29,284 research outputs found

    Boundary conditions at the mobility edge

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    It is shown that the universal behavior of the spacing distribution of nearest energy levels at the metal--insulator Anderson transition is indeed dependent on the boundary conditions. The spectral rigidity ÎŁ2(E)\Sigma^2(E) also depends on the boundary conditions but this dependence vanishes at high energy EE. This implies that the multifractal exponent D2D_2 of the participation ratio of wave functions in the bulk is not affected by the boundary conditions.Comment: 4 pages of revtex, new figures, new abstract, the text has been changed: The large energy behavior of the number variance has been found to be independent of the boundary condition

    Solitonic-exchange mechanism of surface~diffusion

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    We study surface diffusion in the framework of a generalized Frenkel-Kontorova model with a nonconvex transverse degree of freedom. The model describes a lattice of atoms with a given concentration interacting by Morse-type forces, the lattice being subjected to a two-dimensional substrate potential which is periodic in one direction and nonconvex (Morse) in the transverse direction. The results are used to describe the complicated exchange-mediated diffusion mechanism recently observed in MD simulations [J.E. Black and Zeng-Ju Tian, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 71}, 2445-2448(1993)].Comment: 22 Revtex pages, 9 figures to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Unitarity of the tree approximation to the Glauber AA amplitude for large A

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    The nucleus-nucleus Glauber amplitude in the tree approximation is studied for heavy participant nuclei. It is shown that, contrary to previous published results, it is not unitary for realistic values of nucleon-nucleon cross-sections.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figure, 1 table. Submitted to Yad. Fi

    Structural lubricity: Role of dimension and symmetry

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    When two chemically passivated solids are brought into contact, interfacial interactions between the solids compete with intrabulk elastic forces. The relative importance of these interactions, which are length-scale dependent, will be estimated using scaling arguments. If elastic interactions dominate on all length scales, solids will move as essentially rigid objects. This would imply superlow kinetic friction in UHV, provided wear was absent. The results of the scaling study depend on the symmetry of the surfaces and the dimensionalities of interface and solids. Some examples are discussed explicitly such as contacts between disordered three-dimensional solids and linear bearings realized from multiwall carbon nanotubes.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Pomeron Vertices in Perturbative QCD in Diffractive Scattering

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    We analyse the momentum space triple Pomeron vertex in perturbative QCD. In addition to the standard form of this vertex which is used in the context of total cross-sections at high energies and in the QCD reggeon field theory, there exists an alternative form which has to be used in the study of high-mass diffraction. We review and analyse the relation between these two versions. We discuss some implications for the BK-equation. In the second part of our paper we extend this analysis to the Pomeron-Odderon-Odderon vertex.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures, Late

    Fluctuations of the number of participants and binary collisions in AA interactions at fixed centrality in the Glauber approach

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    In the framework of the classical Glauber approach, the analytical expressions for the variance of the number of wounded nucleons and binary collisions in AA interactions at a given centrality are presented. Along with the optical approximation term, they contain additional contact terms arising only in the case of nucleus-nucleus collisions. The magnitude of the additional contributions, e.g., for PbPb collisions at SPS energies, is larger than the contribution of the optical approximation at some values of the impact parameter. The sum of the additional contributions is in good agreement with the results of independent Monte Carlo simulations of this process. Due to these additional terms, the variance of the total number of participants for peripheral PbPb collisions and the variance of the number of collisions at all values of the impact parameter exceed several multiples of the Poisson variances. The correlator between the numbers of participants in colliding nuclei at fixed centrality is also analytically calculated.Comment: updated version; as published by Phys. Rev.

    Decoherence in a system of many two--level atoms

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    I show that the decoherence in a system of NN degenerate two--level atoms interacting with a bosonic heat bath is for any number of atoms NN governed by a generalized Hamming distance (called ``decoherence metric'') between the superposed quantum states, with a time--dependent metric tensor that is specific for the heat bath.The decoherence metric allows for the complete characterization of the decoherence of all possible superpositions of many-particle states, and can be applied to minimize the over-all decoherence in a quantum memory. For qubits which are far apart, the decoherence is given by a function describing single-qubit decoherence times the standard Hamming distance. I apply the theory to cold atoms in an optical lattice interacting with black body radiation.Comment: replaced with published versio

    QCD sum rules in the effective heavy quark theory

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    We derive sum rules for the leptonic decay constant of a heavy-light meson in the effective heavy quark theory. We show that the summation of logarithms in the heavy quark mass by the renormalization group technique enhances considerably radiative corrections. Our result for the decay constant in the static limit agrees well with recent lattice calculations. Finite quark mass corrections are estimated
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