1,906 research outputs found

    Odderon with a running coupling constant

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    The running coupling is introduced into the equation for the odderon via the bootstrap relation. It is shown that the previously found odderon state with a maximal intercept, which is constructed from antisymmetric pomeron wave function, continues to exist in the running coupling case. Its intercept is found to remain equal to unity independent of the behaviour assumed for the running coupling at low momenta.Comment: 9 pages, LaTe

    On the inclusive gluon jet production from the triple pomeron vertex in the perturbative QCD

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    Single and double inclusive cross-sections for gluon jet production from within the triple pomeron vertex are studied in the reggeized gluon technique. It is shown that to satisfy the AGK rules the vertex has to be fully symmetric in all four reggeized gluons which form the two final pomerons. The single inclusive cross-sections are found for different cuttings of the triple pomeron vertex. They sum into the expression obtained by Yu.Kovchegov and K.Tuchin in the colour dipole picture. The found double inclusive cross-sections satisfy the AGK rules.Comment: 17 pages in LaTex, 6 figures, revised version with partially changed rsult

    Loops in the gluon emission amplitude: reggeization from the Glauber scattering

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    It is shown that in the Glauber scattering of a fast quark in the external field loop corrections to the gluon emission amplitude due to virtual softer gluon after renormalization coincide with a correction due to reggeization of the exchanged gluon in the BFKL picture.Comment: 26 pages, 10 figure

    Production of a gluon with the exchange of three reggeized gluons in the Lipatov effective action approach

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    In the Regge kinematics the amplitude for gluon production off three scattering centers is found in the Lipatov effective action technique. The vertex for gluon emission with the reggeon splitting in three reggeons is calculated and its transversality is demonstrated. It is shown that in the sum of all contributions terms containing principal value singularities are cancelled and substituted by the standard Feynman poles. These results may be used for calculation of the inclusive cross-section for gluon production on two nucleons in the nucleus.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figures; submitted to Eur.Phys.Jour.

    The Reggeon →\to 2 Reggeons ++ Particle vertex in the Lipatov effective action formalism

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    The vertex for gluon emission during the splitting of a reggeized gluon into two is constructed in the framework of Lipatov effective action formalism. Its reduction to a pure transverse form for the diffractive amplitude gives the standard Bartels vertex plus an additional contribution corresponding to the emission from a pointlike splitting vertex. This additional contribution turns out to be given by a longitudinal integral divergent both in the ultraviolet and infrared. A certain specific recipe for this part, including the principal value prescription for the integration, allows to eliminate this unwanted contribution.Comment: 4 figures; misprints corrected; to be published in Eur.Phys.J.

    BKP states in the inclusive gluon production

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    Inclusive cross-section for gluon production is calculated by the dispersion technique in the NLO in the perturbative QCD with a large number of colours. The found cross-section coincides with the one derived in the dipole picture. No trace of the BKP states is found.Comment: 30 pages, 17 figures. Appendix with a new observation added. Conclusions changed

    BFKL pomeron in the external field of the nucleus in (2+1)-dimensional QCD

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    The behaviour of the pomeron propagator in the external nuclear field is studied in the (2+1)-dimensional QCD. It is shown that in the physically interesting case when the field does not vanish at large rapidities the propagator in the field vanishes much faster than in the vacuum, in agreement with the results found in the local Regge-Gribov model. However if the nuclear field vanishes at high rapidities the field does not change the behaviour of the pomeron propagator.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figure

    Hadron-nucleus scattering in the local reggeon model with pomeron loops for realistic nuclei

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    Contribution of simplest loops for hadron-nucleus scattering cross-sections is studied in the Local Reggeon Field Theory with a supercritical pomeron. It is shown that inside the nucleus the supercritical pomeron transforms into a subcritical one, so that perturbative treatment becomes possible. The pomeron intercept becomes complex, which leads to oscillations in the cross-sections.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    Elliptic flow from color strings

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    It is shown that the elliptic flow can be successfully described in the color string picture with fusion and percolation provided anisotropy of particle emission from the fused string is taken into account. Two possible sources of this anisotropy are considered, propagation of the string in the transverse plane and quenching of produced particles in the strong color field of the string. Calculations show that the second source gives an overwhelming contribution to the flow at accessible energies.Comment: 23 pages, 11 figure

    Centrality dependence of the multiplicity and transverse momentum distributions at RHIC and LHC and the percolation of strings

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    The dependence of the multiplicity and the transverse momentum distribution on the number of collisions are studied for central and peripheral Au-Au collisions at SPS, RHIC and LHC energies in the framework of percolation of strings. A scaling law relating the multiplicity to the mean transverse momentum is obtained. Our results are in overall agreement with the SPS and RHIC data, obtaining a suppression on pTp_T distribution even for pTp_T larger than 1 GeV/c.Comment: Contribution to QM2002, espcrc1.st
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