857 research outputs found

    Estimating the number of change-points in a two-dimensional segmentation model without penalization

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    In computational biology, numerous recent studies have been dedicated to the analysis of the chromatin structure within the cell by two-dimensional segmentation methods. Motivated by this application, we consider the problem of retrieving the diagonal blocks in a matrix of observations. The theoretical properties of the least-squares estimators of both the boundaries and the number of blocks proposed by L\'evy-Leduc et al. [2014] are investigated. More precisely, the contribution of the paper is to establish the consistency of these estimators. A surprising consequence of our results is that, contrary to the onedimensional case, a penalty is not needed for retrieving the true number of diagonal blocks. Finally, the results are illustrated on synthetic data.Comment: 30 pages, 8 figure

    Translational frameshifting mediated by a viral sequence in plant cells.

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    Production of a Beet chlorosis virus full-length cDNA clone by means of Gibson assembly and analysis of biological properties

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    Beet chlorosis virus (genus Polerovirus, family Luteoviridae), which is persistently transmitted by the aphid Myzus persicae, is part of virus yellows in sugar beet and causes interveinal yellowing as well as significant yield loss in Beta vulgaris. To allow reverse genetic studies and replace vector transmission, an infectious cDNA clone under cauliflower mosaic virus 35S control in a binary vector for agrobacterium-mediated infection was constructed using Gibson assembly. Following agroinoculation, the BChV full-length clone was able to induce a systemic infection of the cultivated B. vulgaris. The engineered virus was successfully aphid-transmitted when acquired from infected B. vulgaris and displayed the same host plant spectrum as wild-type virus. This new polerovirus infectious clone is a valuable tool to identify the viral determinants involved in host range and study BChV protein function, and can be used to screen sugar beet for BChV resistance

    Drought reduces transmission of Turnip yellows virus , an insect-vectored circulative virus

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    Application of a severe water deficit to Arabidopsis thaliana plants infected with a mutant of Turnip yellows virus (TuYV, Family Luteoviridae) triggers a significant alteration of several plant phenology traits and strongly reduces the transmission efficiency of the virus by aphids. Although virus accumulation in water-stressed plants was similar to that in plants grown under well-watered conditions, virus accumulation was reduced in aphids fed on plant under water deficit. These results suggest alteration of the aphid feeding behavior on plants under water deficit

    Al<sub>5+α</sub>Si<sub>5+δ</sub>N<sub>12</sub>, a new Nitride compound

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    The family of III-Nitride semiconductors has been under intensive research for almost 30 years and has revolutionized lighting applications at the dawn of the 21st century. However, besides the developments and applications achieved, nitride alloys continue to fuel the quest for novel materials and applications. We report on the synthesis of a new nitride-based compound by using annealing of AlN heteroepitaxial layers under a Si-atmosphere at temperatures between 1350 °C and 1550 °C. The structure and stoichiometry of this compound are investigated by high resolution transmission electron microscopy (TEM) techniques and energy dispersive X-Ray (EDX) spectroscopy. Results are supported by density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The identified structure is a derivative of the parent wurtzite AlN crystal where the anion sublattice is fully occupied by N atoms and the cation sublattice is the stacking of 2 different planes along lt;0001gt;: The first one exhibits a ×3 periodicity along lt;11–20gt; with 1/3 of the sites being vacant. The rest of the sites in the cation sublattice are occupied by an equal number of Si and Al atoms. Assuming a semiconducting alloy, a range of stoichiometries is proposed, Al5+αSi5+δN12 with α being between −2/3 and 1/4 and δ between 0 and 3/4. © 2019, The Author(s)

    Plant infection by two different viruses induce contrasting changes of vectors fitness and behavior

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    Abstract Insect-vectored plant viruses can induce changes in plant phenotypes, thus influencing plant?vector interactions in a way that may promote their dispersal according to their mode of transmission (i.e., circulative vs. noncirculative). This indirect vector manipulation requires host?virus?vector coevolution and would thus be effective solely in very specific plant?virus?vector species associations. Some studies suggest this manipulation may depend on multiple factors relative to various intrinsic characteristics of vectors such as transmission efficiency. In anintegrative study, we tested the effects of infection of the Brassicaceae Camelina sativa with the noncirculative Cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) or the circulative Turnip yellows virus (TuYV) on the host-plant colonization of two aphid species differing in their virus transmission efficiency: the polyphagous Myzus persicae, efficient vector of both viruses, and the Brassicaceae specialist Brevicoryne brassicae, poor vector of TuYV and efficient vector of CaMV. Results confirmed the important role of virus mode of transmission as plant-mediated effects of CaMV on the two aphid species induced negative alterations of feeding behavior (i.e., decreased phloem sap ingestion) and performance that were both conducive for virus fitness by promoting dispersion after a rapid acquisition. In addition, virus transmission efficiency may also play a role in vector manipulation by viruses as only the responses of the efficient vector to plant-mediated effects of TuYV, that is, enhanced feeding behavior and performances, were favorable to their acquisition and further dispersal. Altogether, this work demonstrated that vector transmission efficiency also has to be considered when studying the mechanisms underlying vector manipulation by viruses. Our results also reinforce the idea that vector manipulation requires coevolution between plant, virus and vector

    The effects of Cstb duplication on APP/amyloid-β pathology and cathepsin B activity in a mouse model

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    People with Down syndrome (DS), caused by trisomy of chromosome 21 have a greatly increased risk of developing Alzheimer's disease (AD). This is in part because of triplication of a chromosome 21 gene, APP. This gene encodes amyloid precursor protein, which is cleaved to form amyloid-β that accumulates in the brains of people who have AD. Recent experimental results demonstrate that a gene or genes on chromosome 21, other than APP, when triplicated significantly accelerate amyloid-β pathology in a transgenic mouse model of amyloid-β deposition. Multiple lines of evidence indicate that cysteine cathepsin activity influences APP cleavage and amyloid-β accumulation. Located on human chromosome 21 (Hsa21) is an endogenous inhibitor of cathepsin proteases, CYSTATIN B (CSTB) which is proposed to regulate cysteine cathepsin activity in vivo. Here we determined if three copies of the mouse gene Cstb is sufficient to modulate amyloid-β accumulation and cathepsin activity in a transgenic APP mouse model. Duplication of Cstb resulted in an increase in transcriptional and translational levels of Cstb in the mouse cortex but had no effect on the deposition of insoluble amyloid-β plaques or the levels of soluble or insoluble amyloid-β42, amyloid-β40, or amyloid-β38 in 6-month old mice. In addition, the increased CSTB did not alter the activity of cathepsin B enzyme in the cortex of 3-month or 6-month old mice. These results indicate that the single-gene duplication of Cstb is insufficient to elicit a disease-modifying phenotype in the dupCstb x tgAPP mice, underscoring the complexity of the genetic basis of AD-DS and the importance of multiple gene interactions in disease


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    In the title compound, C16H14OS, the dihedral angle between the benzothio­phene ring system and the benzene ring is 72.41 (12)°. A weak inter­molecular C—H⋯π inter­action from the benzene ring to the benzothio­phene ring system is observed in the crystal structure

    Unified set of atomic transition probabilities for neutral argon

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    The atomic transition probabilities and radiative lifetimes of neutral argon have been the subject of numerous experiments and calculations, but the results exhibit many discrepancies and inconsistencies. We present a unified set of atomic transition probabilities, which is consistent with essentially all recent results, albeit sometimes only after critical reanalysis. The data consistency and scale confirmation has been achieved in two ways. (i) We have carried out some lifetime–branching-ratio measurements for a principal 5p level and the associated 4s-5p transitions. These measurements have very closely confirmed the accuracy of the results of recent independent emission experiments. (ii) We have critically reanalyzed and revised the literature data for the 4s-4p transitions, as well as utilized the results of a similar critical analysis for the 4s-5p transition array, to establish complete sets of absolute data for these arrays. We have found these data to be mutually consistent from cross-correlation checks between the two arrays, using recent literature data. Finally, we have proposed renormalization factors for other argon transitions based on this analysis
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