30 research outputs found

    The seasonal cycle of submesoscale flows

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    The seasonal cycle of submesoscale flows in the upper ocean is investigated in an idealised model domain analogous to mid-latitude open ocean regions. Submesoscale processes become much stronger as the resolution is increased, though with limited evidence for convergence of the solutions. Frontogenetical processes increase horizontal buoyancy gradients when the mixed layer is shallow in summer, while overturning instabilities weaken the horizontal buoyancy gradients as the mixed layer deepens in winter. The horizontal wavenumber spectral slopes of surface temperature and velocity are steep in summer and then shallow in winter. This is consistent with stronger mixed layer instabilities developing as the mixed layer deepens and energising the submesoscale. The degree of geostrophic balance falls as the resolution is made finer, with evidence for stronger non-linear and high-frequency processes becoming more important as the mixed layer deepens. Ekman buoyancy fluxes can be much stronger than surface cooling and are locally dominant in setting the stratification and the potential vorticity at fronts, particularly in the early winter. Up to 30% of the mixed layer volume in winter has negative potential vorticity and symmetric instability is predicted inside mesoscale eddies as well as in the frontal regions outside of the vortices

    Direct binding of phosphatidylglycerol at specific sites modulates desensitization of a ligand-gated ion channel

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    Pentameric ligand-gated ion channels (pLGICs) are essential determinants of synaptic transmission, and are modulated by specific lipids including anionic phospholipids. The exact modulatory effect of anionic phospholipids in pLGICs and the mechanism of this effect are not well understood. Using native mass spectrometry, coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations and functional assays, we show that the anionic phospholipid, 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl phosphatidylglycerol (POPG), preferentially binds to and stabilizes the pLGIC, Erwinia ligand-gated ion channel (ELIC), and decreases ELIC desensitization. Mutations of five arginines located in the interfacial regions of the transmembrane domain (TMD) reduce POPG binding, and a subset of these mutations increase ELIC desensitization. In contrast, a mutation that decreases ELIC desensitization, increases POPG binding. The results support a mechanism by which POPG stabilizes the open state of ELIC relative to the desensitized state by direct binding at specific sites

    An annual cycle of submesoscale vertical flow and restratification in the upper ocean

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    Numerical simulations suggest that submesoscale turbulence may transform lateral buoyancy gradients into vertical stratification, and thus restratify the upper ocean via vertical flow. However, the observational evidence for this restratifying process has been lacking due to the difficulty in measuring such ephemeral phenomena, particularly over periods of months to years. This study presents an annual cycle of the vertical velocity and associated restratification estimated from two nested clusters of meso- and submesoscale-resolving moorings, deployed in a typical mid-ocean area of the Northeast Atlantic. Vertical velocities inferred using the non-diffusive density equation are substantially stronger at submesoscales (horizontal scales of 1-10 km) than at mesoscales (horizontal scales of 10-100 km), with respective root mean square values of 38.0 ± 6.9 m/day and 22.5 ± 3.3 m/day. The largest submesoscale vertical velocities and rates of restratification occur in events of a few days’ duration in winter and spring, and extend down to at least 200 m below the mixed layer base. These events commonly coincide with the enhancement of submesoscale lateral buoyancy gradients, which is itself associated with persistent mesoscale frontogenesis. This suggests that mesoscale frontogenesis is a regular precursor of the submesoscale turbulence that restratifies the upper ocean. The upper-ocean restratification induced by submesoscale motions integrated over the annual cycle is comparable in magnitude to the net destratification driven by local atmospheric cooling, indicating that submesoscale flows play a significant role in determining the climatological upper-ocean stratification in the study area

    Submesoscale Instabilities in Mesoscale Eddies

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    Submesoscale processes have been extensively studied in observations and simulations of fronts. Recent idealized simulations show that submesoscale instabilities also occur in baroclinic mesoscale cyclones and anticyclones. The instabilities in the anticyclone grow faster and at coarser grid resolution than in the cyclone. The instabilities lead to larger restratification in the anticyclone than in the cyclone. The instabilities also lead to changes in the mean azimuthal jet around the anticyclone from 2-km resolution, but a similar effect only occurs in the cyclone at 0.25-km resolution. A numerical passive tracer experiment shows that submesoscale instabilities lead to deeper subduction in the interior of anticyclonic than cyclonic eddies because of outcropping isopycnals extending deeper into the thermocline in anticyclones. An energetic analysis suggests that both vertical shear production and vertical buoyancy fluxes are important in anticyclones but primarily vertical buoyancy fluxes occur in cyclones at these resolutions. The energy sources and sinks vary azimuthally around the eddies caused by the asymmetric effects of the Ekman buoyancy flux. Glider transects of a mesoscale anticyclone in the Tasman Sea show that water with low stratification and high oxygen concentrations is found in an anticyclone, in a manner that may be consistent with the model predictions for submesoscale subduction in mesoscale eddies

    Living donor liver transplant from an HIV-positive mother to her HIV-negative child : opening up new therapeutic options

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    OBJECTIVE : Transplant a liver from an HIV-positive mother to her HIV-negative child to save the child’s life. DESIGN : A unique case of living donor liver transplantation from an HIV-positive mother to her HIV-negative child in South Africa. Two aspects of this case are ground-breaking. First, it involves living donation by someone who is HIVpositive and second it involves controlled transplant of an organ from an HIV-positive donor into an HIV-negative recipient, with the potential to prevent infection in the recipient. METHODS : Standard surgical procedure for living donor liver transplantation at our centre was followed. HIV-prophylaxis was administered preoperatively. Extensive, ultrasensitive HIV testing, over and above standard diagnostic assays, was undertaken to investigate recipient serostatus and is ongoing. RESULTS : Both mother and child are well, over 1 year posttransplantation. HIV seroconversion in our recipient was detected with serological testing at day 43 posttransplant. However, a decline in HIV antibody titres approaching undetectable levels is now being observed. No plasma, or cell-associated HIV-1 DNA has been detected in the recipient at any time-point since transplant. CONCLUSION : This case potentially opens up a new living liver donor pool which might have clinical relevance in countries where there is a high burden of HIV and a limited number of deceased donor organs or limited access to transplantation. However, our recipient’s HIV status is equivocal at present and additional investigation regarding seroconversion events in this unique profile is ongoing.The South African Research Chairs Initiative of the Department of Science and Technology and National Research Foundation of South Africa.http://journals.lww.com/aidsonlineam2019Medical Virolog