212 research outputs found

    Using Intratumor Heterogeneity of Immunohistochemistry Biomarkers to Classify Laryngeal and Hypopharyngeal Tumors Based on Histologic Features

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    Haralick texture features are used to quantify the spatial distribution of signal intensities within an image. In this study, the heterogeneity of proliferation (Ki-67 expression) and immune cells (CD45 expression) within tumors was quantified and used to classify histologic characteristics of larynx and hypopharynx carcinomas. Of 21 laryngectomy specimens, 74 whole-mount tumor slides were scored on histologic characteristics. Ki-67 and CD45 immunohistochemistry was performed, and all sections were digitized. The tumor area was annotated in QuPath. Haralick features independent of the diaminobenzidine intensity were extracted from the isolated diaminobenzidine signal to quantify intratumor heterogeneity. Haralick features from both Ki-67 and CD45 were used as input for a principal component analysis. A linear support vector machine was fitted to the first 4 principal components for classification and validated with a leave-one-patient-out cross-validation method. Significant differences in individual Haralick features were found between cohesive and noncohesive tumors for CD45 (angular second motion: P =.03, inverse difference moment: P =.009, and entropy: P =.02) and between the larynx and hypopharynx tumors for both CD45 (angular second motion: P =.03, inverse difference moment: P =.007, and entropy: P =.005) and Ki-67 (correlation: P =.003). Therefore, these features were used for classification. The linear classifier resulted in a classification accuracy of 85% for site of origin and 81% for growth pattern. A leave-one-patient-out cross-validation resulted in an error rate of 0.27 and 0.35 for both classifiers, respectively. In conclusion, we show a method to quantify intratumor heterogeneity of immunohistochemistry biomarkers using Haralick features. This study also shows the feasibility of using these features to classify tumors by histologic characteristics. The classifiers created in this study are a proof of concept because more data are needed to create robust classifiers, but the method shows potential for automated tumor classification.</p

    Using Intratumor Heterogeneity of Immunohistochemistry Biomarkers to Classify Laryngeal and Hypopharyngeal Tumors Based on Histologic Features

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    Haralick texture features are used to quantify the spatial distribution of signal intensities within an image. In this study, the heterogeneity of proliferation (Ki-67 expression) and immune cells (CD45 expression) within tumors was quantified and used to classify histologic characteristics of larynx and hypopharynx carcinomas. Of 21 laryngectomy specimens, 74 whole-mount tumor slides were scored on histologic characteristics. Ki-67 and CD45 immunohistochemistry was performed, and all sections were digitized. The tumor area was annotated in QuPath. Haralick features independent of the diaminobenzidine intensity were extracted from the isolated diaminobenzidine signal to quantify intratumor heterogeneity. Haralick features from both Ki-67 and CD45 were used as input for a principal component analysis. A linear support vector machine was fitted to the first 4 principal components for classification and validated with a leave-one-patient-out cross-validation method. Significant differences in individual Haralick features were found between cohesive and noncohesive tumors for CD45 (angular second motion: P =.03, inverse difference moment: P =.009, and entropy: P =.02) and between the larynx and hypopharynx tumors for both CD45 (angular second motion: P =.03, inverse difference moment: P =.007, and entropy: P =.005) and Ki-67 (correlation: P =.003). Therefore, these features were used for classification. The linear classifier resulted in a classification accuracy of 85% for site of origin and 81% for growth pattern. A leave-one-patient-out cross-validation resulted in an error rate of 0.27 and 0.35 for both classifiers, respectively. In conclusion, we show a method to quantify intratumor heterogeneity of immunohistochemistry biomarkers using Haralick features. This study also shows the feasibility of using these features to classify tumors by histologic characteristics. The classifiers created in this study are a proof of concept because more data are needed to create robust classifiers, but the method shows potential for automated tumor classification

    Shear and Ellipticity in Gravitational Lenses

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    Galaxies modeled as singular isothermal ellipsoids with an axis ratio distribution similar to the observed axis ratio distribution of E and S0 galaxies are statistically consistent with both the observed numbers of two-image and four-image lenses and the inferred ellipticities of individual lenses. However, no four-image lens is well fit by the model (typical χ2/Ndof20\chi^2/N_{dof} \sim 20), the axis ratio of the model can be significantly different from that of the observed lens galaxy, and the major axes of the model and the galaxy may be slightly misaligned. We found that models with a second, independent, external shear axis could fit the data well (typical χ2/Ndof1\chi^2/N_{dof} \sim 1), while adding the same number of extra parameters to the radial mass distribution does not produce such a dramatic improvement in the fit. An independent shear axis can be produced by misalignments between the luminous galaxy and its dark matter halo, or by external shear perturbations due to galaxies and clusters correlated with the primary lens or along the line of sight. We estimate that the external shear perturbations have no significant effect on the expected numbers of two-image and four-image lenses, but that they can be important perturbations in individual lens models. However, the amplitudes of the external shears required to produce the good fits are larger than our estimates for typical external shear perturbations (10-15% shear instead of 1-3% shear) suggesting that the origin of the extra angular structure must be intrinsic to the primary lens galaxy in most cases.Comment: 38 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Ap

    Improved delineation with diffusion weighted imaging for laryngeal and hypopharyngeal tumors validated with pathology

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    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to determine the added value of a geometrically accurate diffusion-weighted (DW-) MRI sequence on the accuracy of gross tumor volume (GTV) delineations, using pathological tumor delineations as a ground truth. METHODS: Sixteen patients with laryngeal or hypopharyngeal carcinoma were included. After total laryngectomy, the specimen was cut into slices. Photographs of these slices were stacked to create a 3D digital specimen reconstruction, which was registered to the in vivo imaging. The pathological tumor (tumor HE) was delineated on the specimen reconstruction. Six observers delineated all tumors twice: once with only anatomical MR imaging, and once (a few weeks later) when DW sequences were also provided. The majority voting delineation of session one (GTV MRI) and session two (GTV DW-MRI), as well as the clinical target volumes (CTVs), were compared to the tumor HE. RESULTS: The mean tumor HE volume was 11.1 cm 3, compared to a mean GTV MRI volume of 18.5 cm 3 and a mean GTV DW-MRI volume of 15.7 cm 3. The median sensitivity (tumor coverage) was comparable between sessions: 0.93 (range: 0.61-0.99) for the GTV MRI and 0.91 (range: 0.53-1.00) for the GTV DW-MRI. The CTV volume also decreased when DWI was available, with a mean CTV MR of 47.1 cm 3 and a mean CTV DW-MRI of 41.4 cm 3. Complete tumor coverage was achieved in 15 and 14 tumors, respectively. CONCLUSION: GTV delineations based on anatomical MR imaging tend to overestimate the tumor volume. The availability of the geometrically accurate DW sequence reduces the GTV overestimation and thereby CTV volumes, while maintaining acceptable tumor coverage

    Fabrication Principles and Their Contribution to the Superior In Vivo Therapeutic Efficacy of Nano-Liposomes Remote Loaded with Glucocorticoids

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    We report here the design, development and performance of a novel formulation of liposome- encapsulated glucocorticoids (GCs). A highly efficient (>90%) and stable GC encapsulation was obtained based on a transmembrane calcium acetate gradient driving the active accumulation of an amphipathic weak acid GC pro-drug into the intraliposome aqueous compartment, where it forms a GC-calcium precipitate. We demonstrate fabrication principles that derive from the physicochemical properties of the GC and the liposomal lipids, which play a crucial role in GC release rate and kinetics. These principles allow fabrication of formulations that exhibit either a fast, second-order (t1/2 ∼1 h), or a slow, zero-order release rate (t1/2 ∼ 50 h) kinetics. A high therapeutic efficacy was found in murine models of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) and hematological malignancies

    A Systems Approach for Tumor Pharmacokinetics

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    Recent advances in genome inspired target discovery, small molecule screens, development of biological and nanotechnology have led to the introduction of a myriad of new differently sized agents into the clinic. The differences in small and large molecule delivery are becoming increasingly important in combination therapies as well as the use of drugs that modify the physiology of tumors such as anti-angiogenic treatment. The complexity of targeting has led to the development of mathematical models to facilitate understanding, but unfortunately, these studies are often only applicable to a particular molecule, making pharmacokinetic comparisons difficult. Here we develop and describe a framework for categorizing primary pharmacokinetics of drugs in tumors. For modeling purposes, we define drugs not by their mechanism of action but rather their rate-limiting step of delivery. Our simulations account for variations in perfusion, vascularization, interstitial transport, and non-linear local binding and metabolism. Based on a comparison of the fundamental rates determining uptake, drugs were classified into four categories depending on whether uptake is limited by blood flow, extravasation, interstitial diffusion, or local binding and metabolism. Simulations comparing small molecule versus macromolecular drugs show a sharp difference in distribution, which has implications for multi-drug therapies. The tissue-level distribution differs widely in tumors for small molecules versus macromolecular biologic drugs, and this should be considered in the design of agents and treatments. An example using antibodies in mouse xenografts illustrates the different in vivo behavior. This type of transport analysis can be used to aid in model development, experimental data analysis, and imaging and therapeutic agent design.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (grant T32 CA079443

    The role of population PK-PD modelling in paediatric clinical research

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    Children differ from adults in their response to drugs. While this may be the result of changes in dose exposure (pharmacokinetics [PK]) and/or exposure response (pharmacodynamics [PD]) relationships, the magnitude of these changes may not be solely reflected by differences in body weight. As a consequence, dosing recommendations empirically derived from adults dosing regimens using linear extrapolations based on body weight, can result in therapeutic failure, occurrence of adverse effect or even fatalities. In order to define rational, patient-tailored dosing schemes, population PK-PD studies in children are needed. For the analysis of the data, population modelling using non-linear mixed effect modelling is the preferred tool since this approach allows for the analysis of sparse and unbalanced datasets. Additionally, it permits the exploration of the influence of different covariates such as body weight and age to explain the variability in drug response. Finally, using this approach, these PK-PD studies can be designed in the most efficient manner in order to obtain the maximum information on the PK-PD parameters with the highest precision. Once a population PK-PD model is developed, internal and external validations should be performed. If the model performs well in these validation procedures, model simulations can be used to define a dosing regimen, which in turn needs to be tested and challenged in a prospective clinical trial. This methodology will improve the efficacy/safety balance of dosing guidelines, which will be of benefit to the individual child

    Histo-Blood Group Antigens Act as Attachment Factors of Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus Infection in a Virus Strain-Dependent Manner

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    Rabbit Hemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV), a calicivirus of the Lagovirus genus, and responsible for rabbit hemorrhagic disease (RHD), kills rabbits between 48 to 72 hours post infection with mortality rates as high as 50–90%. Caliciviruses, including noroviruses and RHDV, have been shown to bind histo-blood group antigens (HBGA) and human non-secretor individuals lacking ABH antigens in epithelia have been found to be resistant to norovirus infection. RHDV virus-like particles have previously been shown to bind the H type 2 and A antigens. In this study we present a comprehensive assessment of the strain-specific binding patterns of different RHDV isolates to HBGAs. We characterized the HBGA expression in the duodenum of wild and domestic rabbits by mass spectrometry and relative quantification of A, B and H type 2 expression. A detailed binding analysis of a range of RHDV strains, to synthetic sugars and human red blood cells, as well as to rabbit duodenum, a likely gastrointestinal site for viral entrance was performed. Enzymatic cleavage of HBGA epitopes confirmed binding specificity. Binding was observed to blood group B, A and H type 2 epitopes in a strain-dependent manner with slight differences in specificity for A, B or H epitopes allowing RHDV strains to preferentially recognize different subgroups of animals. Strains related to the earliest described RHDV outbreak were not able to bind A, whereas all other genotypes have acquired A binding. In an experimental infection study, rabbits lacking the correct HBGA ligands were resistant to lethal RHDV infection at low challenge doses. Similarly, survivors of outbreaks in wild populations showed increased frequency of weak binding phenotypes, indicating selection for host resistance depending on the strain circulating in the population. HBGAs thus act as attachment factors facilitating infection, while their polymorphism of expression could contribute to generate genetic resistance to RHDV at the population level