10 research outputs found

    Evolutionarily stable gene clusters shed light on the common grounds of pathogenicity in the Acinetobacter calcoaceticus-baumannii complex

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    Nosocomial pathogens of the Acinetobacter calcoaceticus-baumannii (ACB) complex are a cautionary example for the world-wide spread of multi- and pan-drug resistant bacteria. Aiding the urgent demand for novel therapeutic targets, comparative genomics studies between pathogens and their apathogenic relatives shed light on the genetic basis of human-pathogen interaction. Yet, existing studies are limited in taxonomic scope, sensing of the phylogenetic signal, and resolution by largely analyzing genes independent of their organization in functional gene clusters. Here, we explored more than 3,000 Acinetobacter genomes in a phylogenomic framework integrating orthology-based phylogenetic profiling and microsynteny conservation analyses. We delineate gene clusters in the type strain A. baumannii ATCC 19606 whose evolutionary conservation indicates a functional integration of the subsumed genes. These evolutionarily stable gene clusters (ESGCs) reveal metabolic pathways, transcriptional regulators residing next to their targets but also tie together sub-clusters with distinct functions to form higher-order functional modules. We shortlisted 150 ESGCs that either co-emerged with the pathogenic ACB clade or are preferentially found therein. They provide a high-resolution picture of genetic and functional changes that coincide with the manifestation of the pathogenic phenotype in the ACB clade. Key innovations are the remodeling of the regulatory-effector cascade connecting LuxR/LuxI quorum sensing via an intermediate messenger to biofilm formation, the extension of micronutrient scavenging systems, and the increase of metabolic flexibility by exploiting carbon sources that are provided by the human host. We could show experimentally that only members of the ACB clade use kynurenine as a sole carbon and energy source, a substance produced by humans to fine-tune the antimicrobial innate immune response. In summary, this study provides a rich and unbiased set of novel testable hypotheses on how pathogenic Acinetobacter interact with and ultimately infect their human host. It is a comprehensive resource for future research into novel therapeutic strategies

    Evolutionarily stable gene clusters shed light on the common grounds of pathogenicity in the Acinetobacter calcoaceticus-baumannii complex

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    Nosocomial pathogens of the Acinetobacter calcoaceticus-baumannii (ACB) complex are a cautionary example for the world-wide spread of multi- and pan-drug resistant bacteria. Aiding the urgent demand for novel therapeutic targets, comparative genomics studies between pathogens and their apathogenic relatives shed light on the genetic basis of human-pathogen interaction. Yet, existing studies are limited in taxonomic scope, sensing of the phylogenetic signal, and resolution by largely analyzing genes independent of their organization in functional gene clusters. Here, we explored more than 3,000 Acinetobacter genomes in a phylogenomic framework integrating orthology-based phylogenetic profiling and microsynteny conservation analyses. We delineate gene clusters in the type strain A. baumannii ATCC 19606 whose evolutionary conservation indicates a functional integration of the subsumed genes. These evolutionarily stable gene clusters (ESGCs) reveal metabolic pathways, transcriptional regulators residing next to their targets but also tie together sub-clusters with distinct functions to form higher-order functional modules. We shortlisted 150 ESGCs that either co-emerged with the pathogenic ACB clade or are preferentially found therein. They provide a high-resolution picture of genetic and functional changes that coincide with the manifestation of the pathogenic phenotype in the ACB clade. Key innovations are the remodeling of the regulatory-effector cascade connecting LuxR/LuxI quorum sensing via an intermediate messenger to biofilm formation, the extension of micronutrient scavenging systems, and the increase of metabolic flexibility by exploiting carbon sources that are provided by the human host. We could show experimentally that only members of the ACB clade use kynurenine as a sole carbon and energy source, a substance produced by humans to fine-tune the antimicrobial innate immune response. In summary, this study provides a rich and unbiased set of novel testable hypotheses on how pathogenic Acinetobacter interact with and ultimately infect their human host. It is a comprehensive resource for future research into novel therapeutic strategies.Peer Reviewe

    Metabolische Adaptation von Acinetobacter baumannii an den humanen Wirt: Rolle von Trimethylammoniumverbindungen, Phospholipiden und Aromaten

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    Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden verschiedene metabolische Anpassungsmechanismen des humanpathogenen Bakteriums Acinetobacter baumannii an seinen Wirt untersucht. Im ersten Teil wurde die Rolle von verschiedenen Trimethylammoniumverbindungen (Cholin, Glycinbetain und Carnitin) und den zugehörigen Aufnahmesystemen, sowie ihren Stoffwechselwegen wĂ€hrend dieses Prozesses analysiert. FĂŒr die Analyse der Transportsysteme wurde eine markerlose Vierfachmutante (Δbcct) von A. baumannii generiert, sodass alle bekannten Transportsysteme fĂŒr die genannten Verbindungen deletiert vorlagen. Wachstumsversuche mit dieser Mutante zeigten, dass es in A. baumannii keine weiteren Transporter fĂŒr die Aufnahme von Cholin gibt, jedoch weitere primĂ€r aktive oder sekundĂ€r aktive Transporter fĂŒr die Aufnahme von Glycinbetain. Weiterhin konnten innerhalb dieser Arbeit die KM-Werte der Transporter bestimmt werden. Verschiedene Virulenz- und Infektionsanalysen fĂŒhrten zu dem Schluss, dass die Transporter keine Rolle bei der Virulenz von A. baumannii spielen. In Genomanalysen konnten die Gene, die fĂŒr die Enzyme des Oxidationsweges von Cholin zu Glycinbetain kodieren identifiziert werden (Cholin-Dehydrogenase (betA), GlycinbetainAldehyd-Dehydrogenase (betB) und ein potenzieller Regulator (betI)). Es wurden Deletionsmutanten innerhalb dieses Genclusters generiert, mit dessen Hilfe gezeigt werden konnte, dass Cholin unter Salzstress ausschließlich als VorlĂ€ufer fĂŒr das kompatible Solut Glycinbetain fungiert und nicht als kompatibles Solut von A. baumannii genutzt werden kann. Virulenz- und Infektionsstudien mit den Deletionsmutanten zeigten, dass der Cholin-Oxidationsweg keine Rolle bei der Virulenz von A. baumannii spielt. Die Cholin-Dehydrogenase BetA wurde zusĂ€tzlich in E. coli produziert und anschließend mittels NiNTA-AffinitĂ€tschromatographie aufgereinigt. Die biochemische Charakterisierung des Enzyms zeigte, dass BetA membranstĂ€ndig ist und die höchste AktivitĂ€t bei einem pH-Wert von 9,0 hat. Salze wie NaCl oder KCl hatten keinen Effekt auf die AktivitĂ€t des Enzyms, wĂ€hrend Glutamat die AktivitĂ€t stimulierte. Weiterhin konnte FAD als Cofaktor identifiziert werden und der KM-Wert ermittelt werden. Zudem konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Oxidation von Cholin zu Glycinbetain unter isoosmotischen Bedingungen zu einem Anstieg der ATP-Konzentration in A. baumannii-Zellsuspensionen fĂŒhrt und damit, dass Cholin als alternative Energiequelle genutzt wird. Das Phospholipid Phosphatidylcholin konnte als natĂŒrliche Cholinquelle identifiziert werden. Eine Rolle der Phospholipasen D bei der Abspaltung der Cholin-Kopfgruppe des Phosphatidylcholins konnte ausgeschlossen werden. Die Gene fĂŒr die Oxidation von Cholin zu Glycinbetain werden ausschließlich in Anwesenheit von Cholin exprimiert, jedoch unabhĂ€ngig von der extrazellulĂ€ren Salzkonzentration. Diese Studien zeigten, dass der Cholin-Oxidationsweg eine Rolle in der metabolischen Adaptation von A. baumannii an den Wirt spielt. Phosphatidylcholin kann hier als natĂŒrliche Cholinquelle im Wirt genutzt werden, da die Wirtsmembranen aus bis zu 70 % Phosphatidylcholin bestehen. Transportstudien mit Carnitin fĂŒhrten zu dem Schluss, dass der Transporter Aci01347 aus A. baumannii neben Cholin ebenfalls Carnitin transportiert. Wachstumsversuche mit einer aci01347-Mutante bestĂ€tigen, dass Aci01347 essenziell fĂŒr die Aufnahme und anschließende Verwertung von Carnitin als Kohlenstoffquelle ist. Es konnte weiterhin gezeigt werden, dass das Transportergen mit essenziellen Genen fĂŒr den Carnitin-Abbau in einem Operon liegt. FĂŒr die Analyse des Abbauweges von Carnitin wurden markerlose Deletionsmutanten innerhalb des Operons generiert. In Wachstumsstudien mit diesen Mutanten konnte der Abbauweg aufgeklĂ€rt werden und der Regulator des Operons identifiziert werden. Carnitin wird hier ĂŒber Trimethylamin und Malat-Semialdehyd zu D-Malat umgewandelt und anschließend ĂŒber Pyruvat in den TCA-Zyklus eingespeist. Der Regulator wurde zusĂ€tzlich in E. coli produziert und mittels Ni-NTA-AffinitĂ€tschromatographie aufgereinigt. Mithilfe von EMSA-Studien konnte die Bindestelle des Regulators auf eine 634 Bp lange DNA-Sequenz stromaufwĂ€rts des CarnitinOperons eingegrenzt werden. Durch Transkriptomanalysen konnte gezeigt werden, dass bei Wachstum mit Acetylcarnitin, Carnitin und D-Malat die Expression des Carnitin-Operons induziert wurde. DarĂŒber hinaus wurden die Gene konservierter Aromatenabbauwege wie z. B. des Homogentisatweges, des Phenylacetatweges und des Protocatechuat-Abbaus, verstĂ€rkt exprimiert. In G. mellonellaVirulenzstudien konnte eine Rolle des Abbaus von Carnitin bei der Virulenz von A. baumannii nachgewiesen werden. ZusĂ€tzlich konnte dieser Effekt dem entstehenden Trimethylamin zugesprochen werden..

    The choline dehydrogenase BetA of Acinetobacter baumannii: a flavoprotein responsible for osmotic stress protection

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    Acinetobacter baumannii is outstanding for its ability to cope with low water activities which significantly contributes to its persistence in hospital environments. The vast majority of bacteria are able to prevent loss of cellular water by amassing osmoactive compatible solutes or their precursors into the cytoplasm. One such precursor of an osmoprotectant is choline that is taken up from the environment and oxidized to the compatible solute glycine betaine. Here, we report the identification of the osmotic stress operon betIBA in A. baumannii. This operon encodes the choline oxidation pathway important for the production of the solute glycine betaine. The salt-sensitive phenotype of a betA deletion strain could not be rescued by addition of choline, which is consistent with the role of BetA in choline oxidation. We found that BetA is a choline dehydrogenase but also mediates in vitro the oxidation of glycine betaine aldehyde to glycine betaine. BetA was found to be associated with the membrane and to contain a flavin, indicative for BetA donating electrons into the respiratory chain. The choline dehydrogenase activity was not salt dependent but was stimulated by the compatible solute glutamate

    Identification and characterization of a carnitine transporter in Acinetobacter baumannii

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    The opportunistic pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii is able to grow on carnitine. The genes encoding the pathway for carnitine degradation to the intermediate malic acid are known but the transporter mediating carnitine uptake remained to be identified. The open reading frame HMPREF0010_01347 (aci01347) of Acinetobacter baumannii is annotated as a gene encoding a potential transporter of the betaine/choline/carnitine transporter (BCCT) family. To study the physiological function of Aci01347, the gene was deleted from A. baumannii ATCC 19606. The mutant was no longer able to grow on carnitine as sole carbon and energy source demonstrating the importance of this transporter for carnitine metabolism. Aci01347 was produced in Escherichia coli MKH13, a strain devoid of any compatible solute transporter, and the recombinant E. coli MKH13 strain was found to take up carnitine in an energy-dependent fashion. Aci01347 also transported choline, a compound known to be accumulated under osmotic stress. Choline transport was osmolarity-independent which is consistent with the absence of an extended C-terminus found in osmo-activated BCCT. We propose that the Aci01347 is the carnitine transporter mediating the first step in the growth of A. baumannii on carnitine

    Identification and characterization of a carnitine transporter in Acinetobacter baumannii

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    The opportunistic pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii is able to grow on carnitine. The genes encoding the pathway for carnitine degradation to the intermediate malic acid are known but the transporter mediating carnitine uptake remained to be identified. The open reading frame HMPREF0010_01347 (aci01347) of Acinetobacter baumannii is annotated as a gene encoding a potential transporter of the betaine/choline/carnitine transporter (BCCT) family. To study the physiological function of Aci01347, the gene was deleted from A. baumannii ATCC 19606. The mutant was no longer able to grow on carnitine as sole carbon and energy source demonstrating the importance of this transporter for carnitine metabolism. Aci01347 was produced in Escherichia coli MKH13, a strain devoid of any compatible solute transporter, and the recombinant E. coli MKH13 strain was found to take up carnitine in an energy‐dependent fashion. Aci01347 also transported choline, a compound known to be accumulated under osmotic stress. Choline transport was osmolarity‐independent which is consistent with the absence of an extended C‐terminus found in osmo‐activated BCCT. We propose that the Aci01347 is the carnitine transporter mediating the first step in the growth of A. baumannii on carnitine

    In vivo synthesis of monolysocardiolipin and cardiolipin by Acinetobacter baumannii phospholipase D and effect on cationic antimicrobial peptide resistance

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    Acinetobacter baumannii is an opportunistic pathogen, which has become a rising threat in healthcare facilities worldwide due to increasing antibiotic resistances and optimal adaptation to clinical environments and the human host. We reported in a former publication on the identification of three phopholipases of the phospholipase D (PLD) superfamily in A. baumannii ATCC 19606T acting in concerted manner as virulence factors in Galleria mellonella infection and lung epithelial cell invasion. This study focussed on the function of the three PLDs. A Δpld1-3 mutant was defect in biosynthesis of the phospholipids cardiolipin (CL) and monolysocardiolipin (MLCL), whereas the deletion of pld2 and pld3 abolished the production of MLCL. Complementation of the Δpld1-3 mutant with pld1 restored CL biosynthesis demonstrating that the PLD1 is implicated in CL biosynthesis. Complementation of the Δpld1-3 mutant with either pld2 or pld3 restored MLCL and CL production leading to the conclusion that PLD2 and PLD3 are implicated in CL and MLCL production. Mutant studies revealed that two catalytic motifs are essential for the PLD3-mediated biosynthesis of CL and MLCL. The Δpld1-3 mutant exhibited a decreased colistin and polymyxin B resistance indicating a role of CL in cationic antimicrobial peptides (CAMPs) resistance

    The carnitine degradation pathway of Acinetobacter baumannii and its role in virulence

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    The opportunistic human pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii can grow with carnitine but its metabolism, regulation and role in virulence remained elusive. Recently, we identified a carnitine transporter encoded by a gene closely associated with potential carnitine degradation genes. Among those is a gene coding for a putative d-malate dehydrogenase (Mdh). Deletion of the mdh gene led to a loss of growth with carnitine but not l-malate; growth with d-malate was strongly reduced. Therefore, it is hypothesized that d-malate is formed during carnitine oxidation and further oxidized to CO2 and pyruvate and, that not, as previously suggested, l-malate is the product and funnelled directly into the TCA cycle. Mutant analyses revealed that the hydrolase in this cluster funnels acetylcarnitine into the degradation pathway by deacetylation. A transcriptional regulator CarR bound in a concentration-dependent manner to the intergenic region between the mdh gene, the first gene of the carnitine catabolic operon and the carR gene in the presence and absence of carnitine. Both carnitine and d-malate induced CarR-dependent expression of the carnitine operon. Infection studies with Galleria mellonella larvae demonstrated a strong increase in virulence by addition of carnitine indicating that carnitine degradation plays a pivotal role in virulence of A. baumannii

    The ß-ketoadipate pathway of Acinetobacter baumannii is involved in complement resistance and affects resistance against aromatic antibiotics

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    Acinetobacter baumannii can thrive on a broad range of substrates such as sugars, alcohols, lipids, amino acids and aromatic compounds. The latter three are abundant in the human host and are potential candidates as carbon sources for the metabolic adaptation of A. baumannii to the human host. In this study we determined the biodegradative activities of A. baumannii AYE with monocyclic aromatic compounds. Deletion of genes encoding the key enzymes of the ß-ketoadipate pathway, the protocatechuate-3,4-dioxygenase (ΔpcaHG) and the catechol-1,2-dioxygenase (ΔcatA), led to a complete loss of growth on benzoate and p-hydroxybenzoate, suggesting that these substrates are metabolized via the two distinct branches (pca and cat) of this pathway. Furthermore, we investigated the potential role of these gene products in host adaptation by analyzing the capability of the mutants to resist complement-mediated killing. These studies revealed that the mutants exhibit a decreased complement resistance, but a dramatic increase in survival in normal human serum in the presence of p-hydroxybenzoate or protocatechuate. These results indicate that the ß-ketoadipate pathway plays a role in adaptation of A. baumannii to the human host. Moreover, the single and double mutants exhibited increased antibiotic resistances indicating a link between the two dioxygenases and antibiotic resistance