22 research outputs found

    Alelopatska aktivnost autohtonih i invazivnih vrsta biljaka plavnih staništa Velike Morave

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    The allelopathic activity of the selected native (Salix alba L., Populus alba L., Populus nigra L.) and invasive (Acer negundo L., Amorha fruticosa L., Celtis occidentalis L., Robinia pseudoacacia L.) species were studied through the inhibition of seed germination and seedling growth of indicator species Lactuca sativa L. Sandwich allelopathic bioassay was used - allelopathic biotest with agar substrate. The results of allelopathic biotests show that the allelopathic potential of donor species decreases in the following order: A. fruticosa > C. occidentalis > R. pseudoacacia > S. alba > A. negundo > P. alba > P. nigra. Invasive species show greater allelopathic activity than natives, which can be a contribution to the „novel weapon hypothesis“ of invasive species.Alelopatska aktivnost izabranih autohtonih (Salix alba L., Populus alba L., Populus nigra L.) i invazivnih (Acer negundo L., Amorha fruticosa L., Celtis occidentalis L., Robinia pseudoacacia L.) vrsta plavnih staništa Velike Morave ispitana je kroz inhibiciju klijanja i rasta klijanaca indikatorske vrste Lactuca sativa L. U radu je korišćena sendvič metoda – alelopatski biotest sa agaroznom podlogom. Rezultati alelopatskih biotestova pokazuju da alelopatski potencijal donorskih vrsta opada po sledećem redu: A. fruticosa > C. occidentalis > R. pseudoacacia > S. alba > A. negundo > P. alba > P. nigra. Invazivne vrste pokazuju veću alelopatsku aktivnost u odnosu na autohtnone, što može biti doprinos hipotezi o alelopatiji kao „novom oružju“ invazivnih vrsta


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    In the plant communities on stubble, 25 taxons were determined, classified into 22 genera and 13 families. Of the 7 most pre-stated families, five are present in this micro-company where asteraceae have 6 taxons (27.27%), Lamiaceae five species (20%) and Poaceae three representatives (12%). As feed can be used: Galinsoga parviflora Cav., Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) Beauv., Elymus repens (L.) Gould., Amaranthus retroflexus L., Chenopodium album L. and Leontodon hispidus L. Potentially toxic to domestic animals are: Colchicum autumnale L., Equisetum arvense L., Equisetum telmateia Ehrh., Ranunculus bulbosus L., Sonhus arvensis L.Publishe

    Uticaj soli natrijuma na klijanje semena i razvoj klijanca ječma (Hordeum Vulgare L.), jare sorte Jadran

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    Study examines the effect of different soil concentrations of NaCl, NaHCO3 Na2CO3 and Na2SO4 on germination of H. vulgare L. (spring cultivar Jadran). The results indicate that germination and growth of germs in stress conditions caused by the sodium salt depend on type of salt and it’s concentration. In terms of toxicity manifested on seed germination, on length of radicle and length of hypocotyls of germinated seeds, we can line up all salt in a series of NaCl < Na2SO4 < NaHCO3 < Na2CO3.U radu je ispitivan toksični efekat koji imaju različite koncentracije rastvora soli NaCl, NaHCO3 Na2SO4 i Na2CO3 na klijanje semena H. vulgare L. (jara sorta Jadran). Rezultati su pokazali da klijanje i porast klice u uslovima stresa izazvanog solima natrijuma zavise od vrste soli i koncentracije. U pogledu toksičnosti ispoljene na klijavost semena, na dužinu korenka i dužinu hipokotila klijalih semena, sve soli možemo da poređamo u niz NaCl< Na2SO4 < NaHCO3 < Na2CO

    Sadržaj metala u zemljištu i odabranim biljkama na jednom serpentinitskom lokalitetu (Srbija)

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    The aim of this study was to determine the concentrations of 11 metals in the soil and selected plant species in one serpentinite sites in the foothills of the mountain Goc. The concentrations of Ni and Cr in the investigated soil were above the maximum allowable concentration of substances in the soil, also above limit and remediation values for a given metals in the soil, and also the concentration of Cd and Co were above limit values for a given metals in the soil according to regulation of Republic of Serbia. Biological absorption coefficient higher than one for Ni the species A. markgrafii, and for Zn species E. glabriflora showed. It was found the species A. markgrafii is hyperaccumulator of Ni.Cilj ovog rada bio je da se odrede koncentracije 11 metala u zemljištu i odabranim vrstama biljaka na jednom serpentinitskom lokalitetu u podnožju planine Goč. Koncentracije Ni i Cr u istraživanom zemljištu prelazile su propisane maksimalno dozvoljene koncentracije, granične vrednosti kao i remedijacione vrednosti ovih metala u zemljištu saglasno uredbi i pravilniku Republike Srbije. Takođe, prema pomenutoj uredbi koncentracije Co i Cd su bile iznad graničnih vrednosti za date metale u zemljištu. Biološki apsorpcioni koeficijent veći od jedan za Ni pokazala je vrsta A. markgrafii, a za Zn vrsta E. glabriflora. Pokazano je da vrsta A. markgrafii ima sposobnost hiperakumulacije Ni

    Fitotoksični efekti soli natrijuma na klijavost i porast klice tritikalea

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    The limiting factor for increasing agricultural production for numerous crops is land salinity. The aim of the study was to determine stress effect of sodium salt (NaCl, NaHCO3, Na2SO3 i Na2CO3) on germination and growth triticale varieties – Vojvoda and Smaragd variety, in order to determine degree of tolerance of these varieties on the examined salts. Based on the toxic effect on percentage of germination, germination energy, root length and hypocotyl of the triticale Vojvoda variety and Smaragd variety, the most toxic effect has Na2CO3 and the weakest toxic effect has NaCl. The Smaragd variety is more susceptible to the presence of sodium salts in relation to theVojvoda variety.Limitirajući faktor za povećanje poljoprivredne proizvodnje za brojne biljne vrste je salinitet zemljišta, odnosno povećana koncentracija lako rastvorljivih soli u zemljištu, naročito natrijumovih. Cilj proučavanja bio je da se utvrdi efekat stresa soli natrijuma (NaCl, NaHCO3, Na2SO3 i Na2CO3) na klijanje i rast klijanaca tritikalea sorte Vojvoda i Smaragd, kako bi se odredio stepen tolerantnosti ovih sorti na ispitivane soli. Rezultati pokazuju obrnutu korelaciju između korišćenih koncentracija soli i procenta klijavosti i rasta korenka i hipokotila. Na osnovu toksičnog efekta na procenat klijavosti, energiju klijavosti, dužinu korenka i hipokotila semena triikalea sorte Vojvoda i sorte Smaragd najjači toksični efekat ima Na2CO3 a najslabiji NaCl. Sorta Smaragd osetljivija je na prisustvo soli natrijuma u odnosu na sortu Vojvoda

    Efekat teških metala (Cd, Fe, Ni, Zn) na klijanje semena robinia pseudoacacia l.

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    In our study we researched the inhibitory effect of different concentrations of heavy metals (Cd, Fe, Ni, Zn) on germination and growth on Robinia pseudoacacia L. radicle. The results showed that the percentage of seed germination and growth of radicle is inversely correlated with the concentration of the investigated metals. The strongest inhibitory effect has cadmium and the weakest effect has nickle. Robinia pseudoakacia L. is tolerant, to some degree on the concentration of heavy metals of 1 mol /m3, 0.1 mol /m3 and 0.01 mol /m3.Matični supstrat je prirodni izvor teških metala u zemljištu. Ubrzanim tehnološkim razvojem antropogeni izvori teških metala su postali značajni zagađivači zemljišta. Robinia pseudoacacia L., invazivna vrsta flore Srbije, tolerantna je vrsta prema brojnim ekološkim faktorima što joj omogućava da sve više širi svoj areal. Prvi uslov prirodnog širenja populacija bagrema na različitim zemljištima je mogućnost klijanja semena. U radu smo ispitali sposobnost klijanja semena i rast korenka R. pseudoacacia L. u uslovima stresa izazvanim različitim koncentracijama teških metala Cd, Ni, Fe, Zn. Rezultati su pokazali da semena imaju izvesnu stopu tolerantnosti na ispitivane metale u koncentracijama 1mol/m3, 0,1mol/m3 i 0,01mol/m3 svih ispitivanih metala

    Parametri rodnosti različitih sorti jarog ječma (Hordeum vulgare L)

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    This paper presents the results of Kragujevac spring barley varieties (Jadran and Dunavac). The experiment was conducted at the experimental field of the Center for Small Grains, Kragujevac during two growing seasons. Investigated the grain yield (t ha-1), 1000 grain weight (g) and test weight (kg hl-1). By examining the physical properties of grain, variety Jadran is made slightly larger two-year average grain yield (3.127 t ha-1). The average value for 1000 kernel weight and test weight in both years was slightly higher in the variety Dunavac.U radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja kragujevačkih jarih sorti ječma (Jadran i Dunavac). Ogled je postavljen na oglednom polju Centra za strna žita, Kragujevac tokom dve vegetacijske sezone. Istraživan je prinos zrna, masa 1000 zrna i hektolitarska masa. Prosečan prinos zrna u posmatranom dvogodišnjem periodu kretao se u intervalu od 2,674 t ha-1 do 3,127 t ha-1, dok se vrednost za masu 1000 zrna kretala u intervalu od 44,16 g do 44,48 g. Sorta Jadran je ostvarila nešto veći dvogodišnji prosečan prinos zrna (3,127 t ha-1). Prosečna vrednost za masu 1000 zrna i hektolitarsku masu u obe godine istraživanja bila je nešto veća kod sorte Dunavac

    Varijabilnost prinosa različitih sorti ozimog ječma

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    This paper presents the results of winter barley cultivars (Rekord, Grand, NS 565 and Nonijus). Varieties were grown in the experimental field of Agro-chemical school "Dr. Djordje Radic"-Kraljevo during two growing seasons. By examining the physical properties of grain, Nonijus was achieved the highest average yield in both growing seasons (4.140 t ha-1, 5.706 t ha-1). The significant difference in the significance between the impact of the year on grain quality in the examined barley varieties was significant for grain yield. The established differences in significance from the point of view of the genotype to the average values of grain yield were statistically not significant.U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja ozimih sorti ječma (Rekord, Grand, NS 565 i Nonijus). Sorte su gajene na oglednom polju Poljoprivredno-hemijske škole „Dr Đorđe Radić“-Kraljevo, tokom dve vegetacione sezone. Ispitivanjem fizičkih osobina zrna, sorta Nonijus je ostvarila najveći prosečan prinos zrna u obe vegetacijske sezone (4,140 t ha-1; 5,706 t ha-1). Utvrđena razlika značajnosti između uticaja godine na kvalitet zrna kod ispitivanih sorti ječma, bila je značajna za prinos zrna. Ustanovljene razlike značajnosti sa stanovišta uticaja genotipa na prosečne vrednosti prinosa zrna statistički nisu bile signifikantne

    Uticaj godine na prinos i kvalitet zrna ozimih sorti pšenice

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    The small-scale trials over two years (2009/10th and 2010/11th), examined the six varieties of winter wheat (Vizija, Takovčanka, Kg 56 S, Kruna, Aleksandra and Planeta). Studied grain yield (t ha-1), weight of 1000 grains (g) and test weight (kg hl-1). Estimates were statistically significant differences for grain yield between varieties and years. Cultivars Vizija, Kg 56 S, Takovčanka and the Kruna have conducted surveys have shown a high degree of adaptability conditions of production of wheat and had a satisfactory yield in the examined vegetation seasons.U mikroogledima tokom dve godine (2009/10.-2010/11.), ispitivano je šest sorti ozime pšenice (Vizija, Takovčanka, Kg 56 S, Kruna, Aleksandra i Planeta). Istraživan je prinos zrna (t ha-1), masa 1000 zrna (gr) i hektolitarska masa (kg hl-1). Procenjene su statistički signifikantne razlike za prinos zrna između sorti i godina. Sorte Vizija, Kg 56 S, Takovčanka i Kruna su u sprovedenim ispitivanjima pokazale visok stepen adaptabilnosti uslovima proizvodnje pšenice i imale su zadovoljavajući prinos u ispitivanim godinama

    Uticaj sezone i genotipa na prinos i kvalitet zrna kod ozimih sorti pšenice

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    The small-scale trials over two years (2011/12th and 2012/13th), examined the six varieties of winter wheat (Vizija, Takovčanka, Planeta, Kruna and Perfekta). Studied grain yield (t ha-1), weight of 1000 grains (g) and test weight (kg hl-1). Estimates were statistically significant differences for grain yield between varieties and years. Cultivars Vizija, Takovčanka and the Planeta have conducted surveys have shown a high degree of adaptability conditions of production of wheat and had a satisfactory yield in the examined vegetation seasons.U mikroogledima tokom dve godine (2011/12.-2012/13.), ispitivano je šest sorti ozime pšenice (Vizija, Takovčanka, Planeta, Kruna i Perfekta). Istraživan je prinos zrna (t ha-1), masa 1000 zrna (gr) i hektolitarska masa (kg hl-1). Procenjene su statistički signifikantne razlike za prinos zrna između sorti i godina. Sorte Vizija, Takovčanka i Planeta su u sprovedenim ispitivanjima pokazale visok stepen adaptabilnosti uslovima proizvodnje pšenice i imale su zadovoljavajući prinos u ispitivanim godinama