1,388 research outputs found

    Supersymmetric Non-Abelian Born-Infeld Theory

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    Using the natural curvature invariants as building blocks in a superfield construction, we show that the use of a symmetric trace is mandatory if one is to reproduce the square root structure of the non-Abelian Dirac-Born-Infeld Lagrangian in the bosonic sector. We also discuss the BPS relations in connection with our supersymmetry construction.Comment: 13 pages, Latex, no figure

    Методические указания к самостоятельному изучению курса "Университетское образование" студентами-иностранцами

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    Методические указания разработаны в соответствии с программой учебного курса "Университетское образование" и составлена в соответствии с образовательной программой подготовительного отделения факультета международного образования, которая занимает важное место в системе подготовки кадров высших учебных заведений Украины. Методические указания рассчитаны на иностранных студентов подготовительного отделения ЗВО III-IV уровней аккредитации и содержат общие сведения об учебном курсе, тематический план и структуру курса, требования к уровню компетентности студентов, рекомендованную литературу по темам курса, темы практических занятий, образцы вопросов к тестовому и итоговому контролям, систему оценивания учебных достижений студентов

    Solvable models of strings in homogeneous plane wave backgrounds

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    We solve closed string theory in all regular homogeneous plane-wave backgrounds with homogeneous NS three-form field strength and a dilaton. The parameters of the model are constant symmetric and anti-symmetric matrices k_{ij} and f_{ij} associated with the metric, and a constant anti-symmetric matrix h_{ij} associated with the NS field strength. In the light-cone gauge the rotation parameters f_{ij} have a natural interpretation as a constant magnetic field. This is a generalisation of the standard Landau problem with oscillator energies now being non-trivial functions of the parameters f_{ij} and k_{ij}. We develop a general procedure for solving linear but non-diagonal equations for string coordinates, and determine the corresponding oscillator frequencies, the light-cone Hamiltonian and level matching condition. We investigate the resulting string spectrum in detail in the four-dimensional case and compare the results with previously studied examples. Throughout we will find that the presence of the rotation parameter f_{ij} can lead to certain unusual and unexpected features of the string spectrum like new massless states at non-zero string levels, stabilisation of otherwise unstable (tachyonic) modes, and discrete but not positive definite string oscillator spectra.Comment: 48 pages, LaTeX2e, v2: additional reference and cosmetic correction

    Genuine Dyons in Born-Infeld Electrodynamics

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    Study of magnetic monopoles in the original version of Born-Infeld (BI) electrodynamics is performed. It then is realized that interesting new physics emerge and they include exotic behavior of radial electric monopole field such as its regularity as r0r\to 0 and its changing behavior with the absence or presence of the radial magnetic monopole field. This last point has been interpreted as the manifestation of the existence of point-like dyons in abelian BI theory. Two pieces of clear evidences in favor of this dyon interpretation are provided. It is also demonstrated that despite these unique features having no analogues in standard Maxwell theory, the cherished Dirac quantisation condition remains unchanged. Lastly, comments are given concerning that dyons found here in the original version of BI electrodynamics should be distinguished from the ones with the same name or BIons being studied in the recent literature on D-brane physics.Comment: 19 pages, Revtex, references added, no other change

    An Exact String Theory Model of Closed Time-Like Curves and Cosmological Singularities

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    We study an exact model of string theory propagating in a space-time containing regions with closed time-like curves (CTCs) separated from a finite cosmological region bounded by a Big Bang and a Big Crunch. The model is an non-trivial embedding of the Taub-NUT geometry into heterotic string theory with a full conformal field theory (CFT) definition, discovered over a decade ago as a heterotic coset model. Having a CFT definition makes this an excellent laboratory for the study of the stringy fate of CTCs, the Taub cosmology, and the Milne/Misner-type chronology horizon which separates them. In an effort to uncover the role of stringy corrections to such geometries, we calculate the complete set of alpha' corrections to the geometry. We observe that the key features of Taub-NUT persist in the exact theory, together with the emergence of a region of space with Euclidean signature bounded by time-like curvature singularities. Although such remarks are premature, their persistence in the exact geometry is suggestive that string theory theory is able to make physical sense of the Milne/Misner singularities and the CTCs, despite their pathological character in General Relativity. This may also support the possibility that CTCs may be viable in some physical situations, and may be a natural ingredient in pre-Big-Bang cosmological scenarios.Comment: 37 pages, 4 figures. V2: discussion of computation of metric refined, references adde

    String theory and the Classical Stability of Plane Waves

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    The presence of fields with negative mass-squared typically leads to some form of instability in standard field theories. The observation that, at least in the light-cone gauge, strings propagating in plane wave spacetimes can have worldsheet scalars with such tachyon-like masses suggests that the supergravity background may itself be unstable. To address this issue, we perform a perturbative analysis around the type IIB vacuum plane wave, the solution which most obviously generates worldsheet scalars with negative mass-squared. We argue that this background is perturbatively stable.Comment: 23 pages, no figures; v2: very minor changes, references added, version accepted by PR

    Yang-Mills Instantons Sitting on a Ricci-flat Worldspace of Double D4-brane

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    Thus far, there seem to be no complete criteria that can settle the issue as to what the correct generalization of the Dirac-Born-Infeld (DBI) action, describing the low-energy dynamics of the D-branes, to the non-abelian case would be. According to recent suggestions, one might pass the issue of worldvolume solitons from abelian to non-abelian setting by considering the stack of multiple, coincident D-branes and use it as a guideline to construct or censor the relevant non-abelian version of the DBI action. In this spirit, here we are interested in the explicit construction of SU(2) Yang-Mills (YM) instanton solutions in the background geometry of two coincident probe D4-brane worldspaces particularly when the metric of target spacetime in which the probe branes are embedded is given by the Ricci-flat, magnetic extremal 4-brane solution in type IIA supergravity theory with its worldspace metric being given by that of Taub-NUT and Eguchi-Hanson solutions, the two best-known gravitational instantons. And then we demonstrate that with this YM instanton- gravitational instanton configuration on the probe D4-brane worldvolume, the energy of the probe branes attains its minimum value and hence enjoys stable state provided one employs the Tseytlin's non-abelian DBI action for the description of multiple probe D-branes. In this way, we support the arguments in the literature in favor of Tseytlin's proposal for the non-abelian DBI action.Comment: 39 pages, Revtex, some more comments adde

    Искусственные мышцы в бионике и робототехнике

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    Drilling bars with great overhang are used for the purpose of deep drilling. Vibrations of the drilling bar and changing cutting forces based on form and position errors of a pilot hole are interrupting influences within the manufacturing process. Therefore the Fraunhofer IPT is developing an intelligent adaptronic drilling tool which enables the use of different redundant adaptronic systems each consisting of piezoactuators, solid-state joints and sensors in order to improve the accuracy of the drilling process. This paper presents the physical state-space model of the static und dynamic behaviour of one adaptronic system as the basis for further control synthesis and describes a useful tool for the multidiscipline design of the system. The starting model parameters are calculated by FEM-simulation and are fitted to measured data by an optimisation-algorithm based on Newton's method. By describing the piezoelectric hysteresis the linear model of the mechatronic transfer behaviour is extended to a nonlinear model, which is the starting point for complex control designs for adaptronic machine tools. Entnommen aus TEMA</a

    Dyons in Nonabelian Born-Infeld Theory

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    We analyze a nonabelian extension of Born--Infeld action for the SU(2) group. In the class of spherically symmetric solutions we find that, besides the Gal'tsov--Kerner glueballs, only the analytic dyons have finite energy. The presented analytic and numerical investigation excludes the existence of pure magnetic monopoles of 't Hooft--Polyakov type.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure