195 research outputs found

    Managing sacred sites for tourism: A case study of visitor facilities in Palmyra, New York

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    Sacred sites are qualitatively different than others developed for tourism purposes. However, sacred sites do have touristic appeal and can benefit from their popularity as both pilgrimage and secular tourist attractions. To protect the sacred resource and to make the touristic or culminating pilgrimage experience meaningful, many site managers develop well designed, well maintained and efficiently operated tourist facilities such as visitor centers, interpretive resources, and events. These facilities serve specifically to accommodate a wide range of site-based experiences from satisfaction of curiosity to life-changing hierophanies. Palmyra, New York is rich with cultural and religious sites that attract thousands of tourists each year. Most sites are meaningful to members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) who travel to Palmyra to see the birthplace of their religion. Later-day Saint sacred sites are important to the many pilgrim-like visitors and to the community in which they are located. The world-class tourist facilities and events associated with LDS sacred sites provide positive opportunities for social and economic development in the region. Specifically, this case study examines the positive impacts, which include site preservation and protection, education and interpretation, social identification, hospitality, social buffering, employment, local spending, tourism product enhancement, marketing, and business networking

    Exploring internal child sex trafficking networks using social network analysis

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    This article explores the potential of social network analysis as a tool in supporting the investigation of internal child sex trafficking in the UK. In doing so, it uses only data, software, and training already available to UK police. Data from two major operations are analysed using in-built centrality metrics, designed to measure a network’s overarching structural properties and identify particularly powerful individuals. This work addresses victim networks alongside offender networks. The insights generated by SNA inform ideas for targeted interventions based on the principles of Situational Crime Prevention. These harm-reduction initiatives go beyond traditional enforcement to cover prevention, disruption, prosecution, etc. This article ends by discussing how SNA can be applied and further developed by frontline policing, strategic policing, prosecution, and policy and research

    An Analysis of the Challenges and Opportunities for the Resort Industry in Attracting and Serving Guests with Physical Disabilities

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    Resort planners and operators face many challenges as well as enjoy many opportunities in serving the needs of guests with physical disabilities. These challenges and opportunities are in the decision making, activity and reference stages of the guests\u27 resort experience. A study of travelers with physical disabilities and the competitive position of one destination serving that market segment is presented in this article. Points of examination include information search behavior, purchase facilitation, physical and social barriers, and evaluation

    Finding Sacredness in the Profane--The Niagara Falls Experience

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    This study examines one type of experience that is sought by those who go to resort and commercial recreation sites that capitalize on a unique natural environment. This study seeks to explain how Niagara Falls, as an example of a highly commercialized and exploited natural attraction, can provide visitors with a spiritual experience and, thereby, take on a sacred character. Site characteristics that contribute significantly and positively to these subjects\u27 perception of Niagara Falls as a sacred site include its reputation as a \u27must visit sometime in your life\u27 destination. Niagara Falls is a traditional destination for honeymooners (first or subsequent), but it has a longer history and ranks higher as a significant nature pilgrimage site

    An Examination of Loyalty in Site Selection for Resort-based Business Retreats

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    Business groups holding off-site meetings and company retreats represent a large and important market for resort operators. To attract business group guests, human and financial resources must be expended. This expenditure can be reduced by developing a loyal base of corporate clients. This study helps in the identification of types of businesses that have a greater propensity to be loyal to a resort setting when selecting a site for a business retreat

    Beer Drinking Smokers and Granola Crunchers: The Challenge of Physically and Socially Accommodating Incompatible Winter Resort Market Segments

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    Earlier research which focuses on conflicts between participants in different kinds of recreational activity has demonstrated that the most intense forms of physical and social incompatibility exist between mechanized and non-mechanized recreationists. The purpose of this research effort was to describe and compare groups of individuals who are likely to stay at a resort primarily for the purpose of engaging in snowmobiling or cross-country skiing activities. Social incompatibility was clearly evident in the resort setting. Both snowmobilers and cross-country skiers believe that their outdoor space requirements can be accommodated in an integrated resort setting if proper design and management decisions are made. Greater tolerance of snowmobilers by cross-country skiers, and of cross-country skiers by snowmobilers is emerging, but the social incompatibility of the two markets is still real and of significant interest to those who would attempt to serve both