101 research outputs found

    Oscillation of solar radio emission at coronal acoustic cut-off frequency

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    Recent SECCHI COR2 observations on board STEREO-A spacecraft have detected density structures at a distance of 2.5--15~R propagating with periodicity of about 90~minutes. The observations show that the density structures probably formed in the lower corona. We used the large Ukrainian radio telescope URAN-2 to observe type IV radio bursts in the frequency range of 8--32~MHz during the time interval of 08:15--11:00~UT on August 1, 2011. Radio emission in this frequency range originated at the distance of 1.5--2.5 R according to the Baumbach-Allen density model of the solar corona. Morlet wavelet analysis showed the periodicity of 80~min in radio emission intensity at all frequencies, which demonstrates that there are quasi-periodic variations of coronal density at all heights. The observed periodicity corresponds to the acoustic cut-off frequency of stratified corona at a temperature of 1~MK. We suggest that continuous perturbations of the coronal base in the form of jets/explosive events generate acoustic pulses, which propagate upwards and leave the wake behind oscillating at the coronal cut-off frequency. This wake may transform into recurrent shocks due to the density decrease with height, which leads to the observed periodicity in the radio emission. The recurrent shocks may trigger quasi-periodic magnetic reconnection in helmet streamers, where the opposite field lines merge and consequently may generate periodic density structures observed in the solar wind.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, accepted in A&

    The influence of contaminated hydraulic fluid on the relative volume flow rate and the wear of rubbing parts of the aviation plunger pump

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    Still, there is the problem of the plunger pumps failures due to pollution of the working fluid with mechanical impurities in civil aviation. The article deals with experimental research the change of relative volume flow rate of plunger pump model NP-72M which depends on the working fluid purity. In particular, the negative effect of increasing the particle size of impurities (electrocorundum about 3 μm, 10 μm, 20 μm) and increasing particles concentration (about 25–150 mg/L) with the constant particle size on pump operation has presented. This has manifested in increased wear of rubbing parts and reduced the relative volume flow rate. A visual inspection of the pump parts has carried out, and the most damaged areas have identified

    Radio seismology of the outer solar corona

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    Observed oscillations of coronal loops in EUV lines have been successfully used to estimate plasma parameters in the inner corona (< 0.2 R_0, where R_0 is the solar radius). However, coronal seismology in EUV lines fails for higher altitudes because of rapid decrease in line intensity. We aim to use radio observations to estimate the plasma parameters of the outer solar corona (> 0.2 R_0). We use the large Ukrainian radio telescope URAN-2 to observe type IV radio burst at the frequency range of 8-32 MHz during the time interval of 09:50-12:30 UT in April 14, 2011. The burst was connected to C2.3 flare, which occurred in AR 11190 during 09:38-09:49 UT. The dynamic spectrum of radio emission shows clear quasi-periodic variations in the emission intensity at almost all frequencies. Wavelet analysis at four different frequencies (29 MHz, 25 MHz, 22 MHz and 14 MHz) shows the quasi-periodic variation of emission intensity with periods of 34 min and 23 min. The periodic variations can be explained by the first and second harmonics of vertical kink oscillation of transequatorial coronal loops, which were excited by the same flare. The apex of transequatorial loops may reach up to 1.2 R_0 altitude. We derive and solve the dispersion relation of trapped MHD oscillations in a longitudinally inhomogeneous magnetic slab. The analysis shows that a thin (with width to length ratio of 0.1), dense (with the ratio of internal and external densities of > 20) magnetic slab with weak longitudinal inhomogeneity may trap the observed oscillations. Seismologically estimated Alfv\'en speed inside the loop at the height of 1 R_0 is 1000 km/s. Then the magnetic field strength at this height is estimated as 0.9 G. Extrapolation of magnetic field strength to the inner corona gives 10 G at the height of 0.1 R_0.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, Accepted in A&
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