14 research outputs found

    Improving user experience by ANN prediction and NLP chatbot

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    As communication between service providers and users increases daily due to the large supply and demand for services, the application of artificial intelligence in business domains can greatly facilitate and improve characteristics such as the speed and efficiency of communication through the implementation of NLP chatbots presented in this work. This work aims to investigate the consequences of NLP chatbot implementation and the reliability of ANN prediction in terms of user experience, and to determine whether the developed NLP chatbot application matches the ingenuity in understanding communication in terms of algorithm reliability. It also aims to verify whether differences in the improvement of the user experience by NLP chatbots can be detected through a comparative analysis and what impact the speed of NLP chatbots has on the user experience compared to a chatbot without NLP function. The programming of the application and the simulation were done with the Python programming language in the PyCharm integrated development environment using the artificial neural network model and libraries such as PyTorch, NLTK and Tkinter. The creation of the experimental part consisted of the creation of an NLP chatbot application, the creation of a simple chatbot represented by a simulation display, and the carrying out a comparative analysis between an NLP chatbot and a rule-based chatbot. The proposed model, primarily the principle itself, can be used for other domains that could significantly utility from the implementation of NLP chatbots, and not only for the domains highlighted in this paper

    Improving user experience by ANN prediction and NLP chatbot

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    As communication between service providers and users increases daily due to the large supply and demand for services, the application of artificial intelligence in business domains can greatly facilitate and improve characteristics such as the speed and efficiency of communication through the implementation of NLP chatbots presented in this work. This work aims to investigate the consequences of NLP chatbot implementation and the reliability of ANN prediction in terms of user experience, and to determine whether the developed NLP chatbot application matches the ingenuity in understanding communication in terms of algorithm reliability. It also aims to verify whether differences in the improvement of the user experience by NLP chatbots can be detected through a comparative analysis and what impact the speed of NLP chatbots has on the user experience compared to a chatbot without NLP function. The programming of the application and the simulation were done with the Python programming language in the PyCharm integrated development environment using the artificial neural network model and libraries such as PyTorch, NLTK and Tkinter. The creation of the experimental part consisted of the creation of an NLP chatbot application, the creation of a simple chatbot represented by a simulation display, and the carrying out a comparative analysis between an NLP chatbot and a rule-based chatbot. The proposed model, primarily the principle itself, can be used for other domains that could significantly utility from the implementation of NLP chatbots, and not only for the domains highlighted in this paper

    Knowledge And Knowledge Management As A Competitive Advantage

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    In the modern business environment with high turbulence and complexity, an organizationā€™s force to create and sustain competitive advantage lies in what it knows not what it owns. Establishment of a knowledge management in organization will ensure sustainable competitive advantage because the intellectual capital has become the primary bases of core competencies and the key to superior performance. The transition from industrial to knowledge society, effective use of knowledge is one of the deciding factors in the struggle for competitiveness because it will ensure the rationality, efficiency and flexibility in operations, and only through the realization of those graphics company can gain a competitive advantage on the market

    Analysis of Printing Substrate, Ink Age and Number of IR Drying Influence on Electrical Resistance of Conductive Inks

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    As a result of availability of new technologies, functional printing as a segment has become one of the most interesting directions of research and development in graphic technology. Conductive inks are not a novelty and they already have broad possibilities in production of everyday products. There is still a big market for the broadening of their use, as well as a possibility of further enhancing their properties. This paper analyzes the influence of printing substrate, age of ink and the number of IR drying on the electrical resistance of the conductive inks. In the paper, subject of analysis was the change of electrical resistance in the line that was 9 cm long and 10 typographic points wide. The semi-automated screen-printing machine was used for printing. Three types of printing substrates were used; uncoated, coated and recycled paper. Two types of inks were used; newly opened ink and ink that was out of date for half year. After the printing, prints were dried using the IR dryer. Prints were dried once, and then additional three times. After the first and last drying, multimeter was used to measure electrical resistance of the lines. Analysis of the data shows that the older ink produces prints with higher electrical resistance. There are also notable differences in the electrical resistance based on the printing substrate


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    Ambalaža je prvo Å”to privlači i zadržava potroÅ”ačevu pažnju, pa je stoga neverbalna komunikacija putem ekoloÅ”kih simbola od izuzetnog je značaja. Stoga je zelena komunikacija usmjerena na promociju ekoloÅ”kog proizvoda, kao i ekoloÅ”ki prihvatljive ambalaže koja u svim fazama svojeg života ne utječe Å”tetno na okoliÅ”, te potiče ekoloÅ”ko ponaÅ”anje potroÅ”ača. Kako bi se utvrdila povezanost poznavanja ekoloÅ”kih simbola na ambalaži, njihovog utjecaja na kupnju i postkupovnog ponaÅ”anje potroÅ”ača u smislu recikliranja ambalaže, proveli smo znanstveno istraživanje. Odgovore ispitanika prikupljali smo putem online anketnog upitnika sačinjenog od dva dijela, u prvom dijelu su bili opći podaci o ispitanicima, a u drugom dijelu njihovi stavovi o istraživanoj problematici. Nakon statističke obrade dobivenih rezultata zaključili smo da većina ispitanika poznaje ekoloÅ”ke oznake na ambalaži, te da na njih obraća pažnju u procesu kupnje Å”to upućuje na uspjeÅ”nost zelene komunikacije. Ispitanici preferiraju ekoloÅ”ki prihvatljivu ambalažu koju ne smatraju manje atraktivnom od neekoloÅ”ke ambalaže, te istu u posljednjih 5 godina sve viÅ”e recikliraju. Rezultati ovog istraživanju otvaraju dobre su smjernice pri vizualnom oblikovanju ambalaže i kreiranju neverbalnih zelenih komunikacijskih poruka.Packaging is the first to attract and retain the consumer\u27s attention, so non-verbal communication through ecological symbols is of utmost importance. Green communication, therefore, is aimed at the promotion of ecological products as well as ecologically acceptable packaging that does not adversely affect the environment at all stages of their life, and promotes ecological behavior of consumers. In order to establish the correlation between the knowledge of environmental symbols on packaging, their impact on purchasing and consumer behavior in terms of packaging recycling, we conducted a scientific research. Respondents\u27 responses we were collected through an on-line questionnaire consisting of two parts, the first part being general data on respondents, and in the second part their views on the investigated issue. After statistical analysis of the obtained results, we have concluded that the majority of respondents know the ecological labels on the packaging and that they pay attention to the purchasing process, which indicates the success of green communication. Respondents prefer environmentally friendly packaging they do not consider less attractive than non-toxic packaging, and they have been recycled for the last 5 years. The results of this research open good guidelines in the visual design of packaging and the creation of non-verbal green communication messages

    Povijesni razvoj pisma

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    Predmet ovog diplomskog rada je slojevita i složena povijest pisma kao najvažnijeg komunikacijskog medija. Da nema pisma, kultura u obliku u kojemu je mi poznajemo ne bi postojala ili bi bila toliko neprepoznatljiva, a pravo, religija, trgovina, pjesniÅ”tvo, filozofija, povijest i mnoge druge ljudske djelatnosti bile bi doduÅ”e moguće, ali neizmjerno ograničene u usporedbi sa svjetovima Å”to ih otvara upotreba pisma. Pismo se razvijalo od piktograma i ideograma do fonetskog pisma i na kraju alfabeta, najprilagodljivijeg i najkorisnijeg načina pisanja koji je ikada izrađen. Na osnovu tog razvoja izveden je zaključak o tradicionalnom, informacijskom i komunikacijskom razvoju pisma i njegovom doprinosu čovječanstvu

    Optimizacija procesa tiska na načelima Six Sigma = Optimization of the printing process on the principles of Six Sigma

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    Six Sigma kao sveobuhvatna metodologija za unaprjeđenje kvalitete započela je svoj nagli razvoj 80-tih godina 20. stoljeća u Motoroli, a danas se uspjeÅ”no primjenjuje u procesima poboljÅ”avanja velikih poslovnih sustava. Primjena Six Sigma metodologije rezultira visokom razinom sukladnosti, povećanom sposobnoŔću procesa, smanjenim troÅ”kovima i povećanom profitabilnoŔću kao temeljnim odlikama konkurentnosti. Analizom teorije, kao i dosadaÅ”njih istraživanja uočen je nedostatak modela za potpuno upravljanje kvalitetom koji bi rezultirao optimizacijom procesa tiska. S obzirom da se Six Sigma metodologija pokazala prikladnom za optimizaciju u različitim proizvodnim industrijama, cilj ovog rada bio je napraviti model za optimizaciju procesa tiska na načelima Six Sigme. Takav model omogućava kontinuirano ostvarivanje stabilnih i predvidivih rezultata, odnosno smanjuje mogućnost varijabilnosti procesa. Oblikovanje novog modela baziranog na načelima Six Sigme zasnivalo se na detekciji i grupiranju mogućih točaka u procesu tiska koje bi dovele do varijacija u proizvodnji, a time i na samom proizvodu. S obzirom da je Six Sigma statistička mjera funkcioniranja procesa, te joj je osnovna namjera mjerenje varijabilnosti procesa, praćenje promjena razine sigme poslužilo je kao indikator promjena u procesu. Stoga je bilo potrebno definirati moguće granice varijabilnosti u procesu, pa su se u tu svrhu odredili funkcionalni zahtjevi proizvoda. Za svaki funkcionalni zahtjev proizvoda definirale su se metode kontrole i kritične karakteristike proizvoda koje su se analizirale, te grupirale prema kategorijama uzroka. Također se definirao maksimalan opseg svake karakteristike određen donjom i gornjom granicom tolerancije, te točke kritične za kvalitetu. U prvom dijelu istraživanja analiziran je nulti proces da se utvrdi da li je proces u stanju statističke kontrole procesa, da li je normalno distribuiran i ispravno centriran u odnosu na definiranu i praćenu karakteristiku proizvoda. U analizi nultog procesa akcent je bio na izračunu trenutne razine sigme i preliminarne sposobnosti procesa. U drugom dijelu istraživanja definirani su funkcionalni zahtjevi proizvoda, kritične karakteristike proizvoda i točke kritične za kvalitetu, te je provedena skupna analiza 27 parcijalnih procesa. Na kraju je na osnovu dobivenih rezultata istraživanja napravljeno modeliranje i testiranje novog optimizacijskog modela. Okosnica izrade modela bilo je generiranje optimizacijske jednadžbe gdje je uzeto generiranje funkcije u ovisnosti o tri varijable. Odabrana metoda najmanjih kvadrata se uspostavila kao dobra aproksimacija krivulje s odstupanjem manjim od 1%

    Povijesni razvoj pisma

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    Predmet ovog diplomskog rada je slojevita i složena povijest pisma kao najvažnijeg komunikacijskog medija. Da nema pisma, kultura u obliku u kojemu je mi poznajemo ne bi postojala ili bi bila toliko neprepoznatljiva, a pravo, religija, trgovina, pjesniÅ”tvo, filozofija, povijest i mnoge druge ljudske djelatnosti bile bi doduÅ”e moguće, ali neizmjerno ograničene u usporedbi sa svjetovima Å”to ih otvara upotreba pisma. Pismo se razvijalo od piktograma i ideograma do fonetskog pisma i na kraju alfabeta, najprilagodljivijeg i najkorisnijeg načina pisanja koji je ikada izrađen. Na osnovu tog razvoja izveden je zaključak o tradicionalnom, informacijskom i komunikacijskom razvoju pisma i njegovom doprinosu čovječanstvu


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    The changes in business environment resulted in new types of risks in the electric power companies. Therefore, it is very important for electric power companies to identify risks and to find correlations between them on a regular basis, so as to protect and increase the company value. This paper proposes the following three hypothesises: H1 There are changes in types of risks in electric power companies in the course of the last decade. H2 There is a correlation between the intensity of market competition and the impact of the present types of risks. H3 There is a correlation between present types of risks in electric power companies. All theses were proven to be true. Moreover, we identified the most critical risks that the electric power companies are facing today, and have compared them with those of a decade ago. We explored the intensity of market competition and examined a relationship with different types of risks.Promjene u poslovnom okruženju uvele su novi tip rizika u poduzeća elektroprivrede. Zbog toga je za poduzeća elektroprivrede vrlo važno identificirati rizike i naći korelaciju među njima, te to činiti redovito kako bi se zaÅ”titile i povećale vrijednost kompanije. U ovom se radu predlažu sljedeće tri hipoteze: H1 Postoje promjene u tipu rizika u poduzećima elektroprivrede tijekom zadnjih 10 godina. H2 Postoji korelacija između intenziteta tržiÅ”ne konkurencije i utjecaja prisutnih/postojećih tipova rizika. H3 Postoji korelacija između postojećih tipova rizika u poduzećima elektroprivrede. Sve teze dokazane su kao istinite. Nadalje, identificirani su najkritičniji tipovi rizika danas s kojima se suočavaju poduzeća elektroprivrede, te uspoređeni s onima od prije deset godina. Istražen je intenzitet tržiÅ”ne konkurencije, te ispitana povezanost s različitim tipovima rizika

    Fuzzy Logic-Based Evaluation Model of Handwritten Font Sizes Readability on Extra Small Devices

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    Handwritten fonts are appealing to designers, but their application in web design can cause a readability problems. Different handwritten letter cuts in different font sizes are not equally readable on all screen types. The problem often occurs on extra small devices such as mobile phones. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the combination of the font type and appropriate font size that will ensure responsiveness and be readable on different devices, especially the small ones. For this purpose, a study of readability of monoline handwritten font in seven letter cuts (thin, ultra-light, light, regular, semi-bold, bold, and ultra-bold) in several font sizes was conducted. Variable font was used because it contains all style versions of one typeface family, as opposed to standard font families that use different files for each style version. Also, variable font is suitable for use on web because one file with all the necessary typeface styles is significantly smaller in size than classic families with multiple files which shortens the font loading time. Furthermore, model of readability evaluation using the fuzzy logic based postprocessing method for segmentation values related to evaluation criteria is proposed. Prototype of a variable handwritten fonts are tested in responsive web environment, using CSS technology. The results show that handwritten font size readability evaluation has measurable output because the score combine various numeral factors affecting the readability of particular font size in several letter cuts.  Using of proposed model in short time can show readability level of some font type in some font size on a new responsive web suitable for different screen sizes, including extra small devices