6 research outputs found

    Multi-criteria Optimization in Space Management

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    Rad predstavlja osnovne elemente uporabe višekriterijalne optimizacije (VKO) u prostornom planiranju. Kao i u svim drugim procesima u kojima je jedna sastavnica i donošenje odluka, te u kojima se pojavljuju konfliktni interesi ili ciljevi, pomoć za donošenje najbolje odluke je dobrodošla i u prostornom planiranju. Prikazana je uloga višekriterijalne optimizacije u upravljanju prostorom, njezini osnovni pojmovi, kao i izvori neizvjesnosti i mogućih grešaka modeliranja sustava.This paper presents the basic elements in the use of multi-criteria optimization (MCO) in physical planning. As in any other process in which decision-making is its consitutent element and in which conflicting interests or objectives appear, an assistance in achieving an optimal solution in physical planning is certainly welcome. The paper also presents the role of MCO in space management, the basic terms in MCO as well as the sources of uncertainty and possible mistakes in systems modeling


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    Regulatorni okvir za usluge vodoopskrbe u raznim zemljama Balkana ne osigurava potrebnu razinu samoodrživosti pružanja ovih usluga, pa države traže potrebna poboljšanja. Uprave pružatelja usluga vodoopskrbe obično ukazuju na to da je visina cijene ključna za njihovo poslovanje, uz navođenje kao važne i razine neprihodovane vode, broja i stručnosti zaposlenih, eventualno i naplate potraživanja. Štoviše, i visoke razine neprihodovane vode se često pravdaju postojećom niskom cijenom, za koju se tvrdi da ne može pokriti sve troškove, pa je prva aktivnost koja obično ostaje bez financijskih sredstava redovna obnova i rekonstrukcija mreže, što uzrokuje rast curenja u mreži iz godinu u godinu. Budući da se svako potrebno pokrivanje troškova može osigurati dovoljnim porastom cijene i odgovarajućim stupnjem naplate, uprave vodoopskrbnih poduzeća često ističu da zakonodavstvo EU poziva na "pokrivanje troškova" kao jedno od ključnih načela za određivanje vodnih tarifa. Štoviše, formulacija se često proširuje na "pokrivanje svih troškova", naglašavajući tako da nisu samo operativni troškovi oni koje treba pokriti. No istodobno se vrlo ograničeno ukazuje na ostala ključna načela koja bi zadržala cijenu vode opravdanom i priuštivom. U radu se raspravlja o nekoliko dodatnih načela koje treba poštovati, kao i njihovu vidljivost u pravnom okruženju odabranih zemalja zapadnog Balkana.Regulatory framework for water supply services in different Balkan countries does not provide the necessary level of self-sustainability of these services, and they are searching for the needed improvements. Management of water supply service providers usually point out the tariff rates as critical to their operations, together with the level of non-revenue water, staff number and expertise and eventually collection of receivables. Even more, high non-revenue water is often justified with existing low tariff, claiming that it cannot cover all costs and the first activity that is usually left without financial resources is regular renewal and reconstruction of the network, causing real network losses grow year after year. Since any needed costs recovery can be assured with sufficient rise of price and adequate collection rate, water supply managers often underline that the EU legislation requests for "cost recovery" as one of the key principles of tariff setting. Even more, wording is often extended to "full cost recovery", thus stressing that it is not only operational costs to be recovered. But at the same time limited observations are made to other key principles that would keep the tariff justified and affordable. The paper discusses several additional principles to be observed, as well as their visibility within the legal environment of the selected Western Balkan countries


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    The REBUS project emerged in countries where the younger generations are reluctant to engage in private business and entrepreneurship, preferring "safe" employment at the public (state owned) enterprises. Their awareness of own entrepreneurship potentials is very low, while the capacity of talented and skilled students often stays unutilized once being employed. Thus the REBUS project supports embedding entrepreneurship to the South East Europe and Russian universities, at the same time creating network for cooperation between EU and partner countries. One of the first activities was identification, analysis and description of common practices in entrepreneurship education. For this purpose, a comprehensive desk research was combined with expert interviews to inquire about approaches of learning and teaching, connections to lessons, courses and extracurricular activities and approaches to validate entrepreneurial competences. The stocktaking related to the knowledge and differentiation on entrepreneurial competences, leading questions of the surveys related to gaps between formalised (HE) and informal (personal oriented, e.g. in internships) learning and assessment, potentials for enhancements of acquisition of those competences, validation of entrepreneurial competences and selection of key sub-competences. This paper presents results of research and needs analysis (stocktaking) and project objectives and first results

    Use of Multi-criteria Decision Aid Methods for Selection of the Best Alternative for the Highway Tunnel Doors

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    AbstractThe paper describes the application of the multicriteria optimization in selecting the best alternative when choosing a tunnel security door. The paper presents an overview of the requirements of internationally recognized and other important standards and recommendations aimed at increasing the level of safety in tunnels, as well as an example of the multicriteria analysis for the selection of doors. The applied alternatives multicriteria ranking methods are VIKOR, PVIKOR and PROMETHEE, whose results are compared in order to propose and adopt a final solution. Paper also assesses the possibilities and profitability of production of such doors in BiH. The application of these methods shows that multicriteria optimization can significantly facilitate and accelerate the decision-making process