2 research outputs found

    Seguridad y salud ocupacional en el teletrabajo docente

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    The detection and attention of psychosocial factors that affect the teaching labor sector is a priority since it is not an aspect that worries the managerial level of higher education institutions and although the requirements in occupational health and safety require detection, identification, prevention and adoption of measures to guarantee health and neutralize occupational risks. In practice, there are no concrete actions to address and treat psychosocial risk factors that affect teachers in the higher education system. The objective of this research is to identify the risks of occupational health in teaching telework, methods a descriptive study of a cross-sectional cohort was carried out, the universe was constituted by teachers of the Faculty of Health Sciences of the Technical University of Manab铆 in a total of 65 teachers. The sample was made up of 54 teachers, 33 from the Psychology career and 21 from the Nutrition career. The results of the research were obtained through the application of online surveys, which were tabulated in Excel and statistical tables were presented with their respective analysis, it is concluded that there are factors such as load and mental fatigue in teachers who are over 39 years of age for telework activities.La detecci贸n y atenci贸n de factores psicosociales que afectan al sector laboral docente, resulta prioritario ya que no es un aspecto que preocupe al nivel directivo de las instituciones de educaci贸n superior y aunque las exigencias en seguridad y salud ocupacional obliga a la detecci贸n, identificaci贸n, prevenci贸n y adopci贸n de medidas para garantizar la salud y neutralizar los riesgos ocupacionales, en la pr谩ctica no surgen acciones concretas para abordar y tratar los factores de riesgo psicosocial que afectan a los docentes del sistema de educaci贸n superior. El objetivo de esta investigacion es identificar los riesgos de la salud ocupacional en el teletrabajo docente, m茅todos se realiz贸 un estudio de tipo descriptivo de cohorte transversal, el universo se constituy贸 por docentes de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad T茅cnica de Manab铆 en un total de 65 docentes. La muestra se conform贸 por 54 docentes, 33 de la carrera de Psicolog铆a y 21 de la carrera de Nutrici贸n. Los resultados de la investigaci贸n se obtuvieron mediante la aplicaci贸n de encuestas online, mismos que se tabularon en Excel y se presentaron tablas estad铆sticas con su respectivo an谩lisis, se concluye que se hay factores como carga y fatiga mental en docentes que superan los 39 a帽os de edad por actividades de teletrabajo

    Factores de riesgo psicosocial y salud mental del personal de salud en 谩mbito hospitalario

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    Psychosocial risk factors are unfavorable conditions related to the work environment, causing effects on the scenarios that an individual develops, compromising their health, personal, social and work perfomance. In the work contect of health professionals, mental health is the main field affected by this class of factors. The present reseach bases as a general objetive to identify the psicosocial risk factors that affect and influence the mental health of the health personnel of the Basic Hospital of Jipijapa, the methodological design used for data collection was of a descriptive cross- sectional type using the qualitative technique such as the survey. For the study, a random sample of 40 health professionals was taken, most of them stated that psychosocial risk factors play a very important role in mental health disorders, the most relevant data show us the relationship of both parties, reflecting the overload-word rhythm, risk of suffering from occupational diseases and working hours as the most incident factors in the violation of mental health of mentioned professionals, on the other hand, stress and anxiety were evidenced as the most concurrent mental pathologies due to psychosocial risk factors.Los factores de riesgo psicosociales son condiciones desfavorables relacionados al ambiente laboral, causando afectaciones en los escenarios que se desarrolla un individuo, comprometiendo su salud, desempe帽o personal, social y laboral. En contexto laboral de los profesionales sanitarios, la salud mental es el principal campo vulnerado por esta clase de factores. La presente investigaci贸n fundamenta como objetivo general identificar los factores de riesgo psicosocial que afectan e influyen en la salud mental del personal de salud del Hospital B谩sico de Jipijapa, el dise帽o metodol贸gico empleado para la recolecci贸n de datos fue de tipo descriptivo de corte transversal, utilizando la t茅cnica cualitativa como lo es la encuesta. Para el estudio se tom贸 una muestra aleatoria de 40 profesionales de salud, la gran parte de ellos manifestaron que los factores de riesgo psicosocial cumplen un papel muy importante en afectaciones de salud mental, los datos m谩s relevantes nos muestran la relaci贸n de ambas partes, reflejando a la sobrecarga- ritmo de trabajo , riesgo de padecer enfermedades profesionales y horarios laborales como los factores m谩s incidentes en la vulneraci贸n de salud mental de mencionados profesionales, por otro lado se evidenci贸 al estr茅s y ansiedad como las patolog铆as mentales m谩s concurrente a causa de los factores de riesgo psicosocial