55 research outputs found

    Documenting the spatial and temporal expansion of grouper species in the eastern Adriatic Sea (Croatia) through local ecological knowledge of recreational fishermen

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    Groupers are important predatory marine fish species, and also economically important to commercial and recreational fisheries, but threatened by overfishing worldwide. The dusky grouper (Epinephelus marginatus) is the most common species that historically occurred in the Southern and central Eastern Adriatic, while other species were mostly restricted to the southern part of the region or were not recorded in the Adriatic Sea. However, the warming of the sea caused by recent climate change has caused some grouper species in the Eastern Adriatic to expand northward. This spread has been poorly documented, largely because rocky coastal habitats, which are less accessible to conventional research methods that often rely on specific fishing gears, have received far less attention than other more accessible habitats i.e. soft bottoms. Reports of recent grouper expansion are primarily anecdotal and mainly based on the extensive observations of recreational fishermen who mainly utilize rocky coastal habitats. In order to gain insight into this phenomenon, we conducted a survey to investigate the distribution of groupers along the Croatian coast of the eastern Adriatic using the Local Ecological Knowledge methodology. Semi-structured interviews were carried out to record fishersā€™ knowledge and perceptions of changes in their catches, as well as personal observations. The data collected provided information on the spatial and temporal expansion of groupers in the eastern Adriatic over the last 60 years, as perceived by local recreational fishermen

    Trigonometrijski nivelman

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    Trigonometrijski nivelman

    O nalazu morskog psa tupana Carcharhinus plumbeus Nardo, 1827 (Carcharhiniformes: Carcharhinidae) u srednjem Jadranu

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    This paper deals with a new record of a neonatal specimen of Carcharhinus plumbeus Nardo, 1827 which was collected in the middle Adriatic. This specimen probably originates from the nursery area which is located in the northern Adriatic. Evaluating the status of such a sensitive species, especially in nursery areas, represents an essential basis for their successful protection.U radu se opisuje nalaz mladunca morskog psa tupana, Carcharhinus plumbeus Nardo, 1827, ulovljenog u srednjem Jadranu. Primjerak vjerojatno potječe iz područja Sjevernog Jadrana koje je ujedno i rastiliŔte ove vrste. Poznavanje statusa osjetljivih vrsta, poglavito u područjima koja su od važnosti za rane životne stadije, predstavlja temelj za njihovu uspjeŔnu zaŔtitu

    Novi nalaz nezavičajne vrste lakonogog raka Percnon gibbesi (H. Milne Edwards, 1853) na području palagruŔkog otočja (Jadransko more)

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    Several individuals of non-indigenous grapsid crab Percnon gibbesi (H. Milne Edwards, 1853) have been observed and photographed in the area of Palagruža archipelago (Adriatic Sea, Croatia). This is additional confirmed record of this species in the Adriatic Sea. It suggests subsequent range expansion of this species and provides further evidence of its establishment in Adriatic waters.Nekoliko jedinki nezavičajne vrste lakonogog raka, Percnon gibbesi (H. Milne Edwards, 1853) zabilježeno je i fotografirano na području palagruÅ”kog otočja.Ovdje se radi o novim potvrđenim nalazima za Jadransko more koji ukazuju na postupno Å”irenje prema sjeveru te ujedno pružaju dokaz o uspostavi populacije ove vrste u Jadranu

    Prvi nalaz vrste Echinolittorina punctata (Gmelin, 1791) (Gastropoda) u Jadranskom moru

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    The presence of Echinolittorina punctata (Gmelin, 1791) in the Adriatic Sea has been confirmed for the first time. In total, six specimens of this species were found near the city of Split. This species is considered as a tropicalization indicator in the Mediterranean Sea. The status of this species in the Adriatic Sea should be evaluated through future research.Prisustvo vrste Echinolittorina punctata (Gmelin, 1791) po prvi puta je potvrđeno u Jadranskom moru. Ukupno 6 primjeraka ove vrste pronađeno je na lokaciji u blizini Splita. Pronađena vrsta smatra se indikatorom tropikalizacije u Sredozemnom moru. Stanje populacije ove vrste u Jadranu trebalo bi utvrditi budućim istraživanjima

    O recentnim nalazima morskog psa kučka, Isurus oxyrinchus (Rafinesque, 1810) u Jadranskom moru

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    Eight individuals of the shortfin mako shark, Isurus oxyrinchus (Rafinesque, 1810) have been recorded in the period from 2014 to 2017 in the Adriatic Sea. The specimens presented in the paper were identified on the basis of photographic evidence. Occurrences of juvenile specimens suggests that Adriatic Sea could serve as a nursery area for this species, especially its eastern part. A review of the previously documented occurrences of this species in the Adriatic Sea is given in this article.Osam primjeraka morskog psa kučka, Isurus oxyrinchus (Rafinesque, 1810) ulovljeno je u razdoblju od 2014. do 2017. u Jadranskom moru. Primjerci prikazani u ovom radu determinirani su na osnovi fotografskog materijala. Prisutnost nedoraslih i novookoćenih primjeraka ukazuje na važnost istočne obale Jadranskog mora kao područja rastiliÅ”ta ove vrste. U radu je dat i pregled ranijih nalaza ove vrste u Jadranskom moru


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    Poduzete mjere ekonomske politike u analiziranom trinaestgodiÅ”njem razdoblju 2001.-2013., nisu bile dovoljno učinkovite glede unapređenja ekonomskoga položaja hrvatskoga hotelijerstva. Mjere ekonomske politike bile su odraz nedorečene politike razvoja turizma pa samim time i hotelijerstva. Usporedba ekonomskoga položaja hrvatskoga hotelijerstva s hotelijerstvom izabranih zemalja (Å panjolska, Francuska, Italija, Mađarska, Grčka i Turska) ukazuje na loÅ”iji ekonomski položaj hrvatskoga, Å”to je dobrim djelom i odraz (ne)poduzetih mjera ekonomske politike. Rad je dokazao da odabrane sastavnice ekonomske politike (PDV, tečaj i kamatna stopa) bitno predodređuju ekonomski položaj hrvatskog hotelijerstva na način da ograničavaju uspjeÅ”nost poslovanja te ga čine manje konkurentnim u odnosu na neposredno okruženje. Model međuovisnosti ključnih sastavnica ekonomske politike i ekonomskoga položaja hotelijerstva pokazuje da promjene odabranih sastavnica mogu rezultirati pozitivnim bruto rezultatom hotelijerstva. U aplikativnom smislu model može poslužiti kao dobra polazna točka u defi niranju novih mjera ekonomske politike kako za hrvatsko hotelijerstvo tako i za one djelatnosti koje su s njim povezane po izvoznom potencijalu (poljoprivreda, brodogradnja, prerađivačka industrija). Unatoč pozitivnim učincima primjene proaktivnih mjera važno je prepoznati i stanovita ograničenja koja se vežu uz stanje proračuna, zaduženosti i rizik zemlje.Undertaken measures of economic policy, in the analysed thirteen year period from 2001 to 2013, were not effective in terms of improving the economic position of Croatian hotel industry. Economic policy measures were a refl ection of incomplete tourism development policy and thus the hotel industry itself. Economic position comparison of Croatian hotel industry and that of selected countries (Spain, France, Italy, Hungary, Greece and Turkey) indicates a worse economic position of Croatian hotel industry which is in great part a refl ection of (not)taken economic policy measures. This paper has proved that the selected components of economic policy (VAT, exchange rate and interest rate) essentially predetermine the economic position of the Croatian hotel industry in the way that they limit the business performance and make it less competitive in relation to its immediate competition. Interdependence model of key components of economic policy and economic position of hotel industry show that changes of selected components can result in a positive gross result. In terms of applicability, model can serve as a good starting point in defi ning the new economic policy measures for Croatian hospitality but also for related, export potential, activities (agriculture, shipbuilding industry, manufacturing, agriculture). Despite the expected positive effects of proactive measures it is important to recognize certain limitations associated with the state budget, debt and country risk


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    Sve promjene u morskim ekosustavima imaju određeni učinak na korisnike morskih bioresursa, prije svega na morsko ribarstvo. Utjecaj klimatskih promjena na sektor morskoga ribarstva je složen, a učinci mogu biti i pozitivni i negativni u gospodarskom smislu. Promjene obuhvaćaju cijeli morski okoliÅ”, od promjena u migracijskom obrascu riba u otvorenom moru, potencijalne promjene u sezoni rasta i vremena potrebnog za uzgoja riba, te potencijalni porast broja invazivnih vrsta. Ovo je dovelo do povećanog broja ulova određenih novih vrsta riba, ali i ugrozilo ulov i proizvodnju drugih. U proteklih trideset godina u Jadranskom moru zabilježene su brojne nove vrste riba. U ovom radu se iznose svi trenutni i potencijalni socio-ekonomski utjecaji nekih novih vrsta u jadranskoj ihtiofauni na hrvatsko morsko ribarstvo.Any change in marine ecosystems has effect on users of marine bioresources, primarily in marine fisheries. The impact of climate change on the marine fisheries sector is complex and the effects can be both positive and negative in economic terms. Changes include the entire marine environment, the change in the migration patterns of fish in open waters, potential changes in the growing season and the time required for fish farming, as well as a potential increase in the number of invasive species. This has led to an increased number of new fish species caught, but also to the endangerment of fish and other produce. Numerous new species of fish have been recorded in the Adriatic Sea in the past thirty years. This paper presents the actual and potential socio-economic impacts of some new species in the Croatian Adriatic ichthyofauna on Croatian marine fisheries
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