8 research outputs found

    Morfologia da deposição de trombos murais: trajeto da luz residual em aneurismas de aorta abdominal infra-renal

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    PURPOSE: To assess the most frequent deposition site of mural thrombi in infrarenal abdominal aorta aneurisms, as well as the route of the residual lumen. METHODS: Assessment of CT scan images from 100 patients presenting asymptomatic abdominal aorta aneurism, and followed at HC-FMRP-USP. RESULTS: In 53% of the cases the mural thrombus was deposited on the anterior wall; from these, in 22%, the residual lumen described a predominantly right sided route; in 22%, a left sided route; on the mid line in 5%; and crossing over the mid line in 1%. In 23%, the deposition of thrombi was concentric. In 11% it occured on the posterior wall; from these, in 5%, the route of the residual anterior lumen was predominantly right sided; in 5%, left sided; and crossed over the mid line in 1%. In 13% complex morfological deposition patterns were found. CONCLUSION: Mural thrombi formation was predominantly found on the anterior wall of the aneurismatic mass, with the route of the residual lumen projecting towards the posterior wall.OBJETIVOS: Avaliar o local mais freqüente de deposição do trombo mural em aneurismas de aorta abdominal infrarenal, bem como o trajeto da luz residual. MÉTODOS: Avaliação de tomografias de 100 pacientes do HC-FMRP-USP apresentando aneurisma de aorta abdominal assintomático. RESULTADOS: O trombo mural se deposita na parede anterior em 53% dos casos, sendo que a luz residual posterior descreveu um trajeto predominantemente à direita em 22% dos casos, à esquerda em 22%, na linha mediana em 5% e cruzando da direita para a esquerda em 4%. 23% dos casos apresentaram deposição concêntrica do trombo e 11% apresentaram deposição na parede posterior, sendo o trajeto da luz residual anterior predominante a direita em 5% dos casos, a esquerda em 5% e cruzando a linha mediana em 1%. Padrões morfológicos complexos de deposição do trombo foram encontrados em 13% dos casos. CONCLUSÃO: A formação do trombo mural predominou na parede anterior da massa aneurismática, com o trajeto da luz residual se projetando para a parede posterior.FAEP

    Effect of cilostazol and pentoxifylline on gait biomechanics in rats with ischemic left hindlimb

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    Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of pharmacologic treatment with cilostazol and pentoxifylline on gait biomechanics of ischemic rat hindlimbs compared with nonischemic controls. Methods: An experimental study was designed using 30 Wistar rats divided into five groups (n = 6): control (C); ischemia (I) - animals submitted to left common iliac artery interruption without pharmacologic treatment; pentoxifylline (Pen) - rats submitted to procedure and treated with pentoxifylline 3 mg/kg twice a day for 6 weeks; cilostazol (Cil) - animals submitted to procedure and treated with cilostazol 30 mg/kg twice a day for 6 weeks; and sham (S) - animals submitted to procedure without artery interruption. Gait analysis was performed using a computed treadmill. Time, number, and duration of each hindlimb contact were obtained. The total number of contacts (TNC) and the total duration of contacts (TDC) were compared between left and right hindlimb and among groups. Left hindlimb ischemic incapacitation index (LHII) was defined by the formula: LHII = (1 - TNCleft x TDCleft/TNCright x TDCright) x 100 Results: Left hindlimb TNC values were twofold lower in I, Pen, and Cil groups than in C and S groups (P < .01). In I, Pen, and Cil groups, TNC values for the left hindlimb were half of the right hindlimb ones (P < .01). Left hindlimb TDC values were lower in I and Pen groups than the other groups (P < .01). Cil group presented twofold increased values, not different from C and S groups (P = 0.16). Right hindlimb TNC values were greater for I group (P < .01). LHII was around zero in C and S groups and 82 in both I and Pen groups (P < .01). Cil group presented a LHII of 42; higher than C and S groups, but lower than I and Pen groups (P < .01). Conclusions: Cilostazol at a dose of 30 mg/kg twice a day promoted improvement in gait performance in rats submitted to chronic hindlimb ischemia. Pentoxifylline at a dose of 3 mg/kg twice a day did not show this effect. (J Vasc Surg 2012;56:476-81.

    Assessment of gait dynamics in rats submitted to limb ischemia Avaliação da dinâmica da marcha em ratos submetidos à isquemia de membro

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    PURPOSE: To describe a method for the assessment of gait dynamics in rats submitted to limb ischemia. METHODS: Twenty-four male Wistar rats (150-160g) were used. Twelve animals were submitted to limb ischemia by ligation of the common left iliac artery (ischemic group: n = 12); and a sham-operated group was used as control (n=12). After a recovery period of 6 weeks, gait dynamics was assessed by counting the complete footprints and the number of hindlimb-floor contacts during a treadmill test for five minutes at a speed of 12 m.min-1 and angulation of 15°. The number of contacts of the left hindlimb was divided by the right hindlimb values (LRR) for group comparisons. Ischemic disability was quantified by comparing the area under curve (AUC) created by plotting each contact versus time for each hindlimb. The left hindlimb ischemic disability index (LHDI), which was compared between groups, was defined by the formula: LHDI = (1- AUC left / AUC right) x 100. RESULTS: Surgery was well tolerated by all animals. Rats did not suffer tissue loss or ulcerations. Complete footprint LRR was 0.3 ± 0.08 for the ischemic group and 1.3 ± 0.9 for controls (p=0.0043). Number of contacts LLR was 0.5 ± 0.2 for the ischemic group and 1.0 ± 0.1 for the control group (p=0.0051). LHDI was 56.83 ± 10.67 for the ischemic group and 2.50 ± 13.10 for the control group (P = 0.031). CONCLUSION: Assessment of gait dynamics in rats submitted to limb ischemia could be done by footprint analysis and hindlimb contact recording during a treadmill test.<br>OBJETIVO: Descrever um método para avaliar a dinâmica da marcha em ratos submetidos à isquemia de membro pélvico. MÉTODOS: Vinte e quatro ratos Wistar machos (150-160g) foram utilizados neste estudo experimental. Doze animais foram submetidos à isquemia de membro pélvico por meio da ligadura da artéria ilíaca comum esquerda (grupo isquêmico: n=12); e doze animais foram submetidos à cirurgia simulada e usados como controle (grupo controle: n=12). Após seis semanas de recuperação, foi realizada avaliação da dinâmica da marcha por meio da contagem de impressões plantares e da contagem de contatos pata-solo durante teste com esteira durante cinco minutos, velocidade 12 m.min-1 e angulação de 15°. Os valores do número de contatos do membro pélvico esquerdo foram divididos pelos do membro pélvico direito (razão esquerda-direita - LRR) para comparação entre os grupos. A quantificação da incapacitação isquêmica foi feita comparando a área sob a curva (AUC) da representação gráfica dos contatos versus tempo para cada membro pélvico. O índice de incapacitação isquêmica do membro pélvico esquerdo (LHDI), que foi comparado entre os grupos, foi definido pela fórmula: LHDI = (1- AUC esquerda / AUC direito) x 100. RESULTADOS: A cirurgia foi bem tolerada por todos os animais. Nenhum rato apresentou necrose tecidual ou ulceração. A LRR das impressões plantares completas foi 0,3 ± 0,08 no grupo isquêmico e 1,3 ± 0,9 no grupo controle (p=0,0043). A LRR do número de contatos foi 0,5 ± 0,2 no grupo isquêmico e 1,0 ± 0,1 no grupo controle (p=0,0051). O LHDI foi 56,83 ± 10,67 no grupo isquêmico e 2,50 ± 13,10 no grupo controle (p=0,031). CONCLUSÃO: Avaliação da dinâmica da marcha em ratos submetidos à isquemia de membro pélvico pôde ser feita por meio da contagem de impressões plantares e da contagem de contatos pata-solo durante teste com esteira

    Endovascular repair of an aorto-iliac aneurysm succeeded by kidney transplantation Tratamento endovascular de aneurisma aorto-ilíaco sucedido por transplante renal

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    We present the case of aorto-iliac aneurysm in a patient with chronic renal failure requiring dialysis who were treated with an endovascular stent graft and, later on, submitted to kidney transplantation. A 53-year-old male with renal failure requiring dialysis presented with an asymptomatic abdominal aorto-iliac aneurysm measuring 5.0cm of diameter. He was treated with endovascular repair technique, being used an endoprosthesis Excluder®. After four months, he was successfully submitted to kidney transplantation (dead donor), with anastomosis of the graft renal artery in the external iliac artery distal to the endoprosthesis. The magnetic resonance imaging, carried out 30 days after the procedure, showed a good positioning of the endoprosthesis and adequate perfusion of the renal graft. In the follow-up, the patient presented improvement of nitrogenous waste, good positioning of the endoprosthesis without migration or endoleak. The endovascular repair of aorto-iliac aneurysm in a patient with end-stage renal failure under hemodialysis treatment showed to be feasible, safe and efficient, as it did not prevent the success of the posterior kidney transplantation.<br>Apresentamos o caso de aneurisma aortoilíaco em um paciente com insuficiência renal crônica dialítica tratado com uma endoprótese vascular, sendo, após, submetido a transplante renal. Um homem de 53 anos com insuficiência renal dialítica apresentava um aneurisma abdominal aortoilíaco assintomático com 5,0cm de diâmetro. Foi tratado com técnica endovascular com uma endoprótese Excluderâ. Após quatro meses, foi submetido a transplante renal (doador cadáver) com sucesso, com anastomose da artéria renal do enxerto na artéria ilíaca externa distal à endoprótese. A ressonância magnética 30 dias após o procedimento mostrou a endoprótese bem posicionada e o enxerto renal bem perfundido. No seguimento, o paciente evoluiu com melhora das escórias nitrogenadas, bom posicionamento da endoprótese, sem migração ou endoleak. O reparo endovascular do aneurisma aortoilíaco em paciente com insuficiência renal terminal em hemodiálise mostrou-se exequível, seguro e eficaz, e não comprometeu o sucesso do transplante renal posterior