3,358 research outputs found

    A rigorous analysis of the cavity equations for the minimum spanning tree

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    We analyze a new general representation for the Minimum Weight Steiner Tree (MST) problem which translates the topological connectivity constraint into a set of local conditions which can be analyzed by the so called cavity equations techniques. For the limit case of the Spanning tree we prove that the fixed point of the algorithm arising from the cavity equations leads to the global optimum.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    On Strong Superadditivity of the Entanglement of Formation

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    We employ a basic formalism from convex analysis to show a simple relation between the entanglement of formation EFE_F and the conjugate function EE^* of the entanglement function E(\rho)=S(\trace_A\rho). We then consider the conjectured strong superadditivity of the entanglement of formation EF(ρ)EF(ρI)+EF(ρII)E_F(\rho) \ge E_F(\rho_I)+E_F(\rho_{II}), where ρI\rho_I and ρII\rho_{II} are the reductions of ρ\rho to the different Hilbert space copies, and prove that it is equivalent with subadditivity of EE^*. As an application, we show that strong superadditivity would follow from multiplicativity of the maximal channel output purity for all non-trace-preserving quantum channels, when purity is measured by Schatten pp-norms for pp tending to 1.Comment: 11 pages; refs added, explanatory improvement

    Inference and learning in sparse systems with multiple states

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    We discuss how inference can be performed when data are sampled from the non-ergodic phase of systems with multiple attractors. We take as model system the finite connectivity Hopfield model in the memory phase and suggest a cavity method approach to reconstruct the couplings when the data are separately sampled from few attractor states. We also show how the inference results can be converted into a learning protocol for neural networks in which patterns are presented through weak external fields. The protocol is simple and fully local, and is able to store patterns with a finite overlap with the input patterns without ever reaching a spin glass phase where all memories are lost.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Squeezing as an irreducible resource

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    We show that squeezing is an irreducible resource which remains invariant under transformations by linear optical elements. In particular, we give a decomposition of any optical circuit with linear input-output relations into a linear multiport interferometer followed by a unique set of single mode squeezers and then another multiport interferometer. Using this decomposition we derive a no-go theorem for superpositions of macroscopically distinct states from single-photon detection. Further, we demonstrate the equivalence between several schemes for randomly creating polarization-entangled states. Finally, we derive minimal quantum optical circuits for ideal quantum non-demolition coupling of quadrature-phase amplitudes.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, new title, removed the fat

    Encoding for the Blackwell Channel with Reinforced Belief Propagation

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    A key idea in coding for the broadcast channel (BC) is binning, in which the transmitter encode information by selecting a codeword from an appropriate bin (the messages are thus the bin indexes). This selection is normally done by solving an appropriate (possibly difficult) combinatorial problem. Recently it has been shown that binning for the Blackwell channel --a particular BC-- can be done by iterative schemes based on Survey Propagation (SP). This method uses decimation for SP and suffers a complexity of O(n^2). In this paper we propose a new variation of the Belief Propagation (BP) algorithm, named Reinforced BP algorithm, that turns BP into a solver. Our simulations show that this new algorithm has complexity O(n log n). Using this new algorithm together with a non-linear coding scheme, we can efficiently achieve rates close to the border of the capacity region of the Blackwell channel.Comment: 5 pages, 8 figures, submitted to ISIT 200

    Large deviations of cascade processes on graphs

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    Simple models of irreversible dynamical processes such as Bootstrap Percolation have been successfully applied to describe cascade processes in a large variety of different contexts. However, the problem of analyzing non-typical trajectories, which can be crucial for the understanding of the out-of-equilibrium phenomena, is still considered to be intractable in most cases. Here we introduce an efficient method to find and analyze optimized trajectories of cascade processes. We show that for a wide class of irreversible dynamical rules, this problem can be solved efficiently on large-scale systems

    Containing epidemic outbreaks by message-passing techniques

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    The problem of targeted network immunization can be defined as the one of finding a subset of nodes in a network to immunize or vaccinate in order to minimize a tradeoff between the cost of vaccination and the final (stationary) expected infection under a given epidemic model. Although computing the expected infection is a hard computational problem, simple and efficient mean-field approximations have been put forward in the literature in recent years. The optimization problem can be recast into a constrained one in which the constraints enforce local mean-field equations describing the average stationary state of the epidemic process. For a wide class of epidemic models, including the susceptible-infected-removed and the susceptible-infected-susceptible models, we define a message-passing approach to network immunization that allows us to study the statistical properties of epidemic outbreaks in the presence of immunized nodes as well as to find (nearly) optimal immunization sets for a given choice of parameters and costs. The algorithm scales linearly with the size of the graph and it can be made efficient even on large networks. We compare its performance with topologically based heuristics, greedy methods, and simulated annealing

    Optimal Control Theory for Continuous Variable Quantum Gates

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    We apply the methodology of optimal control theory to the problem of implementing quantum gates in continuous variable systems with quadratic Hamiltonians. We demonstrate that it is possible to define a fidelity measure for continuous variable (CV) gate optimization that is devoid of traps, such that the search for optimal control fields using local algorithms will not be hindered. The optimal control of several quantum computing gates, as well as that of algorithms composed of these primitives, is investigated using several typical physical models and compared for discrete and continuous quantum systems. Numerical simulations indicate that the optimization of generic CV quantum gates is inherently more expensive than that of generic discrete variable quantum gates, and that the exact-time controllability of CV systems plays an important role in determining the maximum achievable gate fidelity. The resulting optimal control fields typically display more complicated Fourier spectra that suggest a richer variety of possible control mechanisms. Moreover, the ability to control interactions between qunits is important for delimiting the total control fluence. The comparative ability of current experimental protocols to implement such time-dependent controls may help determine which physical incarnations of CV quantum information processing will be the easiest to implement with optimal fidelity.Comment: 39 pages, 11 figure