19 research outputs found


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    Lutheranism in American Theological Education

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    It is a privilege to bring greetings, very special greetings, from my institution, the Divinity School of the University of Chicago, to Concordia Seminary on this its 125th anniversary. There has been a long, intimate, and friendly relationship between these two institutions. I am not certain of the number, but I was informed that seven PhDs from the University of Chicago are on the present Concordia faculty. In addition to men holding degrees, a substantial number of the present Concordia faculty have taken courses at the University of Chicago. Hence it is understandable that the greetings I bring for this special occasion are not only personal but also institutional greetings

    Protestantism in America : A Narrative History

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    Philadelphia397 p.; 21 c

    The Westminster dictionary of Church history

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    Philadelphia887 p.; 24 c

    A Religious History of the American People

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