said to be damaged by writing and copying notes in the dark from his early days. It is possible he had a mild stroke before 1746 and another one in 1749 which, with his previous blindness, affected him seriously. At that time, while touring Europe, "chevalier and gentleman"- an Englishman oculist and operator, John Taylor came to Leipzig. Bach was operated on twice in 1750. His vision did not improve and inflammation developed, probably glaucoma with postoperative infection. He had several cerebrovascular risk factors, i.e. age, obesity, possible hypertension and diabetes, and he died in 1750 after another stroke complicated by pneumonia. His grave was known only by oral tradition and was mentioned in just one local newspaper as an incidental remark. It took more than one hundred years after his death for his grave to be found nearby St Thomas Church. His remains were identified by Professor His together with Professor Politzer, an authority in the field of otology.Johann Sebastian Bach pripadao je šestom naraštaju obitelji glazbenika podrijetlom iz središnje Njemačke. U svoje doba bio je poznatiji po umijeću izgradnje i sviranja orgulja nego po svom skladateljskom talentu. U svakom od njegova dva braka rođena su dva sina koji su kasnije nastavili obiteljsku skladateljsku tradiciju: Wilhelm Friedmann i Carl Phillip Emanuel iz prvog braka, te Johann Christoph Friedrich i Johann Christian iz drugog braka. U obitelji Bach prosječna životna dob bila je oko šezdeset godina, što je za tadašnje prilike bilo više od prosjeka, tek je nekoliko pripadnika obitelji živjelo duže. Johann Sebastian Bach je bio zdrav, nizak, ali jak čovjek još od najranijih dana. Najvjerojatnije je imao povišen krvni tlak, a moguće je da je bolovao i od šećerne bolesti. Vid mu je bio oslabljen, jer je još od djetinjstva pisao i kopirao note u mraku. Prije 1746. te opet 1749. godine je najvjerojatnije prebolio moždani udar. Posljednje dvije godine života Bach se suočava sa znatnim slabljenjem vida. U to doba u Leipzigu se na proputovanju Europom zatekao engleski okulist-operater "\u27kraljevski gentleman" John Taylor koji je Bacha operirao dva puta 1750. godine. Bachov vid se nije oporavio, naprotiv, došlo je do infekcije. Prema anamnezi i tijeku bolesti najvjerojatnije se radilo o glaukomu s poslijeoperacijskom infekcijom. Bach je imao nekoliko čimbenika rizika za nastanak cerebrovaskularne bolesti - dob, prekomjernu tjelesnu težinu, moguće hipertenziju i šećernu bolest. Tijekom 1750. Bach ponovno doživljava moždani udar kompliciran upalom pluća, što je dovelo do njegove smrti. Bachovo posljednje počivalište ostalo je zabilježeno tek slučajnom bilješkom u lokalnom glasilu, te u usmenoj predaji. Prošlo je više od sto godina dok njegov grob nije otkriven nedaleko od crkve St. Thomas. Bachovi ostaci identificirani su uz pomoć Profesora Hisa koji je bio vodeći autoritet u anatomiji te Profesora Politzera, vodećeg autoriteta u otologiji

    Moždani udari kod Johanna Sebastiana Bacha

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    Bach\u27s origin is from the sixth generation of a large family of musicians from Mid-Germany, the Thyrings. He was famous, but more so as an organist and a specialst fine organ builder than as a composer. He married twice. From each marriage, two well-known musician-composers were bom: Wilhelm Friedmann and Carl Phillip Emanuel from the first marriage, and Johann Christoph Friedrich and Johann Christian from the second. The Bachs were destined to live into their sixties, a good age at that time, and several lived longer. Bach was healthy and shortsighted, and a strong man. He probably had high blood pressure, and maybe diabetes. His vision was said to be damaged by writing and copying notes in the dark from his early days. It is possible he had a mild stroke before 1746 and another one in 1749 which, with his previous blindness, affected him seriously. At that time, while touring Europe, "chevalier and gentleman"- an Englishman oculist and operator, John Taylor came to Leipzig. Bach was operated on twice in 1750. His vision did not improve and inflammation developed, probably glaucoma with postoperative infection. He had several cerebrovascular risk factors, i.e. age, obesity, possible hypertension and diabetes, and he died in 1750 after another stroke complicated by pneumonia. His grave was known only by oral tradition and was mentioned in just one local newspaper as an incidental remark. It took more than one hundred years after his death for his grave to be found nearby St Thomas Church. His remains were identified by Professor His together with Professor Politzer, an authority in the field of otology.Johann Sebastian Bach pripadao je šestom naraštaju obitelji glazbenika podrijetlom iz središnje Njemačke. U svoje doba bio je poznatiji po umijeću izgradnje i sviranja orgulja nego po svom skladateljskom talentu. U svakom od njegova dva braka rođena su dva sina koji su kasnije nastavili obiteljsku skladateljsku tradiciju: Wilhelm Friedmann i Carl Phillip Emanuel iz prvog braka, te Johann Christoph Friedrich i Johann Christian iz drugog braka. U obitelji Bach prosječna životna dob bila je oko šezdeset godina, što je za tadašnje prilike bilo više od prosjeka, tek je nekoliko pripadnika obitelji živjelo duže. Johann Sebastian Bach je bio zdrav, nizak, ali jak čovjek još od najranijih dana. Najvjerojatnije je imao povišen krvni tlak, a moguće je da je bolovao i od šećerne bolesti. Vid mu je bio oslabljen, jer je još od djetinjstva pisao i kopirao note u mraku. Prije 1746. te opet 1749. godine je najvjerojatnije prebolio moždani udar. Posljednje dvije godine života Bach se suočava sa znatnim slabljenjem vida. U to doba u Leipzigu se na proputovanju Europom zatekao engleski okulist-operater "\u27kraljevski gentleman" John Taylor koji je Bacha operirao dva puta 1750. godine. Bachov vid se nije oporavio, naprotiv, došlo je do infekcije. Prema anamnezi i tijeku bolesti najvjerojatnije se radilo o glaukomu s poslijeoperacijskom infekcijom. Bach je imao nekoliko čimbenika rizika za nastanak cerebrovaskularne bolesti - dob, prekomjernu tjelesnu težinu, moguće hipertenziju i šećernu bolest. Tijekom 1750. Bach ponovno doživljava moždani udar kompliciran upalom pluća, što je dovelo do njegove smrti. Bachovo posljednje počivalište ostalo je zabilježeno tek slučajnom bilješkom u lokalnom glasilu, te u usmenoj predaji. Prošlo je više od sto godina dok njegov grob nije otkriven nedaleko od crkve St. Thomas. Bachovi ostaci identificirani su uz pomoć Profesora Hisa koji je bio vodeći autoritet u anatomiji te Profesora Politzera, vodećeg autoriteta u otologiji

    Diseases and Destinies of Famous Composers Why should one even write about composers’ diseases?

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    Why should one even write about composers’ diseases? That question is no longer an issue because in the last 50 to 100 years, this very topic has given us a whole new insight into famous composers’ creative lives. Grieg, as well as many others, concurred. The very goal of biopathographies is to investigate the lives and creativity of famous composers from the psychological as well as from medical point of view. We attempted to list and interpret the data we found accurately, and categorize them using a simple everyday vocabulary in the book Diseases and Destinies of Famous Composers.

    Prof. Višnja Hudolin, MD, PhD (1923-2008)

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