2,657 research outputs found

    Analysis of Writing Practices: Business Writing in a Scientific World

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    Pom Beanies are the Best

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    Do Multisat Constellations Make it Easy for the Bad Guy?

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    With the United States moving toward fielding massive multi-satellite constellation architectures of small satellites for national security missions (to include dual-use commercial services), a radical change in the strategic calculus associated with space defense and space superiority is forthcoming. While many aspects of natural defenses of massive multi-satellite constellation architectures have been presented by U.S. government advocates such as the Space Development Agency, acquisition executives and strategic thinkers must consider additional factors for potential vulnerabilities and some potentially non-intuitive strategic impacts. Here, we specifically focus on the space situational awareness needs of potential attackers when considering conterspace actions against the MMSCs, and potential debris propagation resulting from a successful attack

    A Description of Variation in Fecundity Between Two Populations of Wolf Spider Rabidosa rabida in Searcy Arkansas Using Brood Size Measurements

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    Fecundity, a very important population variable, can be estimated by measuring the number of juveniles hatching out of individual egg sacs. Rabidosa rabida is a large wolf spider that is common in Arkansas and much of the eastern portion of North America. This study attempts to expand previous estimates of variation in fecundity made for this species by Reed and Nicholas in Mississippi. We hypothesized that a significant variation would be found in fecundity estimates between two populations in Arkansas. We also hypothesized that this variation would be similar to the variation reported in Mississippi. Two populations of R. rabida were collected in late August and early September. The egg sacs were allowed to hatch while both the mothers and juveniles were placed in alcohol, with the exception of twenty from each mother which were photographically measured. A comparison was made between the two populations and between variation measured by Reed and Nicholas. We found significant variation between brood size of the two populations in Arkansas similar in magnitude to what was found in Mississippi. We did not find any significant difference in size of juveniles between the two locations similar to what was found in Mississippi. Observing patterns in these traits provide a starting point for comparison to future measurements which may aid in quantifying differences in populations caused by climate change. This has been a frequent challenge in recent ecological and conservation studies of invertebrates

    Le tutorat par les pairs : un complément efficace pour l'apprentissage virtuel de l'anatomie

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    Implication statement With recent shifts in medical education to the virtual setting during the COVID-19 pandemic, previous methods of teaching anatomy have been challenged. As such, we created the Medical Students’ Society Anatomy Club (MAC), a student-led near-peer tutoring initiative providing virtual anatomy learning opportunities through interactive large and small group sessions using cadaveric prosection images and models. Sessions had high attendance rates and satisfaction among students. This pilot project demonstrated that near-peer teaching in a virtual learning environment can be an effective adjunct to traditional medical anatomy curricula.Énoncé des implications de la recherche Avec la récente transition vers l’enseignement virtuel pendant la pandémie de COVID-19, les méthodes traditionnelles d’enseigner l’anatomie devront être mises en question. À ce titre, nous avons créé le Medical Students’ Society Anatomy Club (MAC), une initiative de tutorat par les pairs qui fournit des ressources d’apprentissage via des séances virtuelles interactives, en petits et en grands groupes, utilisant des images de dissections cadavériques et des modèles. Les séances ont démontré des taux de participation et de satisfaction élevés parmi les étudiants. Ce projet pilote montre que l’enseignement par les pairs dans un cadre virtuel peut être un complément très efficace aux programmes d’anatomie médicale traditionnels
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