7 research outputs found

    Postnatal parental smoking: an important risk factor for SIDS

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    Background: Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is the unexpected death of an infant that remains unexplained after a thorough investigation of the circumstances, family history, paediatric investigation and complete autopsy. In Western society, it is the leading cause of post-neonatal death below 1 year of age. In the Netherlands, the SIDS incidence is very low, which offers opportunities to assess the importance of old and new environmental risk factors. For this purpose, cases were collected through pathology departments and the working group on SIDS of the Dutch Paediatrician Foundation. A total of 142 cases were included; these occurred after the parental education on sleeping position (1987), restricted to the international age criteria and had no histological explanation. Age-matched healthy controls (N∈=∈2,841) came from a survey of the Netherlands Paediatric Surveillance Unit, completed between November 2002 and April 2003. A multivariate analysis was performed to determine the risk factors for SIDS, including sleeping position, antenatal maternal smoking, postnatal parental smoking, premature birth, gender, lack of breastfeeding and socio-economic status. Postnatal smoking was identified as an important environmental risk factor for SIDS (OR one parent∈=∈2.5 [1.2, 5.0]; both parents∈=∈5.77 [2.2, 15.5]; maternal∈=∈2.7 [1.0, 6.4]; paternal∈=∈2.4 [1.3, 4.5] ) as was prone sleeping (OR put prone to sleep∈=∈21.5 [10.6, 43.5]; turned prone during sleep∈=∈100 [46, 219]). Premature birth was also significantly associated with SIDS (OR∈=∈2.4 [1.2, 4.8]). Conclusion: Postnatal parental smoking is currently a major environmental risk factor for SIDS in the Netherlands together with the long-established risk of prone sleeping

    Surveillance study of apparent life-threatening events (ALTE) in the Netherlands

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    SIDS and ALTE are different entities that somehow show some similarities. Both constitute heterogeneous conditions. The Netherlands is a low-incidence country for SIDS. To study whether the same would hold for ALTE, we studied the incidence, etiology, and current treatment of ALTE in The Netherlands. Using the Dutch Pediatric Surveillance Unit, pediatricians working in second- and third-level hospitals in the Netherlands were asked to report any case of ALTE presented in their hospital from January 2002 to January 2003. A questionnaire was subsequently sent to collect personal data, data on pregnancy and birth, condition preceding the incident, the incident itself, condition after the incident, investigations performed, monitoring or treatment initiated during admission, any diagnosis made at discharge, and treatment or parental support offered after discharge. A total of 115 cases of ALTE were reported, of which 110 questionnaires were filled in and returned (response rate 97%). Based on the national birth rate of 200,000, the incidence of ALTE amounted 0.58/1,000 live born infants. No deaths occurred. Clinical diagnoses could be assessed in 58.2%. Most frequent diagnoses were (percentages of the total of 110 cases) gastro-esophageal reflux and respiratory tract infection (37.3% and 8.2%, respectively); main symptoms were change of color and muscle tone, choking, and gagging. The differences in diagnoses are heterogeneous. In 34%, parents shook their infants, which is alarmingly high. Pre- and postmature infants were overrepresented in this survey (29.5% and 8.2%, respectively). Ten percent had recurrent ALTE. In total, 15.5% of the infants were discharged with a home monitor. In conclusion, ALTE has a low incidence in second- and third-level hospitals in the Netherlands. Parents should be systematically informed about the possible devastating effects of shaking an infant. Careful history taking and targeted additional investigations are of utmost importance

    LF-EMF Compound Block Type Signal Activates Human Neutrophilic Granulocytes In Vivo

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    This research aims to demonstrate in a randomized, placebo-controlled crossover design study that a nominal 5 ÎźT low-frequency electromagnetic field (LF-EMF) signal for 30 min activates neutrophils in vivo in humans. Granularity of neutrophils was measured in blood samples of healthy human volunteers (n = 32) taken before and after exposure for both the exposure and control sessions. A significant decrease in the granularity, indicative of neutrophil activation, was observed both in the exposure measurements and the exposure minus control measurements. Earlier EMF publications show immune function increase in isolated cells and more effective immune responses in animals with infections. This result, therefore, supports the thesis that the exposure can activate the innate immune system in humans, speed up the innate immune response, and may have potential beneficial effects in infectious disease

    Follow-up of infants with colic into childhood: Do they develop behavioural problems?

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    Aim: To assess whether infants with colic (IC) demonstrate persisting developmental dysregulation into childhood, manifested as behavioural problems, and to determine if these behavioural problems are associated with parenting factors. Methods: Preschool children with a history of IC at the age of 0–3 months, as defined by the Wessel criteria, were invited to participate in an observational follow-up study, in which their caregivers completed the Child Behaviour Checklist (CBCL). Raw scores and clinical-range scores on the internalising, externalising and total behavioural problems scales were compared with a Dutch normative sample using independent t-tests and Chi-square tests. For the clinical-range scores, multivariable logistic regressions (odds ratios [99% confidence interval, CI]) were used to adjust for confounders and to identify variables associated with behavioural problems. Results: Two hundred and fifty-eight children with a history of IC (median age 5.1 (interquartile range, IQR 4.6–5.5) years, 51.9% boys) were included. The cases had a significantly higher adjusted risk (adjusted odds ratios (aORs) [99% CI]) of scoring in the clinical range of the emotionally reactive, internalising and total problems scale (2.96 [1.24–7.06]; 2.50 [1.35–4.62]; 2.98 [1.46-6.07], respectively). Internalising (P < 0.001), externalising (P < 0.001) and total (P < 0.001) behavioural problems in children with a history of IC were associated with higher parenting stress scores. Conclusions: Children with a history of IC demonstrated significantly more internalising behavioural problems at preschool age compared to the norm sample. Specific advice and support need to be available for parents to understand and regulate the behaviour of their child, from infancy to childhood