33 research outputs found

    Regards, the Pit

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    A solo exhibition by Joseph Breikers included in the MetroArts 2011 galleries Program. The exhbition comprised a series of predominantly sculptural works that reflected the artists ongoing interest in medieval, gothic and death metal visual motifs. The exhibition thus acted as a ironic meditation on ritual, belonging and cultural identity

    Qaphqa: fresh cut 2013: Part 1

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    'Qaphqa' was an outdoor artwork exhibited in the forecourt of Brisbane’s Institute of Modern Art as part of Fresh Cut exhibition series. The work took the form of a three-storey-high series of stacked 'outhouses', the seat of each opening onto the cubicle below to form what the artist referred to as a 'long drop'. Assembled in untreated pine and plywood and festooned with mock-medieval ensigns and flags, the work included a flyer containing a poem by Jorge Luis Borges and was accompanied by a published catalogue

    Out of position : the ball park of humour in contemporary art

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    This practice-led research project explores how humour can be employed to develop a methodology for examining the socio-political dimensions of contemporary art practice. This research aims to identify and elaborate on how using the evasive strategies and elliptical frameworks associated with ideas of the absurd and nonsense can lead to new ways of understanding the nexus between social, political and cultural practices. This is achieved primarily through an examination of the art practices of Marcel Duchamp, Bruce Nauman, and Martin Kippenberger. These artists contextualise this research because in different ways they all engage with humour as a device to critique conventional notions of how art can be read or understood. Using these strategies the project aims to demonstrate new ways for considering how visual art can use humour to creatively and critically investigate the relationships between art and the social

    Rhodopsin mechanism probed by cysteine scanning mutagenesis in combination with FT-IR difference spectroscopy.

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    Contains fulltext : 19594_rhodmeprb.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)KUN Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen, 24 februari 2005Promotor : Grip, W.J. de Co-promotor : Bosman, G.J.C.G.M.125 p

    Project for future alternatives

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    Project for Future Alternatives was a curatorial and residency project where contemporary visual artists were invited to reimagine the use of the gallery space and the possible directions of artist-run practice. Building on recent collaborative curatorial projects with local, national and international artist-run spaces, which considered the provocation that ‘small acts of resistance can create change’ – this project focused on future imaginings of artist-run activity. From April – July 2017, artists Joseph Breikers, Erika Scott, Archie Moore and Simone Hine produced new works while in-residence at Boxcopy Contemporary Art Space, Brisbane, Australia - culminating in a series of public exhibitions and events. This project forms part of an investigation of collaborative, process-based and speculative working methods within the context of artist-run activity and culture. It contributes to a national and international dialogue about the potential of grass roots, local and independent spaces to offer sites of resistance and to open up new ways of thinking and doing creative practice. This project was supported by a Research Grant from the Australian Council of University Art & Design Schools (ACUADS). Outcomes of this project were also included in An Act of Showing: Rethinking Artist-Run Initiatives Through Place, a survey exhibition and publication of national and international artist-run spaces

    A structural role for Asp83 in the photoactivation of rhodopsin.

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    Item does not contain fulltextAsp83 is a highly conserved residue in the second transmembrane domain of visual pigments and many members of other G protein-coupled receptor subfamilies. Upon illumination, the rod visual pigment rhodopsin proceeds through various intermediate states (Batho<-->BSI<-->Lumi<-->Meta I<-->Meta II). Meta II represents the active state of rhodopsin, which binds and activates the G protein transducin. Evidence has been presented that Asp83 participates in the formation of Meta II and undergoes a change in H-bonding. To investigate whether this role of Asp83 requires its proton-donating capacity and/or its H-bonding capability, we constructed the mutants D83C and D83N. Both mutants appear to effectively activate transducin, indicating that Asp83 is not essential for signal transduction. Differential effects of the mutations D83C and D83N are observed in the spectral properties and the pH sensitivity of the Meta I-->Meta II transition. In general, D83C behaves much more like wild-type than D83N. We conclude that the structural role of Asp83 also involves the acidic nature of its carboxyl group. In addition, the participation in Meta II formation of Cys83 in D83C manifests itself as a change in the vibrational properties of the sulfhydryl group, demonstrating that the -SH group can be used as a non-invasive probe for local structural changes

    The knowledge: a project by Boxcopy at Post-Museum, Singapore

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    ‘The Knowledge’ was part of the Next Wave/Asialink project 'Invisible Structures: Australian artist collectives in Tokyo, Singapore and Yogyakarta' in January 2011. For this project, Brisbane ARI Boxcopy undertook a two-week residency at Post Musuem in Singapore. In this project, the Boxcopy artists Channon Goodwin, Joseph Breikers, Timothy P Kerr, Daniel McKewen, Raymonde Rajkowski, Tim Woodward, attempted to acquire an intimate knowledge of the city of Singapore by forming a free delivery company, The Boxcopy Publics Carriage Office of Singapore (BPCOS), which provided services around the city by foot, bike and public transport. In addition to committing to memory and documenting the streets and sites of Singapore, the BPCOS team also performed tasks such as delivering goods or messages, travel a particular route or visit a site, as requested by the people of Singapore. The project comprised this process of public interaction as well as an exhibition and website

    Retinitis pigmentosa-associated rhodopsin mutations in three membrane-located cysteine residues present three different biochemical phenotypes.

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    Item does not contain fulltextA large number of mutations in rhodopsin are associated with autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (ADRP). We analyzed the biochemical phenotypes of the ADRP-associated cysteine mutants C167R, C222R, and C264del. C222R behaved as wild type in every aspect testable and is classified as a class I mutant. C167R produced intact protein but did not regenerate with 11-cis retinal and was not transported to the plasma membrane. We confirm its classification as a class IIa mutant. C264del represents a novel phenotype, which we propose to call class III. It produced a truncated protein of 27kDa that failed to regenerate with 11-cis retinal and was not targeted to the plasma membrane

    Great expectations: a project by Boxcopy for Federation Square, Next Wave Festival 2008

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    Part of the Next Wave MEMBRANE Project, Great Expectations draws attention to the parallels between our expectations of art and new technology to make the world a better place. The theme of the 2008 Next Wave Festival, ‘Closer Together’, refers to the way society is ― for the better or for the worse ― becoming increasingly connected by media and communication technologies. Sceptical of the acclaimed social achievements of new technologies, Boxcopy: Contemporary Art Space, a Brisbane-based artist-run initiative, explores the futility of human activities, including art production and consumption, with a collection of works created by young and emerging Brisbane artists. Works for this project include: Early machines such as the Commodore 64 were tape-based, and hence had their games distributed on ordinary cassettes (2009) by Tim Kerr & Extra Features (2008) by Tim Woodward; Spine (2008), Joseph Briekers; Whiteout (2008), Channon Goodwin; Explosive Revelations (2008), Daniel McKewen