258 research outputs found

    The self-reference effect on memory in early childhood

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    The self-reference effect in memory is the advantage for information encoded about self, relative to other people. The early development of this effect was explored here using a concrete encoding paradigm. Trials comprised presentation of a self- or other-image paired with a concrete object. In Study 1, 4- to 6-year-old children (N = 53) were asked in each trial whether the child pictured would like the object. Recognition memory showed an advantage for self-paired objects. Study 2 (N = 55) replicated this finding in source memory. In Study 3 (N = 56), participants simply indicated object location. Again, recognition and source memory showed an advantage for self-paired items. These findings are discussed with reference to mechanisms that ensure information of potential self-relevance is reliably encoded

    Ion implantation-induced strong photosensitivity in high-purity fused silica: Correlation of index changes with VUV color centers

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    We have studied optical changes induced by ArF (6.4 eV/193 nm) excimer laser light illumination of high purity SiO2 implanted with Si2+ (5 MeV) at a fluence of 1015 ions/cm2. Optical absorption was measured from 3 eV (400 nm) to 8 eV (155 nm) and showed evidence of several well-defined absorption bands. A correlation in the bleaching behavior appears to exist between the so-called D band (located at 7.15 eV) and the well-known B2α band which is attributed to oxygen vacancies. Changes in the refractive index as a function of ArF illumination were measured and found to be in good quantitative agreement with a Kramers-Kronig analysis of the optical absorption data

    Bumble bees strategically use ground level linear features in navigation

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    Extended ground level structures like roads or field edges can be important cues for navigating animals,seen for example in road-following pigeons. In a landscape devoid of skyline cues but with a rectangular grid of pathways and roads, we used harmonic radar to track free-flying bumble bees,Bombus terrestris. Individual bees consistently used ground level linear features for navigation in a wide range of behavioural contexts. Bee exploration flights, search behaviour and foraging routes were shaped by linear features, with bees frequently flying along and parallel to pathways and roads. Comparisons off light trajectories across these behavioural contexts show that individuals modulated their use of linear features strategically with respect to their individual goals and experience. Bees searching for a feeder used linear features to target their search, while foragers often followed pathways to return to their hive without overshooting. These findings on a major pollinator have important implications for the placements of bee colonies for agriculture and floral resources for conservation

    Photogenerated Carriers in SrTiO3 Probed by Mid-Infrared Absorption

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    Infrared absorption spectra of SrTiO3_3 have been measured under above-band-gap photoexcitations to study the properties of photogenerated carriers, which should play important roles in previously reported photoinduced phenomena in SrTiO3_3. A broad absorption band appears over the entire mid-infrared region under photoexcitation. Detailed energy, temperature, and excitation power dependences of the photoinduced absorption are reported. This photo-induced absorption is attributed to the intragap excitations of the photogenerated carriers. The data show the existence of a high density of in-gap states for the photocarriers, which extends over a wide energy range starting from the conduction and valence band edges.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Formation and bleaching of strong ultraviolet absorption bands in germanium implanted synthetic fused silica

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    Germanium ions have been implanted in fused silica using ion beams having energies of 3 and 5 MeV and doses ranging from 1×1012 to 5×1014 ions/cm2. For wavelengths shorter than 400 nm, the optical absorption increases strongly with two absorption bands appearing at 244 and 212 nm. The ion-induced optical absorption can be bleached almost completely by irradiation with 249 nm excimer laser light. Ion implantation also increases the refractive index of silica near the substrate surface. At 632.8 nm a refractive index increase of more than 10-2 has been measured. This decreases by 4×10-3 upon bleaching with 249 nm light

    Tax Evasion, Tax Avoidance and Tax Planning in Australia: The participation in mass-marketed tax avoidance schemes in the Pilbara region of Western Australia in the 1990s

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    This paper will examine the development of mass-marketed tax avoidance schemes in Australia. It will consider changes in approach to tax avoidance from the ‘bottom of the harbour’ schemes of the 1960s and 1970s to the mass-marketed tax avoidance schemes of the 1990s. It will examine the changing structure of tax avoidance from individually crafted tax avoidance structures designed by accountants and lawyers used by high wealth individuals to mass produced structures targeted at highly paid, and therefore highly taxed, blue collar workers in Australia’s mining industry in the 1990s. In the latter half of the twentieth century ‘unacceptable’ tax planning went from highly expensive, individually ‘tailor made’ structures afforded and used only by the very wealthy, to inexpensive replicated structures marketed to skilled and unskilled tradespeople and labourers. By 1998 over 42 000 Australian taxpayers were engaged in tax avoidance schemes with the highest proportion focussed in the mining regions of Western Australia. In the remote and inhospitable mining community of Pannawonica, which has one of the highest paid workforces in Australia, the Australian Taxation Office identified that as many as one in five taxpayers were engaged in a mass-marketed tax avoidance scheme. The paper will identify the causes of these changes, including the advent of the computerised information technology which permitted ‘mass production’ of business structures designed to exploit business incentives in the Australian taxation system in the 1990s. It will also set these developments within the broader context of the tax compliance culture prevailing in Australia and overseas during this period
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