63 research outputs found

    Foreseeable and unforeseeable defects after the transfer of immovable property

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    Vrijwaring wegens uitwinning

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    De rede(n)loze ontbinding

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    Beslag ter verzekering en verhaal van een privé-vordering op een deelgenoot

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    Vorm, vrijheid en gebondenheid bij de koop van een woning

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    On 1 September 2003 the Purchase of Immovable Property Act (Wet Koop vanonroerende zaken) came into force in the Netherlands. This Act has broughtabout two important changes in respect of the purchase of a home by a buyerwho does not act in the course of a profession or business (consumer-buyer).In the first place, for the conclusion of such an agreement an exception is madeto the general rule that legal acts have no set form. Article 7:2, paragraph 1Civil Code provides that the agreement must be concluded in writing. In thesecond place, in Article 7:2, paragraph 2, the consumer-buyer is given the rightto dissolve the purchase agreement within three days after being handed the(private) deed. In this way the buyer is given a period of reflection. The centralquestion in this book is how the purchase agreement in respect of a home isconcluded and which role the requirement of form and the period of reflectionplay in this. In this connection it will be examined which legal principles areat issue with the introduction of a requirement of form and a period of reflection.LEI Universiteit LeidenFDR Constitutionalisering, transnationalisering, en de eenheid van Nederlands vermogensrecht --- ou

    Problemen rond een overschuldigd betaalde slooppremie

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    Ouderschapsplan: meerpartijenovereenkomst of meerpartijenplan?

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    Aansprakelijkheid notaris voor schade uit ABC-transactie

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    Coherent privaatrech
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