23 research outputs found

    End to end numerical simulations of the MAORY multiconjugate adaptive optics system

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    MAORY is the adaptive optics module of the E-ELT that will feed the MICADO imaging camera through a gravity invariant exit port. MAORY has been foreseen to implement MCAO correction through three high order deformable mirrors driven by the reference signals of six Laser Guide Stars (LGSs) feeding as many Shack-Hartmann Wavefront Sensors. A three Natural Guide Stars (NGSs) system will provide the low order correction. We develop a code for the end-to-end simulation of the MAORY adaptive optics (AO) system in order to obtain high-delity modeling of the system performance. It is based on the IDL language and makes extensively uses of the GPUs. Here we present the architecture of the simulation tool and its achieved and expected performance.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, presented at SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2014 in Montr\'eal, Quebec, Canada, with number 9148-25

    The numerical simulation tool for the MAORY multiconjugate adaptive optics system

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    The Multiconjugate Adaptive Optics RelaY (MAORY) is and Adaptive Optics module to be mounted on the ESO European-Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT). It is a hybrid Natural and Laser Guide System that will perform the correction of the atmospheric turbulence volume above the telescope feeding the Multi-AO Imaging Camera for Deep Observations Near Infrared spectro-imager (MICADO). We developed an end-to-end Monte- Carlo adaptive optics simulation tool to investigate the performance of a the MAORY and the calibration, acquisition, operation strategies. MAORY will implement Multiconjugate Adaptive Optics combining Laser Guide Stars (LGS) and Natural Guide Stars (NGS) measurements. The simulation tool implements the various aspect of the MAORY in an end to end fashion. The code has been developed using IDL and uses libraries in C++ and CUDA for efficiency improvements. Here we recall the code architecture, we describe the modeled instrument components and the control strategies implemented in the code.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, Proceeding 9909 310 of the conference SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2016, 26 June 1 July 2016 Edinburgh, Scotland, U

    Enhancing the efficiency of solar concentrators by controlled optical aberrations: Method and photovoltaic application

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    We present a general method, based on controlled static aberrations induced in the reflectors, to boost receiver performances in solar concentrators. Imaging mirrors coupled with dense arrays suffer from severe performance degradation since the solar irradiance distribution is bell-shaped: mismatch losses occur in particular when the cells are series connected. The method consists in computing static deformations of the reflecting surfaces that can produce, for an adopted concentration ratio, a light spot matching the receiver features better than conventional reflectors. The surfaces and the deformations have been analytically described employing the Zernike polynomials formalism. The concept here described can be applied to a variety of optical configurations and collecting areas. As an example, we extensively investigated a dense array photovoltaic concentrator, dimensioned for a nominal power of about 10 kWe. The "flat" distribution of light we obtain can exploit the PV device cells close to their efficiency limit. A significant gain is thus obtained, with no need of secondary optics or complex dish segmentation and of special features in the receiver electrical scheme. In the design, based on seven 2.6 m mirrors, we addressed also non-optical aspects as the receiver and the supporting mechanics. Optical and mechanical tolerances are demonstrated not to exceed accurate, but conventional, industrial standards

    MAORY real-time computer preliminary design

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    MAORY is the Multi-conjugate Adaptive Optics module for the Extremely Large Telescope and it will be located on the Nasmyth platform of the telescope to feed scientific instruments. MAORY will re-image the telescope focal plane providing multi-conjugate adaptive optics correction of the wavefront distortion induced by the atmosphere. The system is based on six laser guide stars and three natural guide stars for sensing the wavefront distortion and three deformable mirrors for correcting it. We will show the current status of the preliminary design of the Real Time Computer in charge of carrying out all the calculations based on the measurements of the guide stars wavefront sensors. The hard real time (primary) loops are in charge of controlling the deformable mirrors and the lasers jitter compensation while the soft real- time (secondary) loops are in charge of updating the primary loops parameters as well as measuring or estimating the atmospheric parameters and the system performance. Telemetry data management/recording and calibration are the other tasks carried out by the real time computer

    A preliminary overview of the multiconjugate adaptive optics module for the E-ELT

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    ABSTRACT The multi-conjugate adaptive optics module for the European Extremely Large Telescope has to provide a corrected field of medium to large size (up to 2 arcmin), over the baseline wavelength range 0.8-2.4 µm. The current design is characterized by two post-focal deformable mirrors, that complement the correction provided by the adaptive telescope; the wavefront sensing is performed by means of a high-order multiple laser guide star wavefront sensor and by a loworder natural guide star wavefront sensor. The present status of a two years study for the advanced conceptual design of this module is reported

    On the role of ethylene, auxin and a GOLVEN-like peptide hormone in the regulation of peach ripening

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    BACKGROUND: In melting flesh peaches, auxin is necessary for system-2 ethylene synthesis and a cross-talk between ethylene and auxin occurs during the ripening process. To elucidate this interaction at the transition from maturation to ripening and the accompanying switch from system-1 to system-2 ethylene biosynthesis, fruits of melting flesh and stony hard genotypes, the latter unable to produce system-2 ethylene because of insufficient amount of auxin at ripening, were treated with auxin, ethylene and with 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP), known to block ethylene receptors. The effects of the treatments on the different genotypes were monitored by hormone quantifications and transcription profiling. RESULTS: In melting flesh fruit, 1-MCP responses differed according to the ripening stage. Unexpectedly, 1-MCP induced genes also up-regulated by ripening, ethylene and auxin, as CTG134, similar to GOLVEN (GLV) peptides, and repressed genes also down-regulated by ripening, ethylene and auxin, as CTG85, a calcineurin B-like protein. The nature and transcriptional response of CTG134 led to discover a rise in free auxin in 1-MCP treated fruit. This increase was supported by the induced transcription of CTG475, an IAA-amino acid hydrolase. A melting flesh and a stony hard genotype, differing for their ability to synthetize auxin and ethylene amounts at ripening, were used to study the fine temporal regulation and auxin responsiveness of genes involved in the process. Transcriptional waves showed a tight interdependence between auxin and ethylene actions with the former possibly enhanced by the GLV CTG134. The expression of genes involved in the regulation of ripening, among which are several transcription factors, was similar in the two genotypes or could be rescued by auxin application in the stony hard. Only GLV CTG134 expression could not be rescued by exogenous auxin. CONCLUSIONS: 1-MCP treatment of peach fruit is ineffective in delaying ripening because it stimulates an increase in free auxin. As a consequence, a burst in ethylene production speeding up ripening occurs. Based on a network of gene transcriptional regulations, a model in which appropriate level of CTG134 peptide hormone might be necessary to allow the correct balance between auxin and ethylene for peach ripening to occur is proposed. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12870-016-0730-7) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    The MAORY first-light adaptive optics module for E-ELT

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    The MAORY adaptive optics module is part of the first light instrumentation suite for the E-ELT. The MAORY project phase B is going to start soon. This paper contains a system-level overview of the current instrument design

    MAORY: adaptive optics module for the E-ELT

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    MAORY is one of the four instruments for the E-ELT approved for construction. It is an adaptive optics module offering two compensation modes: multi-conjugate and single-conjugate adaptive optics. The project has recently entered its phase B. A system-level overview of the current status of the project is given in this paper

    MAORY for ELT: preliminary design overview

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    MAORY is one of the approved instruments for the European Extremely Large Telescope. It is an adaptive optics module, enabling high-angular resolution observations in the near infrared by real-time compensation of the wavefront distortions due to atmospheric turbulence and other disturbances such as wind action on the telescope. An overview of the instrument design is given in this paper

    Analytical estimates for the lateral thrust in bolted steel buckling-restrained braces

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    Analytical expressions are developed for the lateral thrust exerted by the core of a buckling-restrained brace (BRB), when, upon a prescribed axial loading history, it buckles, coming into contact with the external retaining structure. Account is taken of (i) the elastic stiffness of the containment case; (ii) the possible flattened shape of each buckled wave in the zones of contact with the containment profiles; and (iii) the increase in the lateral thrust due to loading-unloading in the presence of linear kinematic hardening. Comparisons with both experimental and numerical results confirm the effectiveness of the analytical predictions. The proposed calculation techniques for the lateral thrust might be of help in the design procedures of BRBs